Database Designer/Editor for Browser -

Someone at my office asked me to build a browser tool to let them specify a database table's columns and then let them edit the rows. I would be happy to do that, but it seems like this must have been written before or is part of some CMS tool out there. Is there a tool/service/website that lets user create simple database schemas that can then be editted? I am looking for a very simple tool. That really amounts to a simple table editor. It doesn't need to know about foreign keys or indexes. Something like multiple people editing a spreadsheet on Google docs but only let users edit one row at a time.
Extra points for an ASP.NET/MVC tool.

I'm not sure if it is what you looking for but have a look at phpMyAdmin.
It is a tool for mySql to manage databases, table, user, and data of a mySql installation.
It is a php written webfrontend.

This may be overkill for your needs, but we use DbVisualizer to manipulate our databases.

I have made a tutorial that shows you how to install phpMyAdmin on your server. The designer mode makes it simple to manage your database and it runs in your browser. This tutorial shows you how


Drupal 7 - Use external database in (virtual?) nodes and views

I'm a bit of a Drupal newbie but have committed myself to porting some quite complex bespoke websites.
One of these is a surf report site which uses a database with millions of time/location rows to get the local conditions. Obviously can't write this to a Drupal table everyday so am looking for a way to connect and retrieve live data.
I'll need to use the external data in a number of displays which would normally be nodes, views, blocks etc.
The ideal solution would be if the external data just appeared as local data, but I'm guessing that is a rather big ask.
I'm open to any approach. If it involves writing a module some pointers on what to look at (preferably code examples) would be much appreciated.
Maybe you can use the Data module.
From the documentation:
The Data module lets you use database tables that are foreign to Drupal.
You can 'adopt' a table in your database that ordinarily Drupal would not be aware of. This might be external data you have imported, or a table that another application has created.
It also provides Views integration.
I had to show info from a legacy staff databse in my Drupal 6. I have explored three ways:
Importing database rows as nodes in a nightly cronjob
Accessing the external database in my own module
Accessing the external database using hook_views_data()
If I started again I would use hook_views_data(), it's more flexible, specially if you want to match the external database information with drupal nodes.
Have a look at the Forena module which can be used to display (= query, not update) data stored in databases external to Drupal. It comes with a full suite of Supported database connections, such as MySQL, MS SQL, Oracle, Postgres or any PDO compliant variation.
For more details about Forena, 2 types of documentation are available:
Community documentation.
Documentation that comes with Forena, which you can access right after install and enable of the module. Checkout the demo site for an online example of the Forena Documentation.
The Sample reports and graphs are fully functional, such as the drill downs available on the Master Summary with drill down. Using Forena "skins", you can also use the amazing "dataTables" (and its widgets, such as sorting by selected columns).
Forena also includes a UI for either creating your reports (the WYSIWYG Report Editor) and/or for creating your SQL queries (the WYSIWYG Query Builder).
Disclosure: I'm a co-maintainer of Forena.

Looking for a CKFinder connector for images stored in SQL Server binary data

I'm looking for a connector for CKFinder that will enable it to use images stored in a SQL Server database as binary data. Google has turned up much and I was wondering if perhaps done anything like this and can refer me to some code?
If you are looking for an official one, there isn't a one and it looks like there will not be one. I created a trac ticket for this and it got rejected.
They are kind of right in that it's complicated to write a generic connector, because the backend could be MySQL, MSSQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle or any other SQL server running on any platform.
Backups and migrations aside, the best reason to use an SQL backend (at least for me) is for storing metadata and that would still require some custom SQL, because they could have no idea what I want to store and how.
I know this is not a solution so -1 if you feel like it. I have not found any instructions other than the official Server Side Integration guide mentioned in the ticket.
What you need is a handler. You are trying to read a binary image from a database and serve it to a user (or page - depending on the need).
You can see an example here:
It would help to know who -or what- is going to consume the image. Are you creating an image store? So at that point you would reference the Handler in your web.config and then create a Gridview or DataList that references the images and the Handler will render them for you at runtime.

Change management tool for SQLite

I am looking for a good change management application for use with SQLite. In the past I have used SQL Data compare by Redgate, but I have been unable to find anything similar that supports SQLite.
I need to update a fairly large encrypted SQLite database (~1,000,000 rows and 74MB). If possible I would like to generate some scripts to just update the changes rather than force users to download a whole new copy of the database. The version of SQLite we are using is Thanks in advance for any recommendations :)
Have you tried SQLite Compare? It's freeware, and I have used it to compare schemas/data. I think it will also generate SQL update scripts for you too.

is there an SQLite-based wiki?

I would like to find out if there is wiki software that runs on SQLite.
Sure is.
Instiki (What Is Instiki) is a basic
Wiki clone so pretty and easy to set
up, you’ll wonder if it’s really a
wiki. Runs on Rails and focuses on
portability and stability. Supports
file uploads, PDF export, RSS,
multiple users and password
protection. Some use Instiki as a CMS
- Content Management System because of its ability to export static pages.
Fossil, which is a DVCS with many other features (including a wiki) is built on top of Sqlite (in face, made by D. Richard Hipp who wrote Sqlite ). It can be found at:
According to the SQLite Users Page, the CVSTrac program is using SQLite as its internal database structure (you have to follow the link to the CVSTrac site to see the details). I'm sure there are others by hunting around the site.
Wiki::Toolkit can use SQLite as its database.
Mediawiki does, but it is only in the development stage.
Any of the Django ones should be able to, because Django is flexible about which Database backend it uses and SQLite is one of the options.

ASP.NET XML ObjectDataSource Wrapper Class Examples

I want to use XML instead of SQLServer for a simple website.
Are their any good tutorials, code examples, and/or tools available to make a (prefer VB.NET) wrapper class to handle the basic list, insert, edit, and delete (CRUD) code?
The closest one I found was on a Telerik Trainer video/code for their Scheduler component where they used XML to handle the scheduling data in the demo. They created an ObjectDataSource class. Here is a LINK to that demo if anyone is interested.
[Reply to Esteban]
it would make deployment easier for clients that use godaddy where the database isn't in the app_data folder. also backing up those websites would be as simple as FTP the entire thing.
i have concerns about possible collisions on saving. especially if I add something as simple as a click counter to say a list of mp3 files visitors to the site can access.
In these days of SQL Server Express, I'd say there's really no reason for you not to use a database.
I know this doesn't really answer your question, but I'd hate to see you roll out code that will be a nightmare to maintain and scale.
Maybe you could tell us why you want to use XML files instead of a proper database.
It would make deployment easier for clients that use go-daddy where the database isn't in the app_data folder. also backing up those websites would be as simple as FTP the entire thing.
I have concerns about possible collisions on saving. especially if I add something as simple as a click counter to say a list of mp3 files visitors to the site can access.
