Can't Rename Files In Xcode 4 Anymore? - xcode4

Seriously, in previous versions of XCode I could right-click a file or group in XCode and I would get the "rename" option. In XCode 4 I can't seem to rename my files in XCode directly anymore. What happened? Why would Apple remove such a feature? How can I rename my nibs, image resources, and others in XCode now?

Note that if you're renaming a class, the best way I've found to do this is to open the class header, select the name of the class then control-click and choose Refactor / Rename. That way Xcode will rename the .h and .m files and replace instances of your class name (almost) everywhere it appears, including XIB files. Nifty!
Edit: in Xcode 4.2, watch out for this gotcha: "When initiating a refactoring rename operation from the declaration of a property, any Interface Builder files that refer to that property will not be updated correctly. Instead, perform the rename operation on a usage of the property, or an associated #synthesize statement."

The contextual menu item was removed, but you can still rename from within. Select the file and then click again in the name and you should get the editor field. Type away to rename. It can be a little temperamental though. The biggest problem I usually have is doing the 2nd click too quickly and it being registered as a double click. So you might need to play around with your timing a little bit to get used to it.
If you want the CM item back, make sure to file a bug report on it.

Select the file in the navigation window and press Enter.
Just the way renaming in Finder.

In case you want to change the path in case you moved some files...
Step 1: View -> Utilities -> File Inspector to open the file inspector
Step 2: Under Identity -> Path there is a white icon to change the relative path of the file
Furthermore, to rename the file, just refactor as stated above ;)

another way you can do it, is by using the little rectangle with an arrow in it which is at the bottom of the bar. Click on it, your items will be displayed in a list like view, you can rename it there the way you would rename files or whatever... Hope that helps

If you want to rename non-class files like png files just select file and choose 'Show File Inspector' from right click, then change file name from 'name' textfield (identify and type label).
I you want change class name, I recommend 'Simon Whitaker' Refactor method (second comment).


how to refresh image in codenameone(netbeans)

Im creating the UI of my application from a PSD file following the instructions in: (by using the css support plugin), everything is fine, but i edited one of the images in photoshop and exported it again to my codenameone folder(replacing the original image) and i thought the new image would replace the original one, but the application is still showing the old image(it seems as it is cached or something similar).
I already tried "Clean and build project" but didnt worked, also went to the generated .res file and tried to delete the original image but it says i must first delete the themes that use them(which i dont want to do). Is there any way to "refresh" the images referenced in the .res file so they reflect the latest image in the folder? or a "clear cache" or something similar. For now i renamed the image, and also changed the name in the css,but i think is not the best way cause that implies creating new names for your images, and editing your css with every little change.
If you change the image directly in the file system you need to do this when the designer is closed. Then reopen the designer res file and save it so the image is updated. find in project not working

I am trying to use the "find in project" feature of Atom editor.
I am coming from sublime and assumed that opening a folder is the equivalent of opening a project. Is this assumption correct?
If so, then I have a project open. I then search from a string using "Find in project". I am certain the string exists, and the file type is not ignored, yet it still returns no result.
I ran into this issue, and it only affected one project - a project in a git repo.
I checked the settings of the search field.. they were fine.
My issue was, as #fab313 mentioned above, as the setting in Core > Exclude VCS ignored paths.
Once I unchecked that box (Atom menu, Preferences, Core).. all project searches worked fine!
I had this same problem and I found that I accidentally clicked some of the settings boxes in the bottom right.
You just want to make sure you know which boxes are checked.
If I check one of those boxes (making them blue) then my CTRL/Command + F will only find a single result.
The settings will look like this and cause the problems for me:

Sublime Text 3 side bar is not updating or refreshing

For some reason the side bar on Sublime Text 3 is just displaying the folder named Template. The strange thing is that this folder is already deleted and regardless of that, the folder Template should not be displayed when I open Sublime in for example my Dropbox folder. No matter where in Ubuntu I open Sublime (from command line or Dash) it will open with that folder named Template in the sidebar. Template will have the arrow next to it indicating I can expand its contents or hide them. When I press it I see the arrow go from the right to to down position no folder contents show, nothing happens.
Also nothing happens when I go Project > Refresh Folders.
This problem happened around the time I was trying to add a new server using SFTP. Not certain if that had anything to do with it.
Any ideas whats happening here?
If it is a top level folder, you need to edit the project itself. You may right click on the folder in the side bar, and select "Remove from Project". Alternatively, you can edit the file itself by going to Project -> Edit Project. The top level folders are defined as a list of objects. Remove the entry you want from there, and it will no longer appear in the sidebar. You can write a plugin to clean up a project for you if you find yourself removing items frequently.

How to change a file path in xcode 4?

I have a project where a couple of files are in red, In XCode 3 I used to click the file Get Info and change the Path, but I have no idea how to do it in the new XCode 4.
Click on your file, and then open the right side pane (there is a button in the top right corner). There you will see Identity and Type. Under the location drop down there is a small icon of I'm not sure what. If you click it, it lets you choose a file. I think that is what you want.
My method of choice is to just drag in the files from the new location and delete the references to the ones in the old location.

Aptana Studio 3 - code coloring like in Dreamweaver

I'm trying to use Aptana Studio 3 instead of phpEd. But I'd like to have the code coloring like in Dreamweaver. I made these changes in phpEd, but I can't find where to change it in Aptana.
Also, I installed the jquery bundle, but I can't to get it working...
Thanks for your help.
Preferences:Aptana:Themes. Figuring out what keyword corresponds to what display object can be a bit tricky, but it is all there.
There's actually a ticket already filed to add a theme that matches Dreamweaver:
I'm looking at it now, but I'm running into some internal bugs (namely that I need to fix before I can finish. In any case it should be in Studio 3.0.2 and hopefully I'll fix it today and it'll be in tomorrow's nightly (here's how to get nightly builds:
As for editing themes yourself, you can see the current scope at the cursor by doing Commands > Bundle Development > Show Scope. Then use scope selectors that match that sort of scope (we adopt Textmate's scoping/theming rules:
Could you finally get your theme?
If you want to create your own theme then first go to: Window->Preferences->Aptana Studio->Themes
To create a new theme just click on the "+" sign next to the themes
To add elements to your new theme right click the text in your
editor and click Commands->Bundle Development->Show scope.
Copy the last section you see to the right of the hint window that
In the themes elements list click the "+" located at the bottom of
the dialog box (next to "Scope selector")
Give a friendly name to your new element.
Assign foreground/background colors to your new element.
Paste the element's scope in the "Scope selector" input box (make
sure your new element is selected, if not, click on it).
I created a theme for PHP, CSS, HTML, JS and XML editors, similar to the old aptana 2 colors. If you want to get it you can write me to at gmail dot com.

