1.I have a user that wants to view the current items version history on the dispform.aspx(Item Details)
2.The version history must display all metadata for each version. Library has 5 columns and I need to display the data in those columns everytime the version changes.
I have been trying to get the version information using SharePoint Designer and cannot find out where the versions page is stored. What is the best way to meet this requirement?
The versions.aspx file exists within the 12 hive
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS
This can give you information on how you might go about using the object model to create your own page that will give this information.
This is a non-trivial task and will require programming level knowledge of SharePoint.
The problem
I have a Qt IFW installer with an online repository, from which users fetch data to install and update the software.
My installer has a "root script" defined in config.xml:
<!-- ... -->
Now I want to change the content of controllerscript.qs and deploy it on the online repository.
when a new user installs the software for the first time, it works as expected
when a user updates its software from a previous version using MaintenanceTool.exe, it does not get the update
Possible solution
I realized that when you create the installer, it generates a file named MaintenanceTool.dat which seems to contain controllerscript.qs (+ other things). I managed to manually copy that file and push it to the online repository (inside a package). That way, the maintenance tool is able to see the package update, and correctly gets the new MaintenanceTool.dat. After that, the maintenance tool is indeed using the new code from controllerscript.qs.
Is there another (cleaner) way to achieve that?
If not, is it really safe to provide a manual update to MaintenanceTool.dat? That file contains many other things, so is there a risk to interfere with the rest?
For dynamic linking, the documentation Connect_to_SQLite_database_(FireDAC) says that one should edit the firedac.inc file located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\19.0\source\data\firedac.
I can only find firedac.inc in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\19.0\Samples\Object Pascal\Database\FireDAC\Samples.
If I copy it to C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\19.0\source\data\firedac, and enable dynamic linking (i.e. remove dot as indicated $UNDEF FireDAC_SQLITE_STATIC) that does not seem to result in dynamic linking (I have a custom sqlite3.dll in same folder as exe).
How do I achieve dynamic linking with sqlite and firedac?
I am using Tokyo, although the same incorrect documentation exists for Rio.
I contacted Embarcadero Support and they confirmed this is a problem with the Professional edition, where certain source code files are missing.
The representative filed this issue with reference RS-95075. If you need the source code files you could contact Embarcadero Support.
When I use .dll files in the ASP.net toolbox with the chosen item menu, a message displays like: "The following controls were successfully added to the toolbox but are not enabled in the active designer". I want to use this .dll (Aguage.dll file downloaded from internet & want to use in my project).
What can I do to solve this issue.
This .dll file basically contain a gauge like speed meter of car, clock etc
The following link appears to have the answer to your question (though is slightly different, it appears).
how to import a dll into a asp.net web application running on webserver
So hopefully you should find all the info you need there. However if you need more help do let me know :).
Edit: I have checked and the initial version of the file seems to have been created for .NET 2.0 rather than the version you are currently using. There may be a way to amend the DLL file but I would suggest this is problem.
Edit 2: Works fine on my system with latest version of VSEE 2015 so outdated file doesn't seem to be the issue. Suggest there is a likely a probably with user's setup. More info in comments.
I have uploaded a video to help:
(in reply to the user who previously removed reference to this question, this is not a link only answer by any stretch of the imagination; furthermore, the answer holds information which is likely useful to other users and is part of a process of ongoing inquiry into the roots of the user's issues, which we are more than happy to look into as deeply as the concerned party is willing to furnish us with additional information)
Additional note: At the current time our best information has been forthcoming regarding the problem the user is experiencing. If the user wishes additional support, and assuming Visual Studio had been installed from scratch, we would be ok to remote on to the user's system if they wish us to do so
I am working on a website that is English by default and optionally in Spanish. I am generating local resource files for each page with language appropriate content for various items.
So far to create my pair of resource files (default and Spanish) for each page, visual studio 2010 generates the first file like default.aspx.resx. I create the Spanish version manually by copying the default file and renaming to default.aspx.es.resx.
Is there a way to have visual studio generate both files for me? I can generate the default file, add controls to the page, and generate again and visual studio is smart to not blow away any work I've done in that file. I would like to be able to also update the Spanish resource file automatically.
There is no tool in Visual Studio (at least I haven't found one when researching the same request), and we dropped the idea of writing smart macros for that purpose that parse resx files and modify other based on changes.
There is, however, a decent free tool that supports creating and aligning resources: Zeta Resource Editor.
You can add files and entries on click, and editing resources is much nicer than in Visual Studio, in addition to quite a few other useful features.
A member of my project team needs to add source code comments to many of his ASP.NET projects to provide better documentation. Some members of the project team recommend that we conduct thorough regression testing if we add any source code comments since there is a remote chance that some of the source code might inadvertently get commented out and cause a change in behavior of the program. We would also then be required to put the application through a management of change procedure and redeploy to our production server.
It seems to me that we should be able to add the the source code comments, recompile the source code, and use something like an md5 (or sha1) hash (using something like fciv) to compare the before and after DLLs to confirm that the source code comments did not impact the compiled version. Testing this concept with a simple console application, I see that the problem is that the hash of the binaries will change if the version of the DLL increments. If I could remove the manifest from the binaries, perhaps I could then conduct an apples to apples comparison of the binaries.
As an additional challenge, these ASP.NET applications use the ASP.NET website compilation model where the code is compiled dynamically (presumably into %SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\version\Temporary ASP.NET Files folder) the first time the site is visited rather than the web application model where all of the project code is compiled into a single assembly in a bin folder.
Any ideas?
hashing of assemblies doesn't work even if the version is made constant, after each compilation a unique guid embedded inside the assembly changes, this creates a different hash each time. Is it possible to change the application so that it is pre compiled?
There is a tool called bitdiffer that will compare assemblies and report any difference. As part of your integration testing you could run the tool against your new build and compare it to the build in production. this would ensure that only assemblies with code changes get released.
There is also a tool called ndepends that has an api for comparing assemblies. It's very cool!
Rohan West's answer (thanks Rohan!) led me to the bitdiffer comments which provided the following solution:
Before adding code comments, re-create the code files from IL using Reflector and the Reflector.FileDisassembler add-in. This will generate a directory of source code files that contains the core source code only without comments.
Add code comments.
Create a second directory of generated source code files using Reflector and the Reflector.FileDisassembler add-in.
Use a differencing tool such as WinMerge to compare the before and after generated source code directories and confirm that the source code comment changes did not change the core code.