When I use the following statement,
typedef QPair<ItemA, ItemB> test
where ItemB is a smart pointer.ie typedef QSharedpointer<Z> ItemB
When I instantiate test, should I provide initialization values ?
eg: test Inst1(0,0);
Or does QPair automatically provide default constructed values?
I have found the Qt documentation to be very reliable in such low-level matters. And according to the QPair documentation, QPair has a default constructor with no arguments. (Alternatively, you could just have tried it out...)
I'm a beginner in Qt and trying to understand the SIGNAL and SLOT macros. When I'm learning to use the connect method to bind the signal and slot, I found the tutorials on Qt's official reference page uses:
connect(obj1, SIGNAL(signal(int)), obj2, SLOT(slot()))
However, this also works very well:
connect(obj1, &Obj1::signal, obj2, &Obj2::slot)
So what exactly do the macros SIGNAL and SLOT do? Do they just look for the signal in the class the object belongs to and return the address of it?
Then why do most programmers use these macros instead of using &Obj1::signal since the latter appears to be simpler and you don't need to change the code if the parameters of the signal function change?
The use of the SIGNAL and SLOT macros used to be the only way to make connections, before Qt 5. The connection is made at runtime and require signal and slots to be marked in the header. For example:
Class MyClass : public QObject
void Signal();
void ASlotFunction();
To avoid repetition, the way in which it works is described in the QT 4 documentation.
The signal and slot mechanism is part of the C++ extensions that are provided by Qt and make use of the Meta Object Compiler (moc).
This explains why signals and slots use the moc.
The second connect method is much improved as the functions specified can be checked at the time of compilation, not runtime. In addition, by using the address of a function, you can refer to any class function, not just those in the section marked slots:
The documentation was updated for Qt 5.
In addition, there's a good blog post about the Qt 4 connect workings here and Qt 5 here.
Addition to the first answer.
what exactly did the macro SIGNAL and SLOT do
Almost nothing. Look at the qobjectdefs.h:
# define SLOT(a) "1"#a
# define SIGNAL(a) "2"#a
It just adds 1 or 2. It means that next code is valid and works as expected:
QObject *obj = new QObject;
connect(obj,"2objectNameChanged(QString)",this,"1show()");//suppose this is a pointer to a QDialog subclass
why do most programmers use these macros instead of using like
Because these macros work not only in Qt5.
Because with these macros there is no complexity with overloaded
signals (it can make your code very dirty and it is really not a simple thing)
Because with new syntax you sometimes need to use specific
More details here.
To complete TheDarkKnight's answer, it is an excellent practice to refactor legacy code that is using the old Qt 4 SIGNAL and SLOT macros to Qt 5's new syntax using function address.
Suddenly, connection error will appear at compile time instead of at runtime! It's very easy to make a Qt 4 connection error as any spelling mistake will result in such an error. Plus, the name of the function must be the fully qualified name, i.e preceded with the full namespace if any.
Another benefit is the ability to use a lambda for the slot function, which can reduce need of a named function if the slot body is trivial.
These macros just convert their parameters to signal/slot-specific strings. The Differences between String-Based and Functor-Based Connections can be found in the docs. In short:
Type checking is done at Run-time
Can connect signals to slots which have more arguments than the signal (using default parameters)
Can connect C++ functions to QML functions
Type checking is done at Compile-time
Can perform implicit type conversions
Can connect signals to lambda expressions
In Qt, it is common to see something similar to the following:
QSettings obj3(QSettings::SystemScope, "MySoft", "Star Runner");
The important bit is the QSettings::SystemScope, which is an enum.
I want to have a settings provider (pay no attention to the previous example here, it has nothing to do with the following), with a get/set property.
The refreshRate has to link to a key (string), and a default value (variant).
Should I make an enum and two dicts for the key and default values, or make a struct and a whole bunch of variables that encapsulate the settings I need? Should I try something else?
This is what I did.
// Interface
class Settings {
static QVariant get(Setting setting);
static void set(Setting setting, QVariant value);
const static Setting serverRefreshRate;
const static Setting serverReportTimeout;
// Implementation
const Setting Settings::serverRefreshRate = { "server/refreshRate", 10000 };
const Setting Settings::serverReportTimeout = { "server/reportTimeout", 1000 };
Well I guess since you're using enum which most likely will be easily castable to numbers from to 0 to N-1 I guess just storing variants and strings in two vectors or one vector of pairs would work just fine.
