Ribbon component for Adobe Flex or Aswing? - apache-flex

Anyone can point me to free or commercial Ribbon component done for Adobe Flex or Aswing? I seen one at some point but for some reason cant find any now. (Please don't mention minddomo, since it has nothing to do do with my question).
Thank you.

A Ribbon implementation in Flex would be a lot different from the standard TabNavigator. You must consider groups within each tab, and dynamic buttons within each group, and group popups etc.
I know this isn't an answer, but I don't know how to reply to the previous answer. :)

I don't know of one. But, whenever anyone asks for one I ask this question:
What is the difference between a Ribbon and a TabNavigator with a button bar as the children?
I'd consider creating one for Flextras if anyone could explain what the difference was.


Multithumb-Slider in JavaFX

Hello dear Stackoverflow Community,
I was looking for something like a multithumbslider in JavaFX, but couldn't find anything. I have a bar chart displaying the grades of an exam, and below that I would like to implement a multithumbslider (or if you have any other suggestions) where I can slide the points which are needed for each grade, so that the chart changes, depending on the changes of the multithumbslider.
Did i state my intentions clear...anyhow?
Does anyone have any ideas on that?
Thanks in advance!
Not by default, but you can have a look at ControlsFX which is a libaray which supply controls which are not available in JavaFX by default. They also have a RangeSlider
You can use their code to write your own MultiThumbSlider. This Control is mainly made up of two classes the RangeSlider and the RangeSliderSkin. The code can be found here:
You can also find all other classes reqiured there.

Flex 4.7 Process bar

I am starting now with Flex 4.7. I know I am a bit late. Anyway, I just want to ask an experts opinion on what would be the best implementation for a process bar. Not a progress bar, a process bar. Basically its a component on the bottom of the app that tells the user which steps to go through to get to a final result. This is very common on payment methods. You have the item description -> billing info -> shippment info -> overview. Hope you guys understand...
First I was thinking, I am going to use a graph component. But then after a while, I though I simplify and create a VGroup components where I add buttons. Each button is a step. Anyway, hope this is not to much of a basic question. I just want to hear the opinion from a Flex 4.7 expert. Any example?
You could use a LinkBar with a > or ยป appended to each of its labels.
The solution that worked best for me was s:TabbedViewNavigator with a custom TabBar Skin. Using a scroller. Flex 4.6 TabbedViewNavigator - TabBar with indication of more items
That lead to the question how do I indicate more items on the side. I am working on it ;)

Flex 3 - Using error tooltips as normal ones

I'd like to use tooltips with the same design as the error/validation tooltips (rounded box with a tip pointing to the mouse's position).
Given the name "error/validation tooltips", it bothers me to use them as normal tooltips.I haven't found people having the same "principles" issue as myself..
So, is it that bad to use the error/validation tooltips as normal tooltips? And, if yes, what would be the easiest way to re-use its design without rewriting much code?
Hope it's clear enough :) And that you will be able to enlighten me somehow in this matter :)
Good or Bad is subjective based on what you're trying to do and the design of your app. There is never a right a wrong answer to stuff like that.
To reuse that design, you have two options that I see.
The first is to set the styleName of your toolTip component to errorTip.
The second is open up the default.css in the Flex Framework directory and copy and paste the CSS for the errorTip into your own CSS file that you then use in your application.
These docs will be good reading on this issue.

Make Flex show nearest DataTip in an AreaSeries

I'm building a Flex app that includes an area chart, and when users hover over an AreaSeries, I'd like them to see the DataTip for the nearest data point in the series. The problem is that as far as I can tell (and I should admit at this point to being fairly new to Flex), mouseSensitivity is the only way to control when data tips appear.
If I set that to, say, 1000 pixels and tell Flex to only show a single data tip, that sometimes works, but frequently, the nearest data point is not one in the series on which the user is hovering (and in any case, it starts acting odd with such a high mouseSensitivity).
So my question, in short, is how to exert fairly direct control over which data tip is being shown at any given time. Thank you in advance.
Unfortunately i don't think there would be a straight forward method of achieving this just using a charts default members. I would expect you'd need to extend the chart component you were using and tie in with the internal workings of the chart. This isn't such an easy thing to do and the inner workings of the chart components are pretty complex. Something that isn't helped by a fairly messy implementation inside some of the classes.
There are obviously several directions you could take in solving this particular problem some that are more elegant than others.
It's defiantly possible but it's probably not a job for someone that is relatively new to flex. If i were you i would probably try to find a compromise to your requirements until you feel more comfortable delving into the chart components code.
IF you do decide to give it a go then you should come back with specific problems as myself and others are probably reluctant to solve such a big problem.
Keep the hitTest() method in mind: this is often the mouse-related unity of last resort.

Flex 3.0 : Showing data in the legend of a Pie Chart

I'm a newbie to Adobe Flex 3.0. I need to show data within the Pie Chart Legend, alongside the colored markers. I have a few vague ideas about how to go about it. (Maybe I would have to write my custom legendMarkerRenderer.) Could anybody give any pointers? There aren't many examples on the net regarding this.
Thanks in advance!
To show the data on the Legend you will need to extend LegendItem class. Example you can see in my blog: http://northam.blogspot.com/2009/05/flex-showing-data-in-legend-of-pie.html
You can always customize the UI controls in flex as per ur requirements.
So you can extend the legend class
have a look # this also:liveDocs
Here's a really useful link for you. The Flex 3 Component explorer... It has examples of how to implement the majority, if not all, of the adobe flex components. If you want something more complex you may need to extend legend and create you own component. By the sounds of things it should give you enough to go on
Flex 3 Component Explorer (broken link)
