Adobe Flex ActionScript prevent model tainting - apache-flex

I have some values stores in my model. I need to create a copy of those values, make some changes, and then output those changes without affecting the model values.
var my_source:Array = model.something.source
var output:Array = new Array();
for each (var vo:my_vo in my_source) {
if ( == 1) { = 'Foo';
else if ( == 21) { = 'Bar';
return output;
So, this works fine, except that any changes that are made when looping through my_source also seems to affect model.something. Why do changes to the my_source array affect the model? How do I prevent this from happening?

I've mentioned how to do this in my blog, but short answer is use ObjectUtil.copy(). What you're trying to do isn't copying since Flash uses reference based objects, so you're only copying the reference to the other array. By using ObjectUtil.copy(), you're doing what's called a 'deep copy' which is actually recreates the object in a new memory location.

You are dealing with references to data, not copies of data. This is how ActionScript-3 (and many other languages) works.
When you create the my_source variable, you are creating a reference to model.something.source, which also includes all of the references to your model objects. Further, when you loop through the my_vo objects, you are also getting a reference to these objects. This means that if you make changes to the object in this loop, you are making changes to the objects in the model.
How do you fix this? Inside your loop, you will need to make a copy of your object. I don't know what my_vo looks like, but if you have any other objects in that object tree, they would be references as well, which would probably require a "deep copy" to achieve what you want.
The easiest way (but usually not the most efficient way) to achieve a "deep copy" is to serialize and de-serialze. One way to achieve this:
function deepCopy(source:Object):* {
var serializer:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
serializer.position = 0;
return serializer.readObject();
Then, in your loop, you can make your copy of the data:
for each(var vo:my_vo in my_source) {
var copy:my_vo = deepCopy(vo);
// act on copy instead of vo


How to write if statement comparing numbers that creates objects conditionally in QML

I'm working with QML and Python3.6 + PySide2 and I'm trying to write script in QML that takes two integers from a connection in python and compares them to decide what image background to use for the window.
There are a few things I'm struggling with. First, I am unsure how to compare my numeric (sunset and sunrise) variables. Second, I don't know how to write an if statement-esque part that produces a background image conditionally. Third, I don't think it's best to do this under Connections, and maybe even in my QML, but I'm not sure how to move my variables somewhere else.
I really appreciate any pointers or help!!
The data I'm drawing from looks like this:
The QML pseudo-ish code:
Connections {
target: weather
function onDataChanged(){
var sunrise =['dt']['sunrise']
var sunset =['dt']['sunset']
if (sunrise <= sunset)
Image {
source: "night.png"}
Image {
course: "day.png"}
You cannot create QML-items from if-statements like that (neither from State's). You can call Qt.createComponent if you like, however, it is rather overkill in this example. You should directly set the source property of your image:
Image {
id: image_tod
Connections {
target: weather
function onDataChanged(){
var sunrise =['dt']['sunrise']
var sunset =['dt']['sunset']
if (sunrise <= sunset)
image_tod.source = "night.png"
image_tod.source = "day.png"
Looking at the code, you might actually be able to bind it directly to the source property (not sure what your model exactly looks like):
Image {
source: {
if(['dt']['sunrise'] <=['dt']['sunset'])
return "night.png"
return "day.png"
This works because when compiling the QML, the engine creates a dependency from every referenced variable (weather and data in this case), and re-evaluates the whole binding if any of them signals a change. To make fully use of this, you should also expose hasError as a property rather than a function (and emit whenever it changes).
Follow-up update
Yes, you can make it as wild as you want. I think you mean this:
Image {
source: {
if(['dt']['sunrise'] <=['dt']['sunset'])
return "night.png"
else if(['dt']['sunrise'] >['dt']['sunset'])
return "day.png"
return "" //means no image

Simpler way to get advanced meta data in ilUIHookPluginGUI?

