Creating a multilingual website - css

I am looking to build a multilingual website using MS expressions web. The website will consist of a blog and possibly a art display portions. I would like to do all translations manually but I don't want to have more then one CSS stack. What would be the best way to populate the website text. Because this is just a learning experience I will host the website myself.
What would be the best method to implement such a website: XML or SQL.

In my professional opinion I would use SQL simply because databases are always easier to edit and handle (in my opinion...) than XML, I like KatieK's idea of simply querying a different database based on which language it is in. However, if this is a learning experience I would use whichever language you know least of b/c it will teach you more.
Also (as a side-note), if this is run locally, you have to consider the ramifications of having MYSQL database calls, it means you have to deal with server side scripting (I'm assuming you will get the XML using js, although I could be wrong), its CPU usage (although I wouldn't worry too much abut that...), and preventing mysql injection.
Finally (this is my last side-note, I swear), I know you said that you wanted to do all the translations yourself, but I thought it couldn't hurt to mention that you don't have to.
Anyway, that's my two cents.

If it were me, I'd do it using SQL. I'd have two database tables, each with the different language content, and change the SQL call server-side based on query strings.
But the best implementation method for you depends entirely on your skills and abilities. Do you have experience designing databases and writing SQL queries? Do you have a database set up right now?


Multilingual webforms or mvc from SQL Server

This is more of an advise / best practice question that I'm hoping someone has come across before and can give me a steer.
I need to build a web application (the client would like webforms because that's what their developers know for when i hand it over)
Essentially when the client logs in, they will pick a language then I need to replace the text for menus, input boxes etc. The client wants to add their translations and update them at any time.
Ideas I have looked at are:
Holding the translations in resource files, building an editor in to the web application and then adding attributes on the fly to my viewmodels.
Holding the translations in sql server so i have the name, language and translation as a lookup e.g. Home | French | Maison. Then on pre-render I'll scrape the screen for any controls needing translation in the menu, labels, text areas.
Does anyone know of any good examples or had the experience of doing this themselves.
I've a similar situation, and chose to store data in SQL.
Translation mistakes happen often, and you don't want to recompile or disassemble every time.
It is possible to avoid the need to republish, but I've found it just more intuitive and straightforward to maintain SQL.
Bottom line, it depends on the amount of data you have. If it's more than just a couple of keywords, it sounds like a job for SQL to me.
In a similar question, users recommend using resources, claiming it is the standard method.
However, if your users are going to make changes to values on regular basis (not because of mistake correction, but because data actually changes), then SQL seems best fit for the job.

MySql's Connector/Net with MVC 3

I'd like to get some information regarding using MySQL alongside ASP.NET (particularly MVC 3). From what I've found and experienced, it doesn't quite seem as customizable in terms of the Membership and User classes which come with Asp.Net, especially when it comes to validation or registration.
For example, after configuring my web.config file to use MySQL, I found myself realizing that, although a fair amount of tables were auto-generated for me to use, I wasn't able to change the names of them. Because of this, it seemed as though if I were to change a column name, or add a column to the table, it wouldn't quite work with the system, since everything has been pre-built.
Yet, with ADO.Net/Entity Framework, it appears that I might actually be able to have more freedom in how I go about creating my websites using MsSQL. Is this true? Is MySQL just not meant for ASP.Net, despite the the fact that you can install and use it at your leisure. Or is it that it just requires more work to get everything working, and you kind of have to reinvent the wheel by creating your own database classes and validation tools?
I'm not trying to bash either MySql or MsSql, I'm simply looking for a good analysis on the topic, as Google hasn't helped me much in this area.
This is more an issue with the default providers, and one of the many reasons why the 1st thing I did when I learnt about them was to try and make my own. (To be clear, creating your own one from scratch does require a fair amount of work, there are a few good tutorials out there that can give you a quick start)
[It'd make all our lives easier if the .Net framework used Interfaces for the providers rather than the base class... ]
To be clear, the big thing with the auto generated providers is the sprocs they use require the specified names, if you want to change the table names then you'll have to also update all the Sprocs as well. (This is true for any custom provider you may chose to build/use)

