How to start working on as3yaml? - apache-flex

I am a newbie in yaml but I have to work on as3yaml which I don't have any knowledge on it.
I already downloaded as3yaml and attached to my project which is Flex project and I already read about yaml syntax.
But I don't have any ideas how can I start to work on it. I don't know how to new .yaml file with eclipse. I can't find any .yaml new file.
For now I understand that I have to create .yaml file and have to write the function on Actionscript Class to encode/decode the .yaml file.
And I also need some get started websites which I can learn myself.
Pls help!

I've never used Yaml as well, however it seems pretty straightforward:
var yaml:YAML = new YAML();
var data:Object = YAML.decode(yourYamlString);
You should really try reading the docs. Also, I wouldn't recommend using YAML unless you really have to. If you can, use AMF (native, faster, parses directly into model) but if you want something a little more 'web standardized' you can use JSON with the as3core library to parse it.


How do I extract a jpeg's EXIF thumbnail using ImageSharp?

I am trying to extract thumbnails from source jpegs and save them to the file system, using the C# ImageSharp library. I see there is some mention of it in the intellisense for the component:
...but I can't seem to find any documentation for it or examples to call it correctly.
I did find this:
using SixLabors.ImageSharp;
using SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats;
using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing;
//method code:
Image<TPixel> thumbnail = image.Metadata.ExifProfile.CreateThumbnail<TPixel>();
...but I need to find where the TPixel type is to get it to work. VisualStudio doesn't recognize it and I can't seem to find a namespace or use it correctly:
"The type or namespace name 'TPixel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)"
Legacy Windows .NET Framework could do this for System.Drawing.Image.Image.GetThumbnailImage() and it worked pretty well.
EDIT: Using tocsoft's answer, I changed the code to:
if (image.Metadata.ExifProfile != null)
Image<Rgba32> thumbnail = image.Metadata.ExifProfile.CreateThumbnail<Rgba32>();
thumbnail.Save(thumbnailPath, encoder);
...however, the image.Metadata.ExifProfile is null, which is unexpected since I know these source images have EXIF data.
EDIT: Actually, it's working now. Success! Thank you!
TPixel would be any of the pixel formats in the SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats namespace. But unless you are planning on interoperating with other systems that require the pixel data layed out in memory in specific ways you will likely just want to use Rgba32
Image<Rgba32> thumbnail = image.Metadata.ExifProfile.CreateThumbnail<Rgba32>();

Issue when importing JSON via 'require' in Meteor

The following code works to load a local, static JSON file:
var stories = require('../stories/stories.json');
Now I want to load a file based on a variable, e.g. do something like this:
var storiesPath = '../stories/stories.json';
var stories = require(storiesPath);
But this triggers an error:
Error: Cannot find module '../stories/stories.json'
at require (packages/modules-runtime.js:123:19)
at meteorInstall.server.main.js (server/main.js:7:15)
Is there any way to get this working? I assume that I could load my file via the Meteor http package instead but I'd rather not add another package if I can avoid it.
Thanks for your hints
Like I said in the comment, you can easily use a variable in a require, e.g.,
> var x = 'fs';
> require(x).readFile
So that's not the problem you are dealing with. Are you sure your first case indeed works? It would be surprising. I think you might be running into project file layout issues, due to the use of a relative path. I would stay away from that. And fortunately you can quite easily by using an asset! You can put your json file in private/ in your project folder and then use:
const stories = JSON.parse(Assets.getText('stories.json'));

Compiling code + ydn with Closure Compiler

I'm trying to take advantage of Google Closure Compiler minification by writing a database script of my own and compiling it with the pre-compiled ydn. To get a basic first version working I'm trying to rewrite the todo list demo from the project. Unfortunately, I don't understand how to keep namespaces for ydn functions preserved in the compiled output file.
Here's what I've written so far:
When the code compiles in advanced mode, the "ydn.db.Storage" from "db = new ydn.db.Storage(dbName, Schema)" gets munged into "ydn.db.c$" making it unusable. The goog.exportSymbol at the bottom of the file doesn't seem to save the function names either.
Does anyone know how to rewrite this with Google Closure Compiler? Should this be compiled directly with the ydn source code instead?
The goog.exportSymbol at the bottom of the file doesn't seem to save the function names either.
It should.
should be
goog.exportSymbol('ydn.db.Storage', ydn.db.Storage);

MacRuby: How to read a plist file?

I bet this is super simple and easy but can't find a basic example online. How can I read data from a plist file in my project using MacRuby?
Turns out there's a few different ways to do it, but the cleanest I've found (so far) is to use the MacRuby helper method load_plist (which turns a plist file's contents into a hash). Also, if you're using XCode, you will need to get the file path relative to your app bundle:
# there's an AppConfig.plist file in my app bundle
config_path = NSBundle.mainBundle.pathForResource('AppConfig', ofType: 'plist')
#config = load_plist
This slide deck about MacRuby has some example code for accessing plist files (slides 77-80), the gist of which is that you open the file with NSDictionary.dictionaryWithContentsOfFile and then manipulate it as you would a Ruby Hash, then write it again with writeToFile_atomically. The NSDictionary documentation might be useful to you; you can find it here.

ASP.NET How to use WebConfigurationManager to get section from Specific config file?

I am trying to get sections from specific .config file such like "my.config".
WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration can get the web.config in specific path.
Maybe WebConfigurationManager.OpenMappedWebConfiguration can reach my purpose.
Can anyone share experience?
I don't know about using the OpenMappedWebconfig thing, but this is a way to do it using a easy utility class:
If you want to have neater access to the config, then create a custom class that inherits from ConfigurationSection, then you can access the variables using syntax like MyConfig.configkey, Here's an article that describes how to create the custom class and is good for some further info:
This article shows how to do internal custom config sections:
EDIT: The is down, so to tide you over, here are some other helpful links:
Here's a super-simple way to do it -
Here's the verbose Microsoft way -