There's also another question though -- how to initialize all of that and how you will be adding new settings to it. I can suggest two methods - first one writing a bunch of function calls with arguments: enum, string, variant. Thus way though if programmer adds another value to enum he can forget to call initializing function. The other way is to create function (or maybe two) which will do switch on all enum values (without default case) and will return pair of string and variant. You can turn on the compiler warning about all enum values being processed in switch and thus way control if you forget to implement some of them in that function. And then initialize your structures using loop on all of enum values. These initializing functions should be called somewhere near the beginning of your program (before reading settings initially).
Well, that's my thoughts on it, you are free to try some different ways though.
I'm new to OpenCL, and have followed this tutorial to get started. Before creating the cl::Context, the tutorial creates a static array of three cl_context_properties which it doesn't explain what it is for, but which it sends as the properties argument in the cl::Context constructor.
However when looking at the reference page for cl::Context, there is no explanation of what the properties parameter is, but it does say that it "is reserved and must be zero". So why does the tutorial send a non-zero value as that argument? What purpose does it serve? And if you have been able to pass that argument before, how does it come that it is suddenly "reserved", doesn't that make OpenCL non-backward compatible?
The code compiles and runs fine both with and without the parameter there. The only difference is that I get a warning that cprops is unused when putting NULL there instead of cprops.
Also, when I pass CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU | CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU as the type argument to the cl::Context constructor, my application will crash (SIGSEGV) when I later try to create a cl::Buffer with the context. Why? Am I not able to specify more than one device type to use simultaneously?
Update: By giving NULL as the properties argument to the cl::Context constructor, the variable platformList is suddenly not used to anything OpenCL related anymore. The tutorial seems to use platformList to specify the platform for which the cl::Context should be created, but now the context is just created like this:
cl::Context context(
so I don't get to specify the platform. Shouldn't I get to do that? How does it come I can't do that when the tutorial seemed to be doing that?
On your first question, see the official OpenCL documentation for a description of this parameter: http://www.khronos.org/registry/cl/sdk/1.1/docs/man/xhtml/. This is the C API, but it is the same as the C++ API.
As to your second question - you may want to check the error result from creating the context to see why it doesn't like the type parameters you specify.
Is it possible to use QPointer with QHash?
QPointer<QHash<QString, QPointer<QStringList>> > pHash;
QPointer can only be used with QObject subclasses. Thus it cannot be used with QHash or QStringList, as both aren't QObject's. If the code above compiles for you, that's probably because you don't use pHash yet? Even initializing such a QPointer, e.g.
QPointer<QHash<QString, QString> > foo( new QHash<QString, QString>() );
gives errors like the following one (gcc):
error: cannot convert ‘QHash<QString, QString>*’ to ‘QObject*’ in initialization
If you really need (smart) pointers to containers, try QSharedPointer, which doesn't require the contained object to be of any specific type.
Usually one creates containers on the stack though, creating them on the heap is unidiomatic and unnecessary in almost all cases. Qt's containers are implicitly shared, thus copying them is cheap.
I have a QListWidget of calendars. Each QListWidgetItem is logically associated with an instance of Calendar, which is a class that belongs to the Model side of the application.
Can I store this association in the form of a pointer using QListWidgetItem::setData? When I attempt to do this, I get the following error:
error: 'QVariant::QVariant(void*)' is private
There is another constructor for void*: QVariant::QVariant(int typeOrUserType, const void * copy) where you should pass an unique integer to represent the pointer type.
But as stated by the documentation, you could declare your pointer type with Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Calendar*) and use QVariant::fromValue<Calendar*>(...) and QVariant::value<Calendar*>() to store and retrieve the value.
Or instead, because you are using a QListWidget instead of a regular model, you can just subclass QListWidgetItem, and add a Calendar* member variable with the required accessors, to avoid the overhead of using QVariant.
I would suggest looking at this solution as well, which I think is quite elegant:
(there are minor syntax errors, but you will spot them quickly or the compiler will issue an error)