code inside dll -

I want to see the code inside an dll. which tool do I need to use. Can I see it using visual studio 2010 ? Someone suggested to use refactor?
Asif Hameed

IL Spy is my current favourite Reflector replacement.
(RIP Reflector)

They were telling you to use Reflector, which was the de facto decompilation utility for years and years. However, it's no longer free-as-in-beer, and Telerik has recently stepped in with JustDecompile, so I suggest you give that a go.

That'd be Reflector.
There are a few alternatives as well, such as Telerik's new JustDecompile. JetBrains is now also bundling a decompiler with ReSharper 6 and promising a free standalone decompiler to be released.

you can use reflector tool for that. There are many such tools available, see the below link for more details.


Can the MVVM Light toolkit be used with Xamarin.Mac?

I've searched for information on this combination but cannot find anything. There are a few discussions of using MVVMCross with Monomac/Xamarin.Mac, but nothing I can find regarding MVVM Light.
it can be used. Just add it via Packages/Nuget to your project and enjoy.
Depending on the nuget in question, you might have to swap to the XM 4.5 target framework to get a working build.
More details can be found here:
Use the .NET Standard 1.0 compliant build, MvvmLightLibsStd10

Is there an IDE for CSS with code validation?

What's a good IDE for CSS that makes validation of the code as you type?
Netbeans also has that and is free. And for what its worth there is also dreamweaver but I have no idea how good it is compared to more "serious" ide's.
I would suggest Aptana or Visual Web Developer Express 2010
Aptana is Eclipse-based, cross-platform, needs no installation, just JRE. Pretty neat, I use it. In CSS it even provides code completion for selectors (based on what you have in HTML). If a line is invalid an error sign appears next to it, hover your cursor and read what's wrong.
Visual Web Developer is harder for me because I spent too few hours CSSing in it. From what I've seen it does a pretty decent job, but I still prefer Aptana.
All of the jetbrains IDE products (with the exception of the free CE edition) include a every good CSS editor.
If you use a Mac for any development then I would advise CSS Edit although I expect that is not the case.

JavaScript minifyer which can be integrated with a build of an ASP.NET application

Inspired by this answer.. Can you guys point me to something similar--something that can be integrated into a build-script or perhaps directly into Visual Studio?
Visual Studio projects use MSBuild, so you can integrate an MSBuild task that uses whatever javascript minifier you'd like.
This has been blogged about pretty extensively so I won't bother trying to come up with the specifics here... but a quick google search yielded some good posts.
The first link from womps post (Nick Berardi's blog post) uses the YUI Compressor for java. So if you don't want to have the extra dependency of java / installing java, then you can do the same thing with a .NET port of the most excellent YUI Compressor project -> YUICompressor for .NET.
Maybe that might help :)
*Disclaimer: I did most of that port.

Classic ASP VBScript offline reference

I don't do a slew of VB in classic ASP, so I'm looking for an offline reference I can use while I'm well...offline. General syntax and ADO goodies are a plus!
Thanks in advance!
The Windows Script 5.6 documentation includes a reference for both VBScript and JScript, amongst other goodies. You can download the offline version from Microsoft's download center.
ADO docs con't come w/ the scripting reference , but I think you can get offline ADO documentation when you download the MDAC 2.8 SDK. Just do a customized install and only pick the documentation.
In addition to localhost/iisHelp (does that have developer docs in it?) you can find all you need even in an old version of the MSDN library for VS if you have one lying around.
The best time for this was 2001 or so. I can't find a lot of reference websites that I depended on for day to day stuff. Most have moved on to .Net. MSDN might be the best reference.

Beginners guide to learn how to use Subversion with Visual Studio [closed]

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What's the best way for me to learn how to use Subversion as a source code control for my Asp.Net Web Projects?
I haven't had much contact with source control before; however I have a very basic understanding of its features, so I'm looking for a way to learn the best practices.
Any tip will be very appreciated.
Once you've setup SVN you'll need to setup your repository structure. A common setup is to have a Branch, Tag, Trunk setup however there are others that may suit your needs.
Once you've setup your server you'll need a client. The most common one is TortoiseSVN. It doesn't integrate with Visual Studio, however it's extremely powerful.
Once you install tortoise, you'll want to setup your exclusion list to make sure you only commit files that are relevant to your project.
Then for a better understanding of how to use source control in general check out Eric Sinks Source Control HOWTO
Pretty easy to use...
It's integrated into the windows shell so basically it works from Windows Explorer.. I'm not sure if its integrated into VisualStudio 2008, but it's so easy to use anyway that I dont think you'd need it.. :)
EDIT: Plus, it's free.. :) And it's got a bunch of tools like Diff/Merge.. :) Although for that I think WinMerge is better.. But that's beside the point.. :)
I really recommend VisualSVN. It is a great product for integrating Subversion with Visual Studio.
I would recommend ankhsvn for integrating with visual studio. I works nicely and looks similar to TFS. I also use tortoise svn for windows shell integration. Both complement each other nicely.
Not strictly related to Subversion, but Eric Sink has an excellent source control primer if you need to review the basics. Don't forget that the Subversion book is free, and it's probably the most complete (and yet still quite practical) resource on Subversion.
Like Web and Jerry, I generally like AnkhSvn for Visual Studio integration, and also make use of TortoiseSvn as a complementary tool. (For example, Tortoise's log viewer is still a bit more advanced, so sometimes I'll go in with that.)
That said, I'm not totally sure I would suggest using AnkhSvn for ASP.NET Web Site Projects. (I use it for ASP.NET Web Application Projects, Class Library Projects, and Console Applications.) There are some quirks that you might find frustrating. See this message in particular and this thread in general, from the AnkhSvn mailing list:
You could probably live with the quirks, and maybe the AnkhSvn will eventually eliminate them all, but in my case I chose to move to Web Application Projects (instead of Web Site Projects) partly because they work better with AnkhSvn.
Also, if you do go with AnkhSvn, I suggest running one of the nightly builds, rather than the latest stable release; the nightly builds seem to have many fewer bugs and to be more useful.
I didnt get any answers when i was getting my first svn set-up for php development... so i would like to help you but i dont know any visual studio integration.
I used tortoise(btw is great and is for windows, i could help you im sure) and theres a couple of tutorials on how to set up a small repo in your own pc
Get familiar with source control terms and concepts first. Eric Sink has written a great guide for getting up to speed.
I know someone has already said "AnkhSVN", but I'd like to second that nomination. I use AnkhSVN for my department, and I love it. It integrates completely with VS2008, and gives me almost no trouble.
I also use TortiseSVN for its "Repo Browser" functionality... but I rarely ever have to go into that anymore.
Both are EXCELLENT solutions, and used jointly, should be all you need. And both are free.