How to manage the article content in an web site

I'm planning to create a site for learning technologies, such as codeproject or codeplex. Can you please suggest to me the different ways to manage huge articles?
Look at a content management system, such as SiteFinity: There are others, some free. You can find some on
Check out DotNetNuke CMS too >>
And here's a very hot list available of ASP.NET CMS systems:
Different ways to manage articles while building the entire system yourself. Hmm, ok, let me give it a try... here's the short version.
There are several ways you can "store" your articles (content, data, whatever), and the best way to do so is to use a Database. (SQL Server, MySQL, SQLCE, SQLite, Oracle, the list goes on).
If you're not sold on the idea of a database, you can use any other type of persistent storage that you like. IE: XML, or even flat "TXT" files.
Since you're using ASP.NET you now need to either write your code behind, or some other complied code to access your stored data. You pull it out of the storage and display it on the page/view.
Last but not least, I'd like to give you a suggestion (even though it's not part of your original question). As the other answerers have stated, you should look at a pre-built CMS. If nothing else, to see how it's done (not necessarily to use it as is). My philosophy is quite simple, if you want to be productive in your development, don't bother reinventing the wheel just for the sake of it. If someone else has already build and given away exactly what you need, you should at very least give it a look and use what you can. It will save you piles of time and heartache.
Your question is not vague enough to be closed, but is vague enough that answering all of the nuances could take several thousand lines.

Is there a utility for finding SQL statements in multiple files and listing any referenced tables and stored procedures

I'm currently looking at a terrible legacy ColdFusion app written with very few stored procedures and lots of nasty inline SQL statements (it has a similarly bad database too).
Does anyone know of any app which could be used to search the files of the app picking out any SQL statements and listing the tables/stored procedures which are referenced?
Dreamweaver will allow you to search the code of the entire site. If the site is setup properly including the RDS password and provide a data source it can tell you a lot of information. I've only set it up once so I can't remember exactly what information it gives you, I think maybe just the DB structure. Application window > databases. Even if it isn't set up properly just searching for "cfquery" will quickly find all your queries.
You could also write a CF script using CFDirectory/CFFile to loop the .cfm files and parse everything between cfquery and /cfquery tags.
CFBuilder may have some features like that but I'm not to familiar with it yet.
edit I've heard that CFBuilder can't natively find all your cfqueries that don't have cfqueryparam but you can use CF to extend CFB to do so. I imagine you could find/write something for CFB to help you with your problem.
another edit
I know it isn't indexing the contents of the query, but you can use regex to search using the editor as well. searching for <cfquery.+(select|insert|update|delete) checking the regex box should find the queries that aren't using cfstoredProc (be sure to uncheck the match case option if there is one). I know Dreamweaver and Eclipse can both search for Regex.
As mentioned above I would try a grep with a regex looking for
"<cfquery*" "</cfquery>" and "<cfstoredproc*" "</cfstoredproc>"
In addition if you have tests that have good code coverage or even just feel like the app is fully exercised in production you could try turning on "Log Database Calls" in Admin - > Datasources or maybe even at the JDBC driver level, just monitor performance to make sure it does not slow the site down unacceptably.
In short: no. You'd have to do alot of tricky parsing to make sure you get all the SQL. And because you can glob SQL together from lots of strings, you'll almost always miss some of it.
The best you're likely to do will be a case insensitive grep for "SELECT|INSERT|UPDATE|DELETE" and then manually pulling out the table names.
Depending on how the code is structured, you might be able to get the table names by regexing the SQL from clause. But that's not foolproof. Alot of people use string concatenation to build SQL statements. This is bad because it can introduce SQL injection attacks, and it also make this particular problem harder.

How do you use Excel server-side?

