pre-compile website -

we have a 2.0 website created in visual studio using website model. So, every time I need to deploy the website to the production server, I go to visual studio and right click on the website and select "publish website". I will check the first 2 options. "Allow this precompiled site to be updatable" and "use fixed naming assemblies". In the Target location, I specify the folder name in my local machine. Once it is published successfully, I copy the contents from the local folder to the website folder in iis. Does this mean that I am precompiling the website. After copying the website, I don't see instant response to the pages. Initially it takes some time to load as if it is compiling at that time. After that, If I go to the same page again, it is fast. So, I don't think I am doing precompile but I am not sure.
Please let me know.

When you choose option "Allow this precompiled site to be updatable", it means that only code files (including code-behind) gets compiled. The markup (aspx, ascx, ashx etc) does not get compiled at all - that get parsed and compiled at runtime only on first visit. On plus side, you can make changes to your aspx/ascx files at deployed site and changes will take effect on next visit (due to re-compilation).
If you don't choose above option then all files will get compiled at publishing time and you won't get performance hit that you are seeing on first visit. However, for any change, you have to re-compile/publish the entire site. See this link to understand these differences.

I think this MSDN page can give you more information about the "Alllow this precompiled site to be updated" option.


Requests for .ASPX File Compilation

I've been trying to understand the different types of compilation involved in ASP.NET and have come to seek some clarification regarding dynamic compilation of .aspx files. Specifically referencing the following statement from Microsoft's Understanding ASP.NET Dynamic Compilation:
"By default, ASP.NET Web pages and code files are compiled dynamically when users first request a resource, such as an ASP.NET page (.aspx file), from a Web site."
My question is simple, yet doesn't seem to be discussed anywhere.
Is it an HTTP GET or POST request that compile .aspx page? Or does it not matter?
If I can see requests (both GET and POST) to the .aspx page but there is no .dll or .compiled file created, is there a problem? The content of the .aspx file is correct.
Any help in understanding this aspect of ASP.NET compilation would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
The compile is a one time event. And it depends on what kind of project you created.
if you create a web site, then pages are compiled on the fly - but ONLY the first time they are used - use by anyone. So you don't have to care or worry about this issue. But to answer your question? They are only compiled one time. Not each time.
If you create a web site application? Then when you deploy the site, all code and pages are compiled at deploy time. No runtime compile on the fly (that one time, first time) occurs. and I belive that you can deploy without a pre-compile for a web site application - and you notice quite a delay the first time the site is used as a result. But in this case - only one .dll for the site is created. This is really simular to a desktop application. You compile the project, and you get one .exe or one .dll. You may well see/find some addtional .dll's from libraries that you referenaced in the project also included in the bin folder.
As for the .dll? As noted, it depends on the type of site you created. If you created a web site application, then everything (most) is compiled into ONE .dll that resides in the bin folder. So each compiled page thus does not have a separate .dll.
The site is thus pre-compiled (or only compiled one time). For a web site (not a web site application), then you should/would in theory see a new .dll for each web page if you created a web site in place of a web site application. Some prefer a web site, since then you can update ONE page without a whole site re-compile.
But, if you have your own IIS server, then choosing a web site application is preferred. One big difference is that you can create custom logon and authentication providers with a web site app, but you can't with a web site. You can still have and create logons for that web site, but a web site application allows you to over ride and build your own authentication providers.
You as a general rule only want to create a web site application if you have your OWN IIS server. For most hosting plans (say low cost ones), then you have to use a web site - not a web site application - and in that case, then .dll's should appear for each web page in that case.
But as noted, in either case - once the page is compiled, it does not re-compile over and over each time such pages are used.

Unable to debug some aspx pages in ASP application

I have a classic ASP website running on IIS. I opened it with VS 2015 (Open website in File menu) and saved the solution (when opening it it said this is a precompiled website - whatever that means). Then I attached to process to debug it.
Now, the breakpoints I placed are hit on some of the .aspx pages, and not on others. Any idea why this might be the case? I checked the webconfig and it has debug option set to true. Probably some PDB files are missing. People suggest to rebuild the website, but when I click build or rebuild solution, the process completes immediately with success, so I doubt anything was recompiled at all.
I can modify the code of those pages and the IIS recompiles them on the next request, but not sure why the breakpoints don't get hit there. They obviously are once I put something like Debugger.Launch() in my code, but it's not what I want.
I'm no expert so I'd be grateful if you could help me out with this.
Precompiled website means it improves performance on some ASP.NET websites. It can be used to optimize static sites. We explore strategies for other types of sites. This speeds up the first access to pages in your site. And if you want the faster option for the site once deployed, please consider "site precompilation." Let's assume your site is high-volume, popular and important. It is important that the site respond instantly when a customer visits.
Hope this is helpful. manual copy to server

