One WordPress in multiple /subfolders - wordpress

Is it possible to have one WP instance run and while the rest of the site would be run by Zend Framework?

What you could do is setup a Wordpress MU site. have the install on and and then the rest of the site shouldn't cause any problems.
The only downside is that you basically have two sites for two sections of your site. I just did a Wordpress MU build and it got a little tricky but in the end it all worked and its pretty easy to update, just an extra click or two.

You can install Worpress in your root domain. Make the homepage of the Wordpress install the current homepage of your website with all of the links, layouts, and original site subfolders preserved. Then just have Wordpress take care of the other URLs that you defined above, making sure not to create any Wordpress directories that conflict with the current site directories.


Creating multiple sites on Wordpress using subdirectories

My client currently has a website on Wordpress which runs through a subdirectory ( This website displays rental properties. They have asked me to create an additional website with an additional subdirectory ( for a second prperty, and also create a new webpage for which acts as a portal for the two property sites.
I have never done this before on Wordpress, and I've been exploring the possibility of using Wordpress Multisite. Does anybody have any experience with this? Or advice on what would be the best way to lay out these sites for both future page development, and daily management?
Yes, you can do this using creating a new folder 'subdirectorysite2' and then go for a fresh Wordpress installation.
If you have limited database creation access on the server, in that case, you can create a new template file on your existing WordPress theme and assign the new template to a page. After that change, the link of the page to subdirectorysite2. So that you can generate your desired URL i.e.
And remember to modify .htaccess file as per your requirement.
You can use Wordpress multisite feature.

How to install a 2nd Wordpress site on subdir

I have to move a WP site to another domain where I already have WP running in the root.
Because this is a temporary solution, I don't want to change the existing WP installation to multisite. I want to keep both sites and DBs separated as I'll move the site back later.
So, in a nutshell, I want to move to
I've tried a dozen different things, mostly around excluding that subdir from the root's rewrite rules but nothing works. The root's WP site still takes over and shows a 404 for every page, including static html ones.
Any suggestion?

Static html to wordpress migration

I have a static HTML site (about ten years old) which I am going to migrate to a Wordpress site.
I have used Wordpress before but never as a migration target. From some initial background reading I have come up with the following process to perform the migration:
Check hosting provider/package for Wordpress suitability
Generate complete current site map
Make a complete backup of current site
Install Wordpress in subdirectory
Install Maintenance mode plugin and activate
Migrate content to Wordpress instance (looks like this could be
Install suitable theme
Customise selected theme with Logo/fonts/colours etc.
Deactivate maintenance mode
Make Wordpress site available from domain root
Delete old static html site files
(The migration may take place over several weeks/months so I need the static HTML site to be available until step 10 is completed)
In my naivety are there any pitfalls in the above process, or additional issues I have failed to consider?
Are there any other accepted 'best practices' when performing this kind of migration?
Here's a good tutorial:
For developers who want the theme converted from HTML in easy way (but no guarantee if it can produce the output as expected):
Hope this was helpful!!!!
WordPress theme styles come in all shapes and sizes. Converting from a static HTML site to something database driven like WordPress can be as easy or complicated as you want.
If you just want to integrate WordPress into an existing HTML theme it's as easy as installing WP, setup the database and config, then building in the old HTML structure using WP. This way everything will be the same but managed within WordPress i.e. Pages, Menus, Sidebars.
Here's are some useful links:
And here's a "Start from Scratch" theme that would be simple to start from. Just install it, activate it, then begin migrating the main content i.e. copy and images etc, and building the theme itself.

Website with 2 separate WordPress blogs

I have a website, which runs an integrated wordpress blog, the wordpress was installed by my hosting company and it was a one click install. I then went into my FTP and took all the files from the original style and edited it to look like my website and still function. this is all well and good.
However, I would like to run another page on a separate wordpress blog (so there is basically two seperate archiving systems in place as one of the pages is a blog, and the other is articles which are produced monthly).
is there anyway to do this with the one click install, for example through the WP admin Control panel?
Thanks for your help in advance.
You can use Wordpress MU (Multisite) to accomplish this or just install another Wordpress instance.
Are the two instances you want running on the same domain? Different domains?
In regards to the one click install from your web host, I'm not sure which web host it is or if there are any options for this on there.
Please clarify if you have any further issues. :)
Yes you can use two blogs by the two methods
Install wordpress on SubDomain like
Install wordpress on SubDirectories like
And then you can use both of your site in one another according to your needs and requirements ...

Wordpress and Drupal on the same domain cause htaccess conflicts?

Have a client who wants to move their blog over to their main domain that has a Drupal installation. If I add Wordpress to a "/blog/" directory on the server, will there be any conflicts with the htaccess ie Mod Rewrites etc?
If you place the WordPress files within the /blog/ directory then no, there certainly shouldn't be any htaccess conflicts.
Update :
What berkes suggests below (ie putting WordPress and Drupal in their own separate folders side by side) would be an ideal solution if you were starting from scratch.
However, it would change the URLs of all existing content, which you probably don't want.
One thing you could do is install them side by side and then use mod-rewrite to make go to the wordpress directory and anything else go to the drupal directory.
This way all existing content would stay at the existing URLs even though the drupal instalation had moved.
Note that even this solution would prevent anything which Drupal tried using the /blog path for from being visible, instead redirecting to WordPress.
It will be impossible to install Drupal and Worpress in one directory. Not only because of .htaccess issues, but also because of (potentially) conflicting files and libraries. Moreover: your maintainance and upgrades will be come hell.
I would advice to use different virtual hosts. Any more professional webhoster allows you to define virtualhosts. Defining them depends on the server, setup, lfavour of OS and so forth, and is a whole topic on its own.
Alternatively, you could create a /path/to/webroot/__cms__/ and /path/to/webroot/__blog__/directory. Advice you to not put Wordpress under drupal (a /blog directory in the Drupal directory) nor to put Drupal under wordpress (a /cms directory inside your WP install. This will lead to conflicts. Drupal may have an url /blog (it does!) that will conflict and wordpress may have a /cms url (it doesn't, but could have) that will conflict. Side by side, not inside one another.
Another alternative would be to bridge one CMS with the other. This is tough and complex, but it would be possible to include wordpress in Drupal or vice-versa, given you have enough development and configuration time and -experience.
