SQL Express storing date in MM/DD/YYYY format - asp.net

I have an ASP.NET program that is writing date to an SQLExpress Database date field in DD/MM/YYYY.
When I look at the data in SQL Express it is stored as mm/dd/yyyy.
How can I configure it to store in DD/MM/YYYY format?

This is not possible, as the date is internally stored as a number, the DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY format is only the display format of the data. You can, however, change the way the data are converted to a string by SQL functions...

You are seeing the a rendered, localised version of an internal date representation (numbers of days since 01 Jan 1900 basically).
Don't worry about it. You'll get date back to your client (in an internal date representation) and this can be formatted how you like there.

Store the data normally. When you retrieve the data, do something like this on the code:
And your result will be: 11/04/2011

Maybe you can select that like this:
select CONVERT(varchar(12) , getdate(), 103 )


How do I modify the datetime format in Microsoft SQL Server?

I'm testing a query that I think is handling datetime values in a way that may not work for customers who aren't using a specific datetime format.
Here's the code:
WHERE order_instant >= CONCAT(YEAR(cast(getdate() as date)) ,'-01-01')
I suspect this code would break if a customer had datetimes formatted as anything other than year - month - day, but I'm having trouble testing that hunch.
The column datatype is datetime.
I'm looking for something analogous to the NLS settings in Oracle SQL Developer, which allows me to do things like display dates as YYYY-MON-DD or MM-DD-YY.
Any ideas? Thanks!

datetime() in SQLite Manager

I cannot seem to figure out why datetime does not work for me on some data I imported from CSV. I have a column, TIMESTAMP, which is of type datetime.
Select TIMESTAMP from GPS limit 1 <-This gives me a time, "6/29/2009 00:00:00"
Select datetime(TIMESTAMP) from GPS limit 1 <- This gives me a pink field in SQLite manager, which seems empty.
Select datetime('now') from GPS limit 1 <- This gives me the current date and time. ("2012-12-19 20:45:17") It is formatted differently than my other data - is there a datatype issue?
What is going on? Did my "Timestamp" data not actually get converted into a DATETIME object? Why is it stored as text? Is there a way to fix this?
SQLite does not have a native date/time type; dates are stored either as numbers or as strings.
To be understood by SQLite's built-in date functions, date strings must have a format like yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.

How to change date format of a datetime object?

currently, i have a datetime object
DateTime theDateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(dateAndTime, "d MMMM yyyy hh:mm tt", provider);
which successfully converts it into a datetime (from a string) to become for example :
7/6/2012 9:30:00 AM
How do i convert this to become 2012/07/06 09:30:00 (24hr format)? So that i can insert it into the database using C#??
PS: I'm using Sybase SQL Anywhere 12, and from what I've read, they neeed the format to be in year/months/day and the time to be in 24hr format right? Please correct me if I'm wrong.
The DateTime itself does not have a format. The date and time are stored internally as a number. Usually the classes of the database provider take care of converting a DateTime to the correct format.
If Sybase will only accept the date formatted as a string you will need to use the DateTime.ToString method and format it with the correct format string.
How are you building your insert command? Are you using database parameters or just building a string containing the insert statement?
SQL Anywhere 12 has a default date format of YYYY-MM-DD HH:NN:SS.SSS
This can be configured/changed with the timestamp_format database option however:
timestamp_format option
The setting can be permanently changed through SQL like:
SET OPTION PUBLIC.timestamp_format = '<format here>';
Or temporarily changed (per connection basis) like:
SET TEMPORARY OPTION timestamp_format = '<format here>';
Of course, if you already have a datetime object in your code, you should be able to pass the value into a parameterized query. It doesn't have to be passed as a string.

SQL Server date query

I am new to development and want to know the professional way to deal with dates in SQL Server. In my applications mainly we deal with the DATE datatype and no concern with time part. Also maintaining the format dd/mm/yyyy
So for example if I have the table with the following structure.
emp_id int
emp_name varchar(50)
join_date date
and if I want to query "join_date" in between start date and end date and pass the dd/mm/yyyy as stored procedure criteria and want to query.
What is the professional way to handle dates? I always convert date in varchar and then do the comparison which I guess is the unprofessional way of doing it. So please guide how to do it in procedure with example I would appreciate.
SQL handles dates just fine, so you do not need to convert the dates.
If you pass in the parameters as date types, then you will have no problem:
#start date,
#end date
SELECT emp_id, emp_name, join_date
FROM EmployeeTable
WHERE join_date BETWEEN start AND end;
Unless you want to format a date in your output in a specific way, there's no reason to convert the date to a varchar. You're using the date datatype, so let SQL do the comparisons for you.
If you want to compare dates in a date range, you can use this:
WHERE join_date BETWEEN '2010-01-01' AND '2010-12-31'
Keep dates as dates. Do not convert it to strings. That is unnecessary.
When you send dates in to SQL Server from your code, do it with parameters, then you don't have to worry about the right format in your strings.
SQL Server Date data types:
Date: 0001-01-01 through 9999-12-31
SmallDateTime: 1900-01-01 through
2079-06-06 (Accuracy 1 minute)
DateTime: January 1, 1753, through
December 31, 9999 (Accuracy
DateTime2: 0001-01-01 through
9999-12-31 (Accuracy 100 nanoseconds)
It's a minor point but worth noting that all queries presented to SQL Server are in TEXT. At some stage, based on some language and translation setting in the data access layer (OLEDB, Native, ADO) it gets turned into a textual form, so dates are always presented as "text".
The best format to use is always YYYYMMDD for SQL Server. Even YYYY-MM-DD can be wrong, for obscure dateformat settings. See this example.
set dateformat dmy -- more than common for non-US locations
select CONVERT(varchar, convert(datetime, '2010-12-31'), 112)
It fails.
Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Line 3
The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.
That covers the format to use when you have to construct the date embedded in the SQL statement. When possible however, please parameterize queries for benefits like
prevention of SQL injection
letting the db connectivity layer ensure the right formats when generating the TSQL
query plan re-use on the SQL Server
point 3 = better performing queries and more efficient SQL Server

date format and regional settings

I'm using MS SQL 2000, VS2008, MVC and C#.
I'm trying to insert and update some data using stored procedures.
Some columns are of type datetime.
Regional settings on both server and client are set to Dutch (Belgium)
This means the default date format is dd/mm/yyyy.
When i try to insert or update with a date of eg. 28/03/2009, I get following errors:
Error converting data type nvarchar to datetime
The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value
When I try with a date like 01/03/2009, I get no errors but the date is saved as 03/01/2009, which is the US date format.
This is typical behaviour for problems with regional settings. But both are set to Dutch (Belgium).
Why does it save dates in the US format?
What am i missing here?
You should be inserting data into the database using a DateTime object, not a string. Your client-side code should convert the client's date entry to a DateTime object using the client's regional settings, then the DateTime struct should be added to the parameter that is ultimately sent into the database.
The SQL Instance has it's own locale setting, by default "us_english"
Now, this usually happens if you pushing using varchar rather than native datetime to store data values. If your code/tables use datetime columns and you define parameters as datetime then you won't get errors.
i had this problem too, its something to do with the date format for you SQL server,
i solved it by formatting the date string to be inserted like so
DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm")
hope that helps
All above suggestions are correct but I find if you are adding a datetime as a string/varchar the safest way is in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'
So eg.
Update MyTable
Set MyDate = '2010-03-01'
