Copying file from Unix to Sharepoint 2010 - unix

I need to copy a file from Unix to Sharepoint 2010 team site... Is there an API that does that? If not, what is the best way to accomplish this?

SharePoint 2010 provides a number of SOAP based web services that you can call to upload files, manipulate list items, etc. See here for more information:
Alternatively, SharePoint 2010 provides UNC path access to document libraries. For example, you can access a document library located at http://myserver/mysite/mylibrary by \\myserver\mysite\mylibrary. How you would do this from a UNIX machine, I don't know, but hopefully that points you in the right direction.


Can I specify which cultures to use when generating local resource files?

I am working on a website that is English by default and optionally in Spanish. I am generating local resource files for each page with language appropriate content for various items.
So far to create my pair of resource files (default and Spanish) for each page, visual studio 2010 generates the first file like default.aspx.resx. I create the Spanish version manually by copying the default file and renaming to
Is there a way to have visual studio generate both files for me? I can generate the default file, add controls to the page, and generate again and visual studio is smart to not blow away any work I've done in that file. I would like to be able to also update the Spanish resource file automatically.
There is no tool in Visual Studio (at least I haven't found one when researching the same request), and we dropped the idea of writing smart macros for that purpose that parse resx files and modify other based on changes.
There is, however, a decent free tool that supports creating and aligning resources: Zeta Resource Editor.
You can add files and entries on click, and editing resources is much nicer than in Visual Studio, in addition to quite a few other useful features.

What has been changed to the MPXJ library used to access MS Project 2010?

I have an old project that uses MPXJ library to access MS Project 2010. However it doesn't get the files save as Project 2010 format even if I uses the latest MPXJ 4.0. What else do I need to do to get the files of that format? I've searched MPXJ website but there seems to be no document about the changes and a tutorial to modify existing codes.
you should not need to make any changes to read Project 2010 files. The MPXJ API has not changed significantly with the 4.0 release: there are a few new Task and Resource attributes. If you are using the "presentation" information from the MPP file, you'll find that colors have changed from being represented by an enumeration to being Java Color types. That's pretty much it.
If you are still having specific problems reading Project 2010 files, feel free to raise a bug at SourceForge, or drop me a note directly.
Disclaimer: I maintain MPXJ

How can I extract localized string resources for translation?

I have several Visual Studio 2008 projects (ASP.NET 3.5) with many local resource files for localization of strings found in specific ASP.NET pages. Some of them are grouped in folders, some are named based on the page they are localizing, etc.
For example, App_LocalResources folder has a list of .resx files matching ASPX pages, UserControls/App_LocalResources matching ASCX user controls, etc.
Now I need to translate the application to another language and I would like to send all those keys for translation to someone who doesn't have access to the Visual Studio projects.
I could always write a small console app which would recursively find all .resx files and combine them to one big custom XML file which I could then send for translation. Upon receiving the translated XML file, the console app would recreate all small .resx files.
This all isn't a problem, but there must be a better way. What would you suggest, how should I do it?
I'm currently adding .NET support to appTranslator to .NET. The tool helps you easily manage translations of your resources by letting translators work on a single localization project file and creating the satellite DLLs right-away from the translations. I'll let you know when it's ready.
Passolo will automatically extract the default resource strings from exe's and dll's to a "bundle" that you can pass to a translation firm.
We are doing this at my work and it seems to work quite well.
You can exclude/hide strings to translate, add comments for each string and have multiple languages in the same project/bundle.
This Visual Studio Add in helps extract individual strings to resource files (.resx)
Resource Refactoring Tool provides developers an easy way to extract hard coded strings from the code to resource files.
Its says its only been developed for VS 2005/2008 but it will be updated for vs 2010 soon.
Write a shell script for extracting all files into an excel. After extracting into excel any can easily manipulate it easily or write a tool for converting resource files to excel.
For Reference:

Document Library Versions.aspx in Sharepoint

1.I have a user that wants to view the current items version history on the dispform.aspx(Item Details)
2.The version history must display all metadata for each version. Library has 5 columns and I need to display the data in those columns everytime the version changes.
I have been trying to get the version information using SharePoint Designer and cannot find out where the versions page is stored. What is the best way to meet this requirement?
The versions.aspx file exists within the 12 hive
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS
This can give you information on how you might go about using the object model to create your own page that will give this information.
This is a non-trivial task and will require programming level knowledge of SharePoint.

Excluding a folder from source control in an ASP.NET website?

Right now I'm working with an ASP.NET website that automatically generates images and stores them in a temporary folder. When working on my local system these go going into a temporary folder that gets picked up by Visual Source Safe which then wants to check them in. As such, I am wondering if there is a way to just exclude that particular folder from source control?
I've done a bit of reading and found that there are ways to do this for individual files, but I haven't found anything yet about an entire folder.
I think you've found one of the main reasons MS went back to projects in VS2008 and in MVC.
It's been a long time since I've used VSS (mainly because it's really out of date now), but most source providers let you exclude files and folders as a setting of the provider, rather than the project under control.
If you can switch to a Web Project rather than a WebSite then do so, otherwise I'd look at updating your source control provider, as this sort of exclusion is easy with Vault, CSV, SVN, Git, VSTS and so on (to name but a few).
Are you using ASP.NET Website or ASP.NET Web Project? The difference is significant enough to solve or promote this problem.
Websites, love to scan the file system and auto checkin.
Projects, checkin only what you tell them to.
Also Visual Source Safe is pretty out dated, most recent source control systems allow you to do what you are asking. SVN and TFS 2008 SP1 do from my experience.
You can also try to right click and pick "Exclude" on the folder, but in the case of a Website I believe this renames the folder.
I'm not sure if this is an option for you, but if you exclude your temporary folder from VSS (delete the folder inside VSS using the VSS UI), the files that go into it should not get "picked up" again.
If you perform operations on a parent project of the temporary folder, you may try cloaking the folder.
I would suggest emptying/deleting your folder from your website. Have your website on startup create/verify the folder, and on shutdown to clean it up and remove anything in it. This can be DEBUG code only (wrap in #if DEBUG) if so needed. Also add a build script to your project that does this every time it is built also.
Could you just make your application write to a temporary folder that is outside of your website?
e.g. in C:\tempfiles
VSS shouldn't be able to pick it up then.
