SIMPLE MVC Question MVC Redirect - spring-mvc

I have a controller that creates a news article. I want to redirect the user to the article's page, something like: "/article/1". Normally I could just throw in return View("MyAction") but I need to pass the integer along in this case. There are overloads for adding a model to the View method call but I don't see anything that will let me accomplish my goal.
What's the best way to do this?
Also, I used ViewData for my success message... if I use a redirect message it isn't going to function so is there a better way to do that too?

I think this is what you might be looking for.
RedirectToAction(new {controller="controllerName", action="article", id=1});
Hope this helps


Where should be defined an action on entity

sorry because my question is dum but I prefer to ask to organize correctly my code.
Actually, in a Controller, I do an action like 'get entity + set activated + persist + send a mail'.
I know this should be placed somewhere else to be usable by others controllers.
I guess that it should be a service, but I got an hesitation, it could be in the model? but given the send mail action, I'm not sure.
I know this is something that may have been discussed in the past, I just couldn't find a clear explanation about that.
There is an official page for business logic on Symfony but not clear about that:
Thank's in advance for your help
You should create custom services and add them to the servicecontainer. This link will help you:

Json Dynamic views spring MVC

I am kind of new to spring MVC
and I wanted to use JasonViews (Jackson) for dynamic JSON per request and I didn't want to change my controllers too much .. so #marty here gave me a great solution in his blog
The problem is that I need control over the HTTP status codes,so my controllers are returning types of HttpResponse{T} and not List{T} how can I customize the code in order to support parsing of types like HttpResponse{List{Book}}?
If not possible, can I control the Http status code without the HttpResponse?
I may need to see an example of your code to really understand what you are asking, but this might point you in the right direction:
Take #marty's code and try extending HttpEntityMethodProcessor with it.
Then, you need to make your method signatures look like
public ResponseEntity<MyType> getMyTypeWithControlOverResponseEntity(...) {...}
You can find more info on this signature type at:
Let me know if this is not the right direction you were trying to go or need more help. =)

ASP.NET MVC - How To Refresh View From Actionmethod as a response to request?

I have an action-method in a controller that takes requests coming from a variety of different views.
It is somewhat of a utility method and I simply want it to accept the parameters it is given - do something - and then refresh the view that sent the request.
Right now, the only way I see to do this is by having the method figure out what view sent it the info and do a:
return RedirectToAction("method", "controller");
For each possibility (or something similar to that).
Is there a more general way I can make my method just re-render the current view without having to explicitly identify it?
Your best bet is to use jQuery to post the data then utilize the results as you see fit. Otherwise you can pass in the action/controller name in the post and use them dynamically to redirect.

Translate a url to a route

I feel like I'm re-inventing the wheel here, but I need to find a way of taking a URL from a catchall,and redirecting that to another route.
The reason for this is because I need to do some things like adding session cookies for certain urls, and then pass them on to their relevant action.
What's the best way of implementing this?
Thanks in advance for any help!
You can try changing the master page at runtime. It's not the most beautiful solution though.
Theming Support
If I understand question...
Looking at your previous question (redirect-to-controller-but-with-a-different-master-using-a-catchall-wildcard) you want to take the wildcard from:
new { controller = "Partners", action = "PartnerRedirect" }
And in the Partners/PartnerRedirect action, send it to the right controller/action specified in the wildcard?
I have no idea the best way to do this, but looking at ways to unit test url routing brought up this:
I'm not sure if it is an exact fit (ie. might not have to mock stuff), but it looks like all the data is returned from GetRouteData to pass to RedirectToAction method.
Oh, so you don't want a redirect? You want the URL to stay:
but serve up:
I don't have MVC at home, but couldn't you instead define your route differently?
Instead of:
new { controller = "Partners", action = "PartnerRedirect" }
"partners/{partner}/{controller}/{action}/{other stuff you need}",
new { /* whatever defaults you want */ }
The action now has the partner variable to do whatever with, and you could add route constraints to partner so only valid ones match.
(I think) you could then use an action filter on your actions/controllers to do appropriate action based on the partner paramter (it should be in httpcontext of the filter, again I think!) so that you don't have to repeat code in every action if you want to do some basic checks/actions on partner.
Here is a decent write up on a lot of ways to skin that cat:
No, it is effectively a redirect, but the redirect is not visible to the user (in much the same way as a Server.Transfer() is done in Web Forms.
The link you pointed at only uses one master page, whereas I have many master pages (close to 200).
I have thought of having separate route handlers for these partners, but the master page choice came into the equation.
I think I'm going to have to create a ViewExtension to overcome these problems...

Updating/Intercepting HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString

Here's a wierd one. I'm reusing a code base that unfortunately must not be updated. This code makes a call to HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString. Ideally, I need to push a value into this collection with every request that is made. Is this possible - perhaps in an HTTP Module?
Without using reflection, the simplest way to do it would be to use the RewritePath function on the current HttpContext object in order to modify the querystring.
Using an IHttpModule, it might look something like:
context.RewritePath(context.Request.Path, context.Request.PathInfo, newQueryStringHere!);
Hope this helps!
Ditto Espo's answer and I would like to add that usually in medium trust (specific to many shared hostings) you will not have access to reflection so ... RewritePath will remain your probably only choice.
