cannot modify asp login in page_load or page_init -

So I have an asp:Login field on my login page.
However, I want to use a path for the create account url and the forgot password url. So I have to do it in Page_Load or maybe Page_Init. Regardless, neither option works, it simply refuses to modify the login form.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string accountpath = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri + "/user/RequestAccount.aspx";
string forgotpath = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri + "/user/ForgotPassword.aspx";
lgnMain.CreateUserUrl = accountpath;
lgnMain.PasswordRecoveryUrl = forgotpath;
lgnMain.InstructionText = "test";
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
string accountpath = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri + "/user/RequestAccount.aspx";
string forgotpath = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri + "/user/ForgotPassword.aspx";
lgnMain.CreateUserUrl = accountpath;
lgnMain.UserName = "test";
lgnMain.InstructionText = "test";
lgnMain.PasswordRecoveryUrl = forgotpath;

The CreateUserUrl and the PasswordRecoveryUrl are ignored if you haven't set the CreateUserText and PasswordRecoveryText properties respectively. Since the Text properties probably don't need to be dynamic, just set them in the ASPX (although you could still set them in the code behind if required), and then the dynamic setting of the URL properties (in the Page_Load event) should work without problem.
Documentation here:
From the Documentation above:
If the CreateUserText property is
empty, the link to the registration
page is unavailable to the user.
If the PasswordRecoveryText property
is empty, the link to the password
recovery page is not available to the

have you tried setting it in the markup?
<asp:Login id="lgnMain" runat="server"
PasswordRecoveryText = "Forgot Password"
PasswordRecoveryUrl = "~/user/ForgotPassword.aspx" >


Why would formview disappear in Edit Mode

I know I must be missing something simple but I cannot find it so I will pose the question here. I have a formview with two templates (item and edititem).
The form is bound to the itemtemplate in the page_Load event and works fine. However, if is use !IsPostBack in the code-behind, the formview disappears when the edit button is clicked. If I remove the postback check from page_load, then the form view appears after the edit button is clicked.
The page does have viewstate enabled.
In general, what steps are needed to get the formview to transition between modes correctly?
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
source = Session["Source"].ToString();
acctType = Session["AccountType"].ToString();
acctNumber = Convert.ToInt32(Session["AccountNumber"]);
if (source == "LifeLineDS")
ObjectDataSource fvObjDS = new ObjectDataSource();
fvObjDS.TypeName = "LifelineDataAccess.LifelineSubscriber";
fvObjDS.SelectMethod = "GetLifelineDSSubscriber";
fvObjDS.SelectParameters.Add(new Parameter("AcctType", TypeCode.String, acctType));
fvObjDS.SelectParameters.Add(new Parameter("AcctNumber", TypeCode.String, Session["AccountNumber"].ToString()));
if (fvObjDS != null)
fvSubscriber.DataSource = fvObjDS; //subscriber.ToString();
initialProgramValue = (fvSubscriber.FindControl("txtEligibility") as TextBox).Text;
// more code for other sources...
protected void btnEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
fvSubscriber.DataSource = Session["subscriber"]; //Adding this line resolved !IsPostBack problem
ObjectDataSource programsObjDS = new ObjectDataSource();
programsObjDS.TypeName = "LifelineDataAccess.LifelineSubscriber";
programsObjDS.SelectMethod = "GetPrograms";
DropDownList ddlEligibility = ((DropDownList)(fvSubscriber.FindControl("ddlEligibility")));
if (ddlEligibility != null)
ddlEligibility.DataSource = programsObjDS;
ddlEligibility.DataTextField = "ProgramName";
ddlEligibility.DataValueField = "ProgramName";
ddlEligibility.SelectedValue = initialProgramValue; // Set selected value to subscribers current program
seems to not to set the data source. The rule is that either you have the DataSourceID set in the declarative part of your code (*.aspx, *.ascx) and the binding is done automatically upon each postback OR you bind programmatically which involves setting the data source and calling the DataBind().
My recommendation would be to move your ObjectDataSource to the declarative part of the code and set the DataSourceID on the FormView to the ID of the ObjectDataSource. This is clean and easy and the binding works always.

ReportViewer.Find not working

I have a textbox, and a link button. On the same page I have a reportviewer.
The reportviewer is in updatepanel with linkbutton as async postback trigger.
I'm trying to find string (entered in textbox) in the report; when linkbutton is hit.
protected void lbtnFind_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ReportViewer1.Find(txtSearch.Text.Trim(), 1);
But that line gives error: Some parameters or credentials have not been specified Please help.
If txtSearch is a control you added, it will not be inside ReportViewer1.
If txtSearch is a control inside your ContentTemplate you should be searching in that control as follows:
var txtSrch = (TextBox)myUpdatePanel.ContentTemplate.Controls.FindControl("txtSearch");
You can get the text value from there and then set the parameters for the ReportViewer1 and refresh it.
ReportParameter[] parameters = new ReportParameter[1];
parameters[0] = new ReportParameter("Search", txtSrch.Text);

Passing querystring with login control in 4?