I am currently coding a plugin for ILIAS. The plugin itself is not at all complex but it contains several issues whereas I think we could make it simpler as it is.
The situation is following: We have a global advanced meta data field added in the user defined meta data section with a bijective identifier. The field is activated at a repository objected named course. We have manipulated the GUI with the plugin based on ilUIHookPluginGUI.
The code for this is ... well ... see it for yourself.
First of all we save the ID of the new meta data field in the settings at the ConfigGUI for the plugin:
$field_settings = new ilSetting("foo");
$field_id_value = $field_settings->set("field_id",$_POST["field_id"]);
In our class which extends ilUIHookPluginGUI we are loading the setting as following and we have the ID of the field:
$field_settings = new ilSetting("foo");
$field_id_value = $field_settings->get("field_id");
Now the fun part. With this ID and the ref_id of the object (well, we also load the object to get the ObjId) we can load the value of the meta data field setted at the course:
$object = \ilObjectFactory::getInstanceByRefId($_GET[ 'ref_id' ]);
$obj_id = $object->getId();
$result = $DIC->database()->query("SELECT value FROM adv_md_values_text WHERE obj_id = '".$obj_id."' AND field_id = '".$field_id_value."'");
$value = $DIC->database()->fetchAssoc($result);
$is_active = $value['value'];
The question is ... is there an easier way to achieve my result?
Nice question. First of all, note that I consider the advanced metadata service in ILIAS to be lacking a good readme making clear, which hooks the interface is offering for tasks such as yours. Some time ago, I had to deal with this service as well and run into similar issues. Hopefully, your question helps to document this a little better an I myself am looking forward to other suggestions, knowing that mine is not really good as well. If you have any resources, helping pushing the introduction of good readme for services and also pushing services towards using the repository pattern with a clear interface would be highly appreciated.
Concering your question of what can be improved: I see three main issues in the lines of code:
Storing an ID in the config of your plugin. Your plugin will unconfigurable for non-technical people. However, also for you this will be error prone, think about exporting-importing stuff from a test-installation to production.
Access the value by query instead of the service.
Using new and static functions inside your code making it untestable.
Step 1
Lets start with the first one. Note, that I did not manage to solve this one without introducing a new one (a new query). Bad I know. I hope that there is a better solution, I did not find one after quick research. You store the id, since the field title is not securely unique, right? This is correct, however, you could think about storing the tripplet of field_title, record_title and (maybe) scope. Note that you maybe do not need the scope since you want to use this globally. A function return you and array containing field_id and record_id could look like so:
function getFieldAndRecordIdByFieldTitles($field_title, $record_title, $scope_title){
$query = "select field.field_id,field.record_id from adv_mdf_definition as field
INNER JOIN adv_md_record as record ON record.record_id = field.record_id
INNER JOIN adv_md_record_scope as scope ON scope.record_id = field.record_id
INNER JOIN object_reference as ref ON scope.ref_id = ref.ref_id
INNER JOIN object_data as scope_data ON ref.obj_id = scope_data.obj_id
WHERE field.title='$field_title' AND record.title='$record_title' AND scope_data.title = '$scope_title'";
$set = $this->dic()->database()->query($query);
if($row = $this->dic()->database()->fetchAssoc($set))
return array_values($row);
Then get your values like so:
list($field_id,$record_id) = getFieldAndRecordIdByFieldTitles("my_field", "my_record", "my_scope");
Note that I am aware that I am introducing a new query here. Sorry, was the best I could come up with. I am sure there you find a better solution, if your research a bit, let us know if successful. However, we will remove one in the next step.
Step 2
Use the undocumented service, the get your value out of the advance meta data. Since you now have the record id and the field id, you can to that like so:
$record_values = new ilAdvancedMDValues($record_id, $obj_id);
$ADTGroup = $ilAdvancedMDValues->getADTGroup();
$ADT = $ilADTGroup->getElement($field_id);
$value = $ADT->getText();
/**if you have text, others are possible, such as:
switch (true) {
case ($ADT instanceof ilADTText):
case ($ADT instanceof ilADTDate):
$value = $ADT->getDate();
case ($ADT instanceof ilADTExternalLink):
$... = $ADT->getUrl();
$... = $ADT->getTitle();
case ($ADT instanceof ilADTInternalLink):
$... = $ADT->setTargetRefId($value);
Note that ADT's are also undocumented. There might be a better way, to get a value out of this.
Step 3
Wrap your statics and new into some injectable dependency. I usually use the bloated constructor pattern to do this. Looks like so:
public function __construct(InjectedSettings $mySettings = null)
if (!$mySettings) //Case in the default scenario
$this->mySettings = new InjectedSettings();
} else //used e.g. for unit tests, where you can stuff the constructor with a mock
$this->mySettings = $mySettings;
Note that this is not real dep. injection, still you still use new, but I think a very workable fix to use dep. injection at least for the test context in ilias.
Does this help? I hope there will be other (better answers as well).

UWP/WinRT with C++/CX: In a chain of asynchronous tasks, how can data be passed between them?

