Error with TFS while trying to connect with workspace -

Hello I am trying to bind my work space and I have been doing that with edit work space option and when I bind it for the first time, it had been giving message that if I want to download all the files from the server but I do not see that option from my home computer.
How can I download the latest files from the server, once I have bound my workspace with the server?

Open up the Source Control Explorer (from Team Explorer). Select your workspace from the workspace drop-down in the toolbar. Right click the project in Source Control Explorer and choose Get Latest Version, or Get Specific Version.


Cannot publish a Flex Dashboard project from R Studio to after upgrading to 2022.07.2 Build 576

From the Manage Accounts option of the Publish in RStudio I connect to my account and click apply, then OK. Next, I click publish and get a dialog box for RStudio connect account. Before I upgraded, I did not get this option, I do not have the public URL of the RStudio connect server and I click cancel. I then click Publish and the Publish from list box has** no accounts connected** even though I connected to my account from the manage accounts option. I have only been developing in R for a few weeks and would appreciate any suggestions to solve this issue.
A colleague suggested copying and pasting my code into a new template .rmd file and saving to a new location on my computer. You also can check to make sure runtime: shiny is in the YAML
These suggestions did not work, I got the same result.

Atom: add default project folder on start with no tabs

I have one single project folder that I work on every time. I would like that when I start Atom that the project folder is shown and no tabs are open.
I am using Ubutnu 14.04 LTS and Atom 1.5.3.
At the moment, every time I close and reopen Atom, the last session is shown. This is good, because my project folder is always loaded correctly. Unfortunately, all tabs are also open from my previous session.
I have checked under Core Settings -> Open Emty Editor On Start (Automatically open an empty editor on startup). But still, the editor is not empty on startup. Am I missing anything? How can I get this problem solved?

Talend Studio Big data 6.0 third party libraries missing

I have installed Talend Open Studio for Big Data 6.0.
When I try to open Local Project, I am getting
"Optional third party libraries(1) means you cannot configure the download location manually.
Also I am getting
Required third party libraries(341).
I am selecting both and clicked on Finish button and restarted. But, again and again I am getting same issue.
Please help.
You need to Select both the mentioned option and Select Install after completion Click on Finish tab. It will work.

Windows Explorer not refreshing after CreateFolder (new folder)

We have built a WebDav Service with your Engine and have a one problem when we create a new Folder or File:
The new folder / file is created successfully, but not showing in the Windows Explorer. Only if you press F5, the new folder / file is showing (and the name is already selected to be edited).
This behavior is reproducible even with a blank WebDav Solution.
We can reproduce this on Windows 7 and Windows 8 (8.1) using WebDav .NET Server 3.8 and the latest 3.9.
Is there a way to get around this “refresh-problem”?
I solved this issue but clicking in the folder explorer at view > options > then i restored to default and everything is back to normal.
I assume this issue is in Windows Explorer on a single computer. Most likely the WebDAV server-side code is failing with with some exception. Here are some ideas how to detect what is wrong:
Unmount network connections executing 'net use * /DELETE' in a command prompt, this will unmount WebDAV connections too and simulate 'clean' environment.
Retry reproducing the issue and examine your WebDAV logfile. By default it is located in /App_Data/WebDAV/Logs/ folder. Are there any exceptions in it?
Use Fiddler tool or any other debugging proxy to capture and examine HTTP requests. Are there any failed requests?
In case you are creating a folder/file on one computer using Windows Explorer (Microsoft Mini-redirector driver) or IT Hit Ajax File Browser and expect the files list to refresh automatically on another computer this would not work. Mini-redirector does not support any notifications from server and WebDAV does not submit any notifications, you need to refresh the files list manually to see the new items created.
I found this video on Youtube that explains in very much detail how to fix this problem:
It is a bit lengthy, so I'll just quickly sum it up here:
The reason for these problems are one or more (broken) Shell Extensions that prevent the refresh of the Windows Explorer
To fix it, open up regedit.exe (requires admin privileges), do a search for the Registry Key "DontRefresh". If it is "1", set it to "0". There might be multiple matches for that Key, so repeat until all Keys have the value "0".
This might not work immediately, you may have to kill and restart your explorer.exe process (easiest to do with the Task Manager). Or you can simply reboot your computer. In my case, it worked immediately.
According to the video, the Keys should only be located under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/CLSID, but in my case I could only find such Keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Classes/Wow6432Node/CLSID.
I figured it makes most sense to simply search the complete Registry, it does not take very long.
I tred a lot of hacks, from scanning the system, to recreating the profile to hacking Registry keys and hives.
Finally what worked for me -
Right click on desktop
Select Personalize
Click Themes
Click Change desktop icons
Click Restore default & OK
And instantly it began to auto refresh with a new folder, rename, delete, copy, etc.

Aptana 3 automatic download/upload

I'm trying to switch from Dreamweaver to a real IDE and trying Aptana as a likely candidate, however i'm stuck on how to get it's FTP to behave the way it did in DW.
Basically when I open a file in a project, it needs to automatically download from the FTP connection, before opening it.
The Deployment Settings > Automatically Sync in Both Direction doesn't seem to work, the only option of those 3 that works is "Sync from my machine to remote", which basically uploads the file on save - which is great, but I also need it to download when I open the file as well.
Am I missing something?
Currently Aptana Studio does not run file synchronization on it's opening, only on save.
There is a ticket for this feature which you could vote for.
Alternatively, you should be able to open, edit and save files directly from FTP connection.
