Make Flex show nearest DataTip in an AreaSeries - apache-flex

I'm building a Flex app that includes an area chart, and when users hover over an AreaSeries, I'd like them to see the DataTip for the nearest data point in the series. The problem is that as far as I can tell (and I should admit at this point to being fairly new to Flex), mouseSensitivity is the only way to control when data tips appear.
If I set that to, say, 1000 pixels and tell Flex to only show a single data tip, that sometimes works, but frequently, the nearest data point is not one in the series on which the user is hovering (and in any case, it starts acting odd with such a high mouseSensitivity).
So my question, in short, is how to exert fairly direct control over which data tip is being shown at any given time. Thank you in advance.

Unfortunately i don't think there would be a straight forward method of achieving this just using a charts default members. I would expect you'd need to extend the chart component you were using and tie in with the internal workings of the chart. This isn't such an easy thing to do and the inner workings of the chart components are pretty complex. Something that isn't helped by a fairly messy implementation inside some of the classes.
There are obviously several directions you could take in solving this particular problem some that are more elegant than others.
It's defiantly possible but it's probably not a job for someone that is relatively new to flex. If i were you i would probably try to find a compromise to your requirements until you feel more comfortable delving into the chart components code.
IF you do decide to give it a go then you should come back with specific problems as myself and others are probably reluctant to solve such a big problem.

Keep the hitTest() method in mind: this is often the mouse-related unity of last resort.


DataGrid-like Control that supports vertical columns, with fixed headers?

This question has been asked before over the years, but the solution proposed to just flip the dataset does not address the issue with the column headers not being fixed. Consequently, when scrolling, the headers disappear to the left. The real solution should be implemented in the control itself. So either I find a control that offers that or I will have to code the whole control myself. I'm wondering if that control already exist. Side note : I need this control to work smoothly with many records.
I decided to create a brand new control that implement the grid from scratch, using gdi+ to draw the cells. Much more flexible and also waaaay faster rendering. Implementation is still on the way.

DevExpress WebChartControl Pie Controlling Fill

I have been using the System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting pie chart control to display pie chart.
With the introduction of IE9, these graphs seem intermittantly to not load and just present the user with an image not found.
I have decided to replace this with DevExpress's WebChartControl and implement their Pie Chart.
I got their pie to resemble ours 90%, but am stuck at getting the pie's fill to match.
This is best explained with images.
Here is my original MS Chart Pie:
Here is my new Dev Express Pie:
The old pie seems to have a shadow effect around the border that makes it look much better.
Is this kind of effect possible with the DevExpress control?
I have tried playing with:
((PieSeriesView) series.View).Border
((PieSeriesView) series.View).FillStyle
Both don't seem to do what i want.
Any help will be greatly appreciated
I tried for about an hour to get the desired result for you, but unfortunately I just can't seem to be able to get deep enough to be able to introduce a new painter with the Drawing2d.PathGradientBrush.Blend option (which would be able to give you the desired look).
I have placed a question on your behalf on the support center Q337316, you are welcomed to track this question which I would imagine will turn into a suggestion.
So although this isn't a good answer, I don't think you will be able to achieve the results in the current DX library.
We have answered this question in the RadialGradientPainter - Support PathGradientBrush.Blend thread. I've also talked to guys from the XtraCharts team. This is impossible to implement in WindowsForms Charts, but should be possible in WPF. If you are interested in this alternative, drop me a line and I will add the required information here.

Ribbon component for Adobe Flex or Aswing?

Anyone can point me to free or commercial Ribbon component done for Adobe Flex or Aswing? I seen one at some point but for some reason cant find any now. (Please don't mention minddomo, since it has nothing to do do with my question).
Thank you.
A Ribbon implementation in Flex would be a lot different from the standard TabNavigator. You must consider groups within each tab, and dynamic buttons within each group, and group popups etc.
I know this isn't an answer, but I don't know how to reply to the previous answer. :)
I don't know of one. But, whenever anyone asks for one I ask this question:
What is the difference between a Ribbon and a TabNavigator with a button bar as the children?
I'd consider creating one for Flextras if anyone could explain what the difference was.

Customising Flex Datagrid or alternative solutions

I'm currently building an application that is presenting tabular (fetched from a webservice) data and have squirted it into a datagrid - seemed the most obvious way to present it on screen.
I've now come across a few limitations in the datagrid and wonder how I might move forward. As a relative newcomer to flex development I'm a little lost.
A few things I am wanting to do.
The data is logically split into groups and I would like to be able to have subheadings in the grid whenever I move to a new group.
I would like to be able to highligh individual cells based on their content relative to other values in the row - ie highlight the cell with the highest value in the row.
Is this possible with the standard datagrid?
I'm actually using the try-before-you-buy version of flex builder at the moment but I have ordered Flex Builder 3 Pro - which is on its way to me. I understand there is an 'advanced datagrid' control in this version - perhaps that will support some of what I wish to do?
Alternatively - is there another way of building custom tabular data?
stay the hell away from Adobe's AdvancedDataGrid. You will learn quickly it has many shortcomings, you will think you are better than it and override a few things here, tweak a few things there, but in the end the ADG will absolutely destroy you. Heed my call and avoid this at all costs. The ADG was outsourced by Adobe to their failed Indian team that has sense been disbanded, it alone counts for over %30 of the entire flex framework, and their are horrible deeply rooted issues that are better off starting over at this point. STAY AWAY FROM THE ADVANCDEDDATAGRID AT ALL COSTS!!!!!
The DataGrid is the best bet for that, but also check out the AdvancedDataGrid (here are some AdvancedDataGrid Demos with Source from FarataSystems).
Both the DataGrid and AdvancedDataGrid are notoriously hard to customize, and everything you'd like to do is pretty advanced, so it will take a while to get going, but you can do it eventually.
There's no other way to build tabular data unless you start doing some advanced things with some of the data visualization libraries out there.
Good luck,

Creating network graph in flex

Ok I had asked a question recently based on this.
But I need to narrow down more..
I need to create a network graph with nodes in flex. Once I give the input the nodes must get connected with each other if they have something in common.
The nodes must be click-able to show which other nodes it is connected to.
A simple code example will be appreciated.
Can a bubble chart be modified to do this?
I think you can try Flare.
Take a look at the demo for Layout.
i personally think, a bubble chart is not really the right way to go ...
most simple thing - in a flex world - would be to subclass UIComponent twice, for, let's say, NodeView and ConnectionView, and then put all this into some container, with absolute positioning ...
other way would be to simply add a Sprite to a UIComponent, and do the same thing in plain AS3, simply subclassing Sprite twice ... less overhead and other problems, but will not benefit from flex features, such as styling ...
do you already have a model for the network? do nodes also have coordinates, or do you need to arrange them your self?
or, if loaded externally, can you show some sample data?
