iframe page payment gateway integration -

I am implementing ebook website, where we allow other partners' website to add our book advertisement widget.
When people click on the book adv, redirect back to our website and continue the checkout process with PayPal.
One of our partner does not want to checkout from our website. He want the checkout flow inside his website itself.
I provide the iFrame page to embed in. However, PayPal checkout is not displaying inside his website. It show as full page and after successfully payment it redirect back to our website download page.
Is there any way or other payment gateway which i can use in iframe?

Give your client an option, to change the redirect page to his site including your page in iframe, or what ever you design,
Then add this return page to the parametre you send on PayPal the "return" with this parameter. Also the cancel parameter must be similar, the "cancel_return" parameter
The same way I believe that you can design a page on your site that looks like your client, setup by your client, and do the job, entering and exit to your client site.


Google Analytics using same tracking ID in sub folders

I have a website lets say which is on shopware and uses google analytics to determine site traffic. I have designed a landing page which is placed at Can I use the same tracking id that I have on other pages on my landing page? Will it appear under all website data section or will it create another automatically?
Actual website is not at example . com its just for reference purpose.
Yes, of course. The Google Analytics web tracker is client side code, it does not really care if your pages have been created by a shop system or by manually entering code somewhere. By the time it is displayed in the browser it's all just HTML.
The data will show up in "All Website data" (which is the only view GA ever creates automatically, everything else you need to set up yourself as needed).

How to create routes that loads up a new page

Newbie to this entire web development domain.
I have a main page and a registration page. Whenever I navigate to subscription page I find the contents of registration page appended at the bottom the main page. How can I create routes in a way where both pages are separate. So when I click home I only see my main page and when I click registration I only see the registration page.
Thanks in advance.
You can use routing on the server side to serve a separate html page. It can be useful for landing pages, etc.
Usually it's done in Meteor by passing a middleware to connect npm module which is accessible in WebApp.connectHandlers or you could use Iron-Router's server-side routing feature.

UMBRACO - Adding Google Analytics e-commerce code to Umbraco transaction confirmation

From what I understand, to track successful e-commerce transactions using Analytics, you need to insert the tracking code into a 'thank you for your order' type confirmation page/template.
I'm pretty new to UMBRACO CMS and can't seem to find this confirmation page anywhere. There's just a template for a re-direct to SagePay which is the payment gateway. Also, the site doesn't seem to be using any kind of e-commerce 'package'.
Anybody have an idea where I need to go or what I need to do to successfully implement the GA e-commerce tracking to Umbraco?
A couple of questions.
When a user has completed an order on your site, what would be the url where he gets the order confirmation displayed?
A common way of using Umbraco is to dynamically change the template of a page, by adding it to the url, so that might be what is going on here. An Example.
The content tree would look like this:
- Home
- - News
- - Cart
Now the cart page would have a url of /cart.aspx as default. But you could access the same page, with a "confirmation" template by using a url like /cart/confirmation.aspx. in this case, there would be no "confirmation" content page, but there would be a "confirmation.master" template in your "settings" section in the Umbraco backend. And that would probably be the place to insert your google tracking code.

Google Analytics: 100% Drop off from landing page

I have a Web site built in Drupal 7 - we'll call it Outside of that site, I have a campaign specific landing page - we'll call that On this page, there are a couple of buttons back to the main website ( I have goals set up that track a user from that landing page, back to the main site home page, then through a few other steps. for some reason, even though I know users are clicking through to the site, I'm getting a 100% drop-off from the landing page to the main site...
...anyone have any thoughts as to why this is?
Is it a dynamic webapp? Is the routing is handled in the client and not on the server side?
If it is a dynamic webapp and routing is handled in the client, then GA won't track your pageviews automatically, and you have to do it manually.
If you are using angularjs you can use this great tool:

How to redirect to the particular web site page in

I'm developing one web site. In that web site I'm redirecting control to the another site. After completing work on another web site I want to be back on the my page from the my web site.
Suppose I want to redirect on the my web site page that is "abc.aspx". And I installed my web site on the Default virtual directory of my own pc.
I'm developing one shopping site & for payment I'm redirecting to the ccavenue site. And after completing shopping payment from the ccavenue website I want to redirect to the my shopping web site to the particular page , And I don't want to open the payment process on the another window. Than how to do this?
How to do this?
internal redirect:
this will do the same but maybe more readable:
external redirect:
Also put FALSE (as a parameter) after the link if you use session variables:
Response.redirect("/abc.aspx", false)
you can also do this:
You'll need that secondary site to perform the redirect. This is typically how ecommerce sites handle their interaction with payment portals. Alternatively, you could open the second site in a new window/tab, so that when the user closes that window, they are returned to your site by default.
Ideally, you need to give more context so people can answer to the particulars of your problem.
I got the solution on this, that is-
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/CCAvenueReturn.aspx")
which will return me the current url of my web site
