problem with SQLite for .NET 4.0 - sqlite

I have downloaded latest version of SQLite. It works great with .Net 4.0. But it is consisted from 3 assemblies not on assembly. It has an extra SQLite.Interop.dll that can not be referenced in Visual Studio 2010. How can I solve this?

Personally I reverted to 1.0.66 because of this issue.
In my development environment, I was able to make it work not by adding SQLite.Interop.dll as a reference of my project, but rather by having it copied next to System.Data.Sqlite.dll in my bin directory. When I tried to deploy my application by doing the same thing on some Win XP machine, it failed miserably. That's why I reverted the to the over a year old 1.0.66.
I'm hoping the this will be fixed soon and that whatever is in SQLite.Interop.dll will be unified in System.Data.Sqlite.dll.
The issue is documented in
EDIT (2011-07-03):
Seems like the ticket is fixed and you can now download the all-in-one dll again.


Warning MSB3274 when publishing in Visual Studio 2017 after Upgrade from .NET 4.5.2 to 4.6.1

I have been encountering several of these warnings after upgrading from .NET 4.5.2 to 4.6.1
3>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual
Warning MSB3274: The primary reference
"[...]AbcManagement.Commons.dll" could not be resolved because it was
built against the ".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1" framework. This is a
higher version than the currently targeted framework
I have checked all referenced projects. All of them target Framework 4.6.1 now. The Solutions Builds without Errors or Warnings and it also runs localy. Only when I try to publish the solution using: right click on project -> publish, it starts the publish and exists with an error, which is related to this warning.
I have read on similar threads, to make sure to have installed the correct Framework on the local machine. This also led to no satisfying result.
What am I missing?
I ended up creating a new project, add my .cs files into the new Project and reinstall all NuGet Packages. This finally solved the problem.
After setting up the new project, I compared the configuration files but couldn't find differences in the configurations which would affect this issue. Unfortunately, therefore I can't point out the exact change made to make the publish work in a completely new project.

Visual Studio 2017 15.7.2 - ASP.NET Core Application is missing

I installed the Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise and updated it to the last version. I choosed the necessary web components in the Visual Studio Installer, tried to execute the devenv /InstallVSTemplates, tried to repair Visual Studio and installed .NET Core SDK (x86 and x64).
Nothing of this helped me, I still can't find the ASP.NET Core Application under .NET Core in Visual Studio. How can I solve this problem?
Solution that I found myself: Everything described above was indeed caused by a mistake in the third screen.
I did not find how to solve this problem automatically, I just installed all these .msi packages manually. The installer loads them, but for some unknown reason can not install it themselves. To install them manually, you need to go to the directory where Visual Studio is installed, there just look for these packages by name and install them. Then you need to run the installer again and if it shows another error with another package, you need to repeat the procedure with a manual installation. I had to repeat it three times with three different packages. After that, I started the installer once more and it installed the rest.

Error while Publishing Web App in Visual Studio Professional 2013

I am trying to publish my Web App in Visual Studio Professional 2013 but getting the following error
I got the same question asked over here but no useful answer.
Can anyone please help
You probably will be using older version, that was having an issue. refer detail [here]
Install the newer web deployment tool, should work.
which .net version are you using.
check web deploy version. if vs has 2 web deploy version, the vs get confuse to take which version. If it has 2 version, just uninstall vs and then instal it along with web deploy. if the Vs has one 1 web deploy version, you uninstall and install the web deploy. It will rectify your problem i hope.
You can refer This link
Check if version of the assembly is installed in GAC. (from the VS2013 developer command prompt) gacutil /l Microsoft.Web.Deployment. Issues like this have occurred in the past where things worked, then after installing an update (or trying to install one) then reports of missing dlls, like nuget, occur.
The usual course of action is to repair the Visual Studio installation.
There is a problem with your publish profile. Delete the pubxml file located bellow Properties folder in your project and then create a new publish profile.
I got the same problem when older project runs into the new .NET Framework, for that you have to do the following.
Right Click on your project name->select Property Pages -> Click Build from the menu-> then select Target Framework .Net framework 4.5 or your current using framework..
"Could not load file or assembly" means the required file (of that mentioned version) is not available in the assembly (nor in the registry). All you gotta to do is to ensure this same is installed properly that would allow you to proceed further. The other things to ensure is the latest framework installed on your system.
Think you have some errors happen when to install or update Visual 2013, so you can reinstall again and this error will be fixed.

ASP.NET web app not deploying correctly on Windows server 2012

So here's the thing. I recently updated a web project to use nuget for its dependencies, which in turn updated all of those dependencies to the latest versions.
Quite a task as there were some breaking changes, but I have the thing running locally perfectly.
We use TeamCity to pull the solution from bitbucket and deploy it the the local iis folder on a development (staging) server.
After a build, the website seems very poorly, first off it complains:
Could not load file or assembly
'file:///C:\web\Dev.Pegfect.Presentation\bin\mscorlib.dll' or one of
its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an
incorrect format.
Which is strange since my local copy does not have a copy of mscorlib in its web bin folder. Should be using the GAC? If I remove the dll, I get a new error (some NHibernate issue complaining about reflection). I haven't pursued that since it all seems environmental.
If I copy my local bin folder over the server web bin, it starts to run ok albeit extremely slowly (relative to how it used to).
So, the question "what have you tried" - i am currently installing VS 2012 onto the server and will try building the project from source directly. I am also considering updating TeamCity from v7 to v9.
I could also try to reinstall IIS8.0 on the server.
These are desperate, blind shots in the dark. What would you try?
FWIW the project is targeting .NET 4.5.1 (ANY CPU)
OK, so I will leave it here as it might help someone.
So, the project has been building, deploying and running successfully on the server compiled to .NET 4.5.1 with no problem.
The recent packages update moved us from MVC v4 to MVC v5. (amongst other things). Running .NET fix tool suggested 4.5.1 was corrupted, so I downloaded the developer version and installed and now its fine.

Changes in dll on converting web application from vs 2008 to 2012

I want to use an ASP.NET web application which was built using visual studio 2008 to 2013. will keep the .net framework to 3.5.
My concern is: There will be changes to .csproj and .sln after opening the project in 2013 but what about the dll to be deployed. would i need to update the hosting environment to 4.0 or any dependency upgrade?
The csproj and sln files will indeed be upgraded, but that has no bearing on the output of compilation.
As long as you continue to build for .NET 3.5, there shouldn't be any additional requirements to deploy your application. One thing to keep in mind is that VS2008 web deploy projects and database projects have been deprecated, and no upgrade path for those exists. So be careful if you're using either of those.
The safest approach for you will be to test the upgrade. Install VS2013, which runs side-by-side with VS2008. Open up the old solution, let VS update it, then do a test deployment. If there's a problem, just revert the change to whatever your last source controlled version is.