So I just got a site hosted at In VS I'm working with a web site not a web application. In the control panel on the host under my site I have folders (data, logs, wwwroot). My current project only has 1 javascript file, 1 aspx page, and a web.config. I placed Default.aspx & web.config directly under wwwroot. In VS my javascript file is in a subfolder named Scripts so I created this subfolder on the host site and placed my javascript file in there.
When I access my site I get "Server Error in '/' Application." error. What am I messing up here?
Also if I have a code behind file, where do I put that? Should it be compiled somehow? When I built the VS project it doesn't give me any dll for it or anything. Right now I don't have anything in the code behind but just wondering for later if I do.
If you are using Visual Studio:
You can certainly just copy the files to your live server. Your "code behind" files will be compiled at run time.
You can Publish a Web Site or Web application so you have the option to pre-compile (to dll) all your code (and will be in /bin folder).
If you want to remove the "guessing" of which files you need to "push" to your live server. You can publish to your local file system or directly to FTP. VS will pre-compile your Web Site or Web Application, and "collect" all the necessary files that make up your web site/application and save it in the folder/FTP site you designate.
If you chose to publish to file system, then all you have to do is copy/ftp (whatever) to your live site. You might ask why even publish to local (first) only to FTP it anyway? So you can get fully acquainted with how all of this works - the different publish options, etc. locally (which is essentially the exact structure of your production site).
Publish Web Site (VS):
Publish Web Application (VS):
The only time this may not work is when your host doesn't have the "bits" that you might have. E.g. not all hosts may have the latest/greatest from Microsoft, like say, Web API and all the assemblies it entails.
But again, the tooling can help with Add Deployable Dependencies...which does and when you publish, the dependencies are all "bin deployed" (meaning they'll be in the /bin folder):

making changes to an site without reuploading the whole thing

I'm building a site and for the moment, when I want to put it on the web server, I to go Build > Publish WebSite to a local directory and then on the FTP, I delete the whole existing content and then upload the new fresh content that's on my local directory. In the Publish Web Site popup, I see that there's an option for "Allow this precompiled site to be updatable".
If I make changes to some files in my AppCode directory, how do I update the server WITHOUT essentially shutting it down?
Unless you're using a precompiled site or a web application, all "regular" websites are updateable -- App_Code as well as content.
Precompiled sites can be made to be updateable, but I believe only for web pages, not for code files.
If you have a busy site with lots of updates it's possible that updates can break things until they're complete. You can work around that by creating a file called app_offline.htm at the top level of your site. That will effectively take your site offline as long as it's there. The contents of the file are sent to users instead of your active content, such as *.aspx files. When the update is complete, then remove the file.
Try to take a look here:
All that you need is a Synchronization between VS and server. updated pages compilation

I need to ensure that when some individual pages are updated/modified, the time required to load the other pages to the Web site remains unaffected.
A. Create the application as a Web site project.
Copy the entire application to the deployment server.
Copy only the updated files to the deployment server when a page is updated.
B. Create the application as a Web site project.
Pre-compile the application by using the update able option.
Copy only the updated files to the deployment server when a page is updated.
is Pre-compile option available for web site or its available for web app?
I can simplify this question by some ifs that contains your answer.
If you update just the ASPX files and rarely you change the code files : then
Use Website and publish it using
Allow this precompiled site to be updatable
Using this option you can change ASPX files
Use fixed naming and single page assemblies
Using this option you can change code files, and replace them with their friendly name
Update required published dlls and ASPX files when ever you need.
Note: any changes to bin folder contents may cause application restart and that means all sessions will be lost, so in this case you must consider using other session state modes like SQLServer and StateServer and once you do you need to annotate all your session classes with Serializable attribute
If you will update just the ASPX files : then
Use Website and publish it using
Allow this precompiled site to be updatable
Using this option you can change ASPX files
Else if you just need to update the ASPX HTML content : then
You might reconsider your application scenario
because you need to use data-base to rectify the update problem as any body else do
And finally if you will update web-site code-files very rarely or your changes are at application level rather than page level : then
Use web-application build or publish it if you like.
Using this option you still have the ability to change the ASPX files