A client wants to "Web-enable" a spreadsheet calculation -- the user to specify the values of certain cells, then show them the resulting values in other cells.
(They do NOT want to show the user a "spreadsheet-like" interface. This is not a UI question.)
They have a huge spreadsheet with lots of calculations over many, many sheets. But, in the end, only two things matter -- (1) you put numbers in a couple cells on one sheet, and (2) you get corresponding numbers off a couple cells in another sheet. The rest of it is a black box.
I want to present a UI to the user to enter the numbers they want, then I'd like to programatically open the Excel file, set the numbers, tell it to re-calc, and read the result out.
Is this possible/advisable? Is there a commercial component that makes this easier? Are their pitfalls I'm not considering?
(I know I can use Office Automation to do this, but I know it's not recommended to do that server-side, since it tries to run in the context of a user, etc.)
A lot of people are saying I need to recreate the formulas in code. However, this would be staggeringly complex.
It is possible, but not advisable (and officially unsupported).
You can interact with Excel through COM or the .NET Primary Interop Assemblies, but this is meant to be a client-side process.
On the server side, no display or desktop is available and any unexpected dialog boxes (for example) will make your web app hang – your app will behave flaky.
Also, attaching an Excel process to each request isn't exactly a low-resource approach.
Working out the black box and re-implementing it in a proper programming language is clearly the better (as in "more reliable and faster") option.
Related reading: KB257757: Considerations for server-side Automation of Office
You definitely don't want to be using interop on the server side, it's bad enough using it as a kludge on the client side.
I can see two options:
Figure out the spreadsheet logic. This may benefit you in the long term by making the business logic a known quantity, and in the short term you may find that there are actually bugs in the spreadsheet (I have encountered tons of monster spreadsheets used for years that turn out to have simple bugs in them - everyone just assumed the answers must be right)
Evaluate SpreadSheetGear.NET, which is basically a replacement for interop that does it all without Excel (it replicates a huge chunk of Excel's non-visual logic and IO in .NET)
Although this is certainly possible using ASP.NET, it's very inadvisable. It's un-scalable and prone to concurrency errors.
Your best bet is to analyze the spreadsheet calculations and duplicate them. Now, granted, your business is not going to like the time it takes to do this, but it will (presumably) give them a more usable system.
Alternatively, you can simply serve up the spreadsheet to users from your website, in which case you do almost nothing.
Edit: If your stakeholders really insist on using Excel server-side, I suggest you take a good hard look at Excel Services as #John Saunders suggests. It may not get you everything you want, but it'll get you quite a bit, and should solve some of the issues you'll end up with trying to do it server-side with ASP.NET.
That's not to say that it's a panacea; your mileage will certainly vary. And Sharepoint isn't exactly cheap to buy or maintain. In fact, short-term costs could easily be dwarfed by long-term costs if you go the Sharepoint route--but it might the best option to fit a requirement.
I still suggest you push back in favor of coding all of your logic in a separate .NET module. That way you can use it both server-side and client-side. Excel can easily pass calculations to a COM object, and you can very easily publish your .NET library as COM objects. In the end, you'd have a much more maintainable and usable architecture.
Neglecting the discussion whether it makes sense to manipulate an excel sheet on the server-side, one way to perform this would probably look like adopting the
Using this library, you can tell Excel to open a Spreadsheet, change and read the contents from .NET. I have used the library in a WinForm application, and I guess that it can also be used from ASP.NET.
Still, consider the concurrency problems already mentioned... However, if the sheet is accessed unfrequently, why not...
The simplest way to do this might be to:
Upload the Excel workbook to Google Docs -- this is very clean, in my experience
Use the Google Spreadsheets Data API to update the data and return the numbers.
Here's a link to get you started on this, if you want to go that direction:
Let me be more adamant than others have been: do not use Excel server-side. It is intended to be used as a desktop application, meaning it is not intended to be used from random different threads, possibly multiple threads at a time. You're better off writing your own spreadsheet than trying to use Excel (or any other Office desktop product) form a server.
This is one of the reasons that Excel Services exists. A quick search on MSDN turned up this link: That's a category list, so contains a list of blog posts on the subject. See also Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.WebServices Namespace.
It sounds like you're talking that the user has the spreadsheet open on their local system, and you want a web site to manipulate that local spreadsheet?
If that's the case, you can't really do that. Even Office automation won't help, unless you want to require them to upload the sheet to the server and download a new altered version.
What you can do is create a web service to do the calculations and add some vba or vsto code to the Excel sheet to talk to that service.