I understand that the return from one lambda is fed into the arguments of the next. However, what about if multiple pieces of data need to be passed, or the return type of one lambda is already set by the program structure?
Here is my working code where both of these are the case for opening up a file picker and then reading its contents as text while remembering what the file it came from was:
.then([this](StorageFile^ file)
if (file == nullptr) cancel_current_task();
m_OpenFilename = file->Name;
return FileIO::ReadTextAsync(file);
.then([this](String^ fileContents)
//do something with the filename and file contents
Note that in order to make this work, I needed to add a class variable to store the filename in between the asynchronous tasks. This strikes me as bad for a number of reasons:
It is ugly having a class variable for the internal use of a single method
It this thread-safe? If someone goes nuts opening file pickers and selecting files, would these asynchronous tasks potentially clobber each other when accessing m_OpenFilename?
This is only a trivial example with one variable, but let's say I also want to keep track of the path of the file, and its file attributes, and a number of other characteristics. Now the class is looking uglier and uglier as the number of class variables increase.
My first approach was to have a variable local in scope to the function, and to pass it into each of the lambda functions by altering their capture lists to be [this, OpenFilename]. However, this would fail because by the time the lambda executed, C++/CX's background memory handlers would have already discarded Openfilename, resulting in an access violation when accessing it.
In my example, how can I pass the metadata of the file along to the results of ReadTextAsync so that I can have access to both the file and its contents at the same time?
The easiest way is to just continue building a chain of nested continuations:
auto picker = ref new FileOpenPicker();
picker->SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId::Desktop;
auto task = create_task(picker->PickSingleFileAsync()).then(
[](StorageFile^ file)
auto name = file->Name;
auto task = create_task(file->OpenReadAsync()).then(
[name](IRandomAccessStreamWithContentType^ iras)
If you don't want to do that (for whatever reason) another option is to use a shared_ptr to hold the value; in this case I'm going to hold on to the name and the created date in a helper file_info type:
struct file_info
Platform::String^ name;
Windows::Foundation::DateTime created;
auto picker = ref new FileOpenPicker();
picker->SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId::Desktop;
auto info = std::make_shared<file_info>();
auto task = create_task(picker->PickSingleFileAsync()).then(
[info](StorageFile^ file)
info->name = file->Name;
info->created = file->DateCreated;
return create_task(file->OpenReadAsync());
[info](IRandomAccessStreamWithContentType^ iras)
wchar_t datetime[100];
_i64tow_s(info->created.UniversalTime, datetime, 100, 10);

Caliburn.Micro multiple element custom Conventions (NumericUpDown.Value,NumericUpDown.Maximum)

I've been messing around with CM conventions trying to understand how they work but i haven't found a decent article somewhere explaining step-by-step how and why.
However I've found a few code snippets that i've been working with with some success.
In this case, however, i don't understand what is going on.
I'm trying to bind a NumericUpDown Value and Maximum to a corresponding ViewModel property. I was able to do it with the following code:
ConventionManager.AddElementConvention<NumericUpDown>(NumericUpDown.ValueProperty, "Value", "ValueChanged");
ConventionManager.AddElementConvention<NumericUpDown>(NumericUpDown.MaximumProperty, "Maximum", "MaximumChanged");
var baseBindProperties = ViewModelBinder.BindProperties;
ViewModelBinder.BindProperties =
(frameWorkElements, viewModels) =>
foreach (var frameworkElement in frameWorkElements)
var propertyName = frameworkElement.Name + "Max";
var property = viewModels.GetPropertyCaseInsensitive(propertyName);
if (property != null)
var convention = ConventionManager.GetElementConvention(typeof(NumericUpDown));
return baseBindProperties(frameWorkElements, viewModels);
However, an here comes the weird part, i can only make one of them to work. That makes me believe that i'm doing some noob mistake somewhere. It almost seems i can only call AddElementConvention and therefor only the last call is executed.
I would appreciate either a help with this piece of code or a reference to some good documentation that could help me with it.
Best Regards
i found out somewhere that CM only allows one convention per item so that's the reason of this behavior...
However since items like ComboBox allows binding for multiple properties (SelectedItem, ItemSource and so on...) i'm not completed convinced...

AS3: Whats determines the order of:

OK I am looping through the properties in an object like so:
private var _propsList:Object = {'Type':'product_type'
,'Stone Color':'primary_stone_sub'
for(key in _propsList)
val = _propsList[key];
trace(key +" = "+ val);
I am expecting the first trace to be Type = property_type since that is the first one defined in the array, however it is coming up random everytime. I guess this is because my keys are strings and not integers, however is there a way to specify the order it loops through them?
You can't rely on for (v in someObject) ... to return things in a predictable order, no.
Depending on your specific situation, you could just use an array to hold the keys, and just iterate through that:
private var keys:Array = ["Type", "Kind", "Stone", "Stone Color", "Metal", "Brand"];
private function iterate():void
for each (var k:String in keys)
Maybe a bit obvious or non-elegant, but it'd get the job done. :)
you could hack it by classing-out your "_propsList" object creating an array inside of the newly created PropsList class that references the properties in order. At that point, you could run a FOR loop on the array and get your properties in order.
OR, you could have a function inside that new class that would return an Array of those properties. like this:
public function getProps():Array {
return [myPropertyOne, myPropertyTwo, myPropertyThree];
In general, I think this is a case where you shouldn't depend on a particular behavior from the framework/language you are using. This type of behavior is generally poorly documented and can change from version to version.
If you really need a specific retrieval order, I would create a wrapper class as jevinkones suggested above. Maybe there's even a utility class in the framework somewhere to accomplish this (Dictionary, etc.?)
I found this link that gives some background:
Subtle Change in Loops for ActionScript 3
This question is actually a dup of this one.
How about using an array representation like this:
var _propsList:Array = [
['Type', 'product_type'],
['Kind', 'product_type_sub'],
['Stone', 'primary_stone'],
['Stone Color', 'primary_stone_sub'],
['Metal', 'metal_type'],
['Brand', 'product_brand']
for(var i in _propsList) {
var elem = _propsList[i];
var key = elem[0];
var val = elem[1]
