Why are browser requests not going through my proxy server? - http

I tried writing a simple proxy in node.js today with a basic HTTP server, I realized in Firefox when I reload the proxy, I can see a request. However, when I load any page, it doesn't seem to be going through my proxy. I can curl the server, and it works fine. But why is the browser not using my proxy?
The code just looks like:
var http = require('http');
var listener = function(request, response) {
var server = http.createServer(listener);
server.listen(8000, undefined, function() {
console.log('Server has started on 8000');
I'm just looking for something that changes the header of the request, though a reverse proxy would also be cool.
Edit: This is how I'm pointing my browser to my proxy. In Firefox, preferences -> advanced -> Network -> Settings
I tried to setting the HTTP Proxy under "Manual proxy configuration" to - that seems to do something, cuz all my pages fail to load, but I don't see any activity on my proxy server.
I also tried to just put under "Automatic proxy configuration URL" which sends a request when I just configure it, but nothing is proxied afterwards. I'm wonder what kind of response the "automatic" configuration is looking for...

The code you have written isn't a proxy server? It's just an HTTPd responder, which is why your curl script 'works' but firefox doesn't
Taking an example already online, http://catonmat.net/http-proxy-in-nodejs, you will see that as well as setting up the HTTPd in node, you have the dispatch HTTP calls to the server being proxied and drain that output back into the response to your browser.

In firefox, you want to set Manual Proxy configuration -> Http Proxy: and your Port 8000
Check "Use this proxy server for all protocols"
That works for me :)
Maybe you have another server running on 8000 ?

To use Charles to capture traffic to localhost you need to use http://localhost./ (yes, with a dot on the end).
See the documentation here:


asp.net header forwarding not working for external Identity provider

I use asp.net Identity with AzureAD as an external Identity provider in my Balzor server side app. In development environment (localhost) logging in works fine. When I deploy the app to an on premise server in a docker image behind Nginx, it does not. Microsoft sends the error message AADSTS50011: The reply URL specified in the request does not match the reply URLs configured for the application. I have added the proper reply URL to Azure portal. As far as I can tell, the request uses http, while https should be used, which causes the error.
Since Nginx handles secure transport, the headers need to be forwarded, so I configured Nginx and enabled Header forwarding in Startup.ConfigureServices:
services.Configure<ForwardedHeadersOptions>(options =>
options.ForwardedHeaders = ForwardedHeaders.XForwardedFor | ForwardedHeaders.XForwardedProto;
options.ForwardLimit = 1;
and at the very beginning of Startup.Configure:
// should not be necessary but I tried with and without
When I enable logging, I think I see that the correct header is forwarded from Nginx:
Header: X-Forwarded-For: 123.xxx.xxx.xxx
Header: X-Forwarded-Proto: https
To me it looks like ChallengeResult() in ExternalLogin.Post is not using the forwarded headers and sends http://my.domain.ch/signin-oidc instead of https:// as reply URL, which causes the error.
I ran out of ideas what else I could try, any suggestions please?
After some digging I found the mistake: I did add the wrong proxy IP. Since my asp.net app is hosted on docker, I had to add the IP address of the docker image as proxy, not the IP of the server which hosts nginx and docker. In fact, I added the default network used by docker
options.KnownNetworks.Add(new IPNetwork(IPAddress.Parse(""), 16));

Redirect from localhost to external url

I want to redirect a local port door to a website. So that when I access https://localhost:8080 it actually loads (or redirects) https://www.facebook.com, or something like that.
I'm on a windows machine. I already tried changing the file C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts but it did not work.
I only found solutions of the other way around. Does anyone know how to do this?
Thanks in advance!
You can use a reverse proxy to implement this feature. The data flow would look like:
Browser -> localhost:8080 -> proxy server that listen port 8080 on localhost -> proxy server sends request to example.com -> proxy server receives response from example.com and return to browser -> Browser
This reverse proxy can be programmed manually, or by using HTTP proxy software, such as Charles:

Use JMeter HTTP Proxy to record JSON over HTTP request from not-a-browser client

I have a client program running locally in iPhone emulator and local server written in Java. Client talks to server with JSON over HTTP requests. Now I am trying to record a client session http requests with JMeter to use them as a base to load-test server.
The problem is client requests do not go throw JMeter proxy. Client gets 501 "Method not implemented" (it is not because of https, I am using http). There is nothing in JMeter log about the request, and obviously nothing gets recorded in JMeter and the request doesn't reach the server.
There is well-described steps to setup JMeter proxy to record request from a browser, but my client programm is not a browser. Though JSON over HTTP is widely adopted approach, I could not find anything on the web about recording such requests with JMeter. I understand I need to do on the client the same thing browser does when proxying request and what I've found about it is that I need to set Host header to server's host and port, but that did not work and I cannot see how is it related to 501 error client gets.
If someone can explain what should be done on client or how to configure JMeter to let it know where to proxy client's requests or link any manual explaining that, it would be great help. I've been searching for solution for a few hours already and had no luck. Please help.
You can see my question and the answer I got below:
Use Jmeter proxy to record HTTP calls from iOS simulator
In short:
With this tutorial you can record calls from your Android device:
For make same thing with iPhone, do the following steps:
Mac configuration:
system preferences -> Network -> Advanced.. -> Proxies -> check "Web Proxy (HTTP) ->in "Web Proxy Server" field, type your IP (http://www.wikihow.com/Find-Your-IP-Address-on-a-Mac), and choose available port (I using 8080) ->ok -> Apply
iPhone configuration:
Settings -> WiFi -> choose same wifi you use with your Mac -> press on it again to go to it's details -> scroll down ->In HTTP proxy, choose Manual -> server = your mac IP you found earlier -> port = the port you chosen (maybe 8080)
Now You can start recording all "iPhone network out" using jmeter recording controller

Trying to capture node.js http traffic with a protocol analyser (Charles) but can't get node to use proxy

i'm trying to capture node.js http traffic with a protocol analyser (Charles) but can't get node to use the proxy. Is there some way to get nodes http and https modules to use a proxy?
I'm using OSX by the way
Thanks Chris in my case I was using Charles and Request module. There is a handle proxy option to put your charles port.
So to find your port in the Charles menu Proxy->Proxy Settings->Http Proxy
Use this port number in any request eg:
request.get(url, {
'proxy': 'http://localhost:<charles-proxy-port>'
}, function (error, response, body) {
//did you see me in Charles??
Figured it out. I was following the instructions from How can I use an http proxy with node.js http.Client?
And i thought i needed to use https to access the proxy. But if i use http to access the proxy, and pass eg 'path: 'https://www.google.com/accounts/OAuthGetRequestToken', then it works...

How can i debug HTTP sessions using Fiddler, just like i did with TcpTrace?

Im trying to stop using TcpTrace and start working with Fiddler.
But i just can't setup fiddler to just start listening specified port and redirect all requests to the specified WS with another port.
All i want is just redirect and monitor all traffic from localhost:4747 -> webservice-ip:10000
Is there any solution for my problem ?
Thanks in advance.
Set Fiddler to listen on port 4747, and then edit your CustomRules.js (menu->Rules->Customize Rules). Putting something like this into the OnBeforeRequest method should help:
if (oSession.host=="localhost:4747") {
if you want all traffic passing through Fiddler to go to the external host, you can simply use
(where external is the hostname of the external host)