I am doing project in C# ASP.NET 4.
I have a page of question. When somebody clicks on question (ie a Link Button) he is redirected to page where user can give answer but first he needs to login. So I put Login to Answer button that redirects user to GuestLogin.aspx with question id like this :
protected void LoginToAnswwer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int qidrequest = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["qid"]);
Response.Redirect("~/GuestLogin.aspx?qid=" + qidrequest);
//This is working OK
And then when I am redirected to GuestLogin.aspx, I am putting below code in LoginButton of built in Login Control.
protected void LoginButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int qidrequest = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["qid"]);
Response.Redirect("QDisplay.aspx?qid=" + qidrequest);
Which is not working.
How to pass querystring with login button of built login control in 4 ?
You could pass a return URL to the login page, like this:
Response.Redirect(String.Format("/auth/login.aspx?return={0}", Server.UrlEncode(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri)));
In the login page, after authenticating the user:
Pass Parameters from One Page to Another Page using QueryString :
//Set the Querystring parameters
Note: Maximum length of the
string that can be passed through QueryString is 255.
string URL =“QueryString.aspx?Name=” + txtFirstName.Text + “&Address=” + txtAddress.Text + “&City=” + txtCity.Text ;
//After Setting the Querystring Paramter values Use Response.Redirect to navigate the page
In the Page Load Event of the Navigated
Page,You can access the querystring parameter values like below :
lblName.Text = Request.QueryString["Name"].ToString();
lblAddress.Text = Request.QueryString["Address"].ToString();
lblCity.Text= Request.QueryString["City"].ToString();
That's how you have to use QueryString for passing parameters

How to pass variable from page to another page in ASP.NET

I want to ask how to pass a variable from a page to another page.
in (page1.aspx.cs) there is button click and textbox
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
textbox1.text = ;
in (page2.aspx.cs)
A = "hello"
// A is variable that can be change, A variable is coming from microC
What I want is show "hello" from page2 in textbox1.text when I click button1 in page1.aspx
You can pass the value as a querystring parameter.
So if you are using Response.Redirect you could do something like
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){
Response.Redirect("Page2.aspx?value=" + taxtbox1.text);
On Page 2 you can get the value using Request["value"].ToString()
Notice that the querystring parameter name is what you request. So if you have ?something=else you will Request["something"]
One way is to place the value into some form of temporary storage: Cookie, Session, etc. And then redirect.
Another would be to redirect with a query string value. It really depends on your situation.
I'd recommend setting a session if this is necessary.
Session["sessionname"] = "";
Though it isn't ideal, is it possible to have everything on page1? You can switch with a panel control.
Without a Postback it is not possible!
With a Postback, yes it is (see Cross Page Postback). Also see in the link what you can have access to! (Access possibilities are page controls & public members).
Other options, Session variables, cookies, query string, etc!
u can use one of this ways:
1- Query string
2- Session
Session["session1"] = "your value";
3- Public property
public String prop1
return txt_Name.Text;
4- Controls Data
5- HttpPost

Using ASP.NET Cache/ViewState/Session

I'm trying to learn about Cache, Page ViewState, and Session. I created an ASP.NET web app in VS2010 and added 3 text boxes and a button to the page. I run in debug mode, enter random text into each, press the button, and nothing seems to be saved (all text is "null", as you'll see in the code). Am I performing these action in the wrong place? Do I need to add something to the web.config? Here is the code I'm using:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (IsPostBack)
if (Cache["textbox1"] != null)
TextBox1.Text = (string)Cache["textbox1"];
TextBox1.Text = "null";
if (ViewState["textbox2"] != null)
TextBox2.Text = (string)ViewState["textbox2"];
TextBox2.Text = "null";
if (Session["textbox3"] != null)
TextBox3.Text = (string)Session["textbox3"];
TextBox3.Text = "null";
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Cache["textbox1"] = "(Cache) " + TextBox1.Text;
ViewState["textbox2"] = "(VS) " + TextBox2.Text;
Session["textbox3"] = "(Session) " + TextBox3.Text;
And the page header:
<%# Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="State._Default" EnableSessionState="True" EnableViewState="True" %>
Thanks, and sorry for the rookie question. I'm very new to this.
Page_Load happens before Button1_Click. So on Page_Load you always replace textbox text with something from statebags ("null" at first and then "(Cache)" + "null" etc). What you enter in textboxes never lives until Button1_Click.
Use Page_PreRender instead.
Right now, every time you click the button, the code in your Page_Load procedure is overwriting the TextBox.Text values before the Button1_Click event gets a chance to save them.
If you change if (IsPostBack) to if (!IsPostBack), the values will only attempt to be loaded from session/viewstate/cache when you initially request the page. So you would have to request the page, set new values with the button, then re-request (Enter key in address bar) to run the code in Page_Load.
What I would suggest is you create a new button called "Load Values" whose Click event will run the code currently found in your Page_Load. That way you don't have to tie that code to whether the request was a postback or not. I think it would make your test results much easier to understand.
