Programmatic Views in Drupal 7 - drupal

I'm trying to create two views.
View-1 is a list of nodes.
View-2 is an image gallery associated with each node.
I basically want to pass the node title from View-1 to a programmatic View-2, so that each row in View-1 will load View-2(with a result set filtered by the title of View-1!).
I'm confused about the approach. Should this happen in a custom module, preprocess functions, or some combination thereof?
I run into this a lot - wanting to pass an argument from a primary view to a secondary view that displays with each result.
I realize that the question is a bit general, but I'm curious how folks with more experience would approach this problem.

I've done this before on D6 where basically I just create a couple template tpl.php files for my View-1.
Inside my View-1 template for Display Output (views-view--default.tpl.php in D7 now)
I would simply programmatically find the value passed or returned by View-1 for this row.
In your case on each row you would check to see which node is returned by View-1 and then I'd add code in my View-1 template to programmatically load View-2 based on the current View-1 row (ie. node in your case.)
Make sense? 5 months late on the response but I was looking for a refresher and seeing if there's a better way to do this now in D7.
UPDATE:Just did this on my new D7 install. As an example I'll explain how it relates to my Ubercart implementation.
Ubercart, when installed, has it's main "home" shop page located at
This page, when loaded, calls a View created by Ubercart called uc_catalog_terms. It is a taxonomy based view and all it does is grab all your Catalog taxonomy categories and render them.
As a clothing store, when you navigate to, all you'll see at this page is a grid structure like:
Sweaters Shirts Jeans
My requirement was that I needed to show the shop catalog categories/terms on this page, but ALSO show 3 random products (images) from that category/term below it each catalog category.
Random Sweater #1 - Random Sweater #2 - Random Sweater #3
Random Jean #1 - Random Jean #2 - Random Jean #3
How is this accomplished?
I created my own brand new custom view (no page or lock, just default) which grabs 3 random product images based on a taxonomy term ID argument and renders 3 linked product images. I'll call this custom view random_catalog_items. If 15 is the term ID for Sweaters, when this view is called with the argument 15 it will only render 3 random linked sweater product images.
I now went back to uc_catalog_terms view and created a views-view-fields--uc-catalog-terms.tpl.php (Row Style Output) template file.
<?php foreach ($fields as $id => $field): ?>
<?php if (!empty($field->separator)): ?>
<?php print $field->separator; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php print $field->wrapper_prefix; ?>
<?php print $field->label_html; ?>
<?php print $field->content; ?>
<?php print $field->wrapper_suffix; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php foreach ($fields as $id => $field): ?>
<?php if (!empty($field->separator)): ?>
<?php print $field->separator; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php print $field->wrapper_prefix; ?>
<?php print $field->label_html; ?>
$title = str_replace('/','-',strtolower($field->raw));
print '<img src="'.drupal_get_path('theme','my_theme').'/images/catalog/'.$title.'-header.png" />';
print '<hr style="width: 100%; background: #000; height: 2px; margin-top: 3px;"/>';
// get the taxonomy term ID
$tid = $row->tid;
// render the 3 random items
if ($random_products = views_get_view('random_catalog_items' )) {
print $random_products->execute_display('default', array($tid));
<?php print $field->wrapper_suffix; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
So as you can see inside the first View, for every row that is rendered I get the current taxonomy term ID being shown through the available row result object - $row->tid and then I simply call my created view for each row, passing along this Term ID as the argument for it. I leave a lot of the default code in there but inside my view configurations the LABELS and such are set to HIDDEN so they don't even render anyway.
In your case it should be very easily adaptable to just pass a Node NID instead of a Taxonomy Term ID.
VOILA IT ALL WORKS! View within a View! Hope this helps :)
It helps to have the Devel module loaded since then inside these View templates you can debug and see what variables are available to you via something like print krumo($row).

Personally I would avoid views here alltogether.
A simple module using a hook_menu to define the menu-items and two simple menu-callback-functions dealing with the required parameters.
The alternative would be to make all the custom parameters and custom query-filtering and tables known to views.
My (pseronal) rule of thumb is:
If you are certain you will re-use the code several times in future projects a view-addon is worth the investment.
If you will use the views-interface for more then one-time-setup (the general use) e.g. define or change views in an editors/webmasters workflow this makes sense.
The basics of this is really simple and most probably a lot less coding and development then writing the views extensions.
/** Implementation of hook_menu().
function gallery_menu() {
$items = array();
$items['gallery'] = array(
'title' => 'Gallery',
'page callback' => '_gallery_list',
'access arguments' => array('access content'),
$items['gallery/%gallery'] = array(
'title' => 'For dynamic titles, see title_callback documentation',
'page callback' => '_gallery_view',
'access arguments' => array('access content'),
return $items;
/** Load a gallery from database. Name follows %parameter_load hook.
function gallery_load($id) {
return db_query("SELECT * FROM {galleries} WHERE id = %d", $id);
/** Render a list of galleries.
function _gallery_list() {
$html = "";
$galleries = pager_query("SELECT * FROM {galleries}", 10);
foreach($galleries as $gallery) {
$html .= check_plain($gallery->title); //You would actually build vars here and push them to theme layer instead.
$html .= theme("pager");
return $html;
/** Load a gallery from database. Name follows %parameter_load hook.
function gallery_load($id) {
return db_query("SELECT * FROM {galleries} WHERE id = %d", $id);
/** Render a list of galleries.
function _gallery_view($gallery) {
$html = "";
$images = pager_query("SELECT * FROM {images} WHERE gallery_id = %d", 10, $gallery->id);
foreach($images as $image) {
$html .= check_plain($image->title); //You would actually build vars here and push them to theme layer instead.
$html .= theme("pager");
return $html;
Obviously, as stated in the comments, you would additionally create a few theme functions to handle the rendering, to 1) avoid hardcoded spagetty-HTML all over your module and b) allow the frontenders to stay in their theme when creating the HTML.

This sounds like a good opportunity to use an ajax callback. You could have your primary view on a part of the page just like normal and a secondary view in a custom block or something. when focus lands on the primary item (in the form of a button click or hover or something) you can use an ajax callback to replace the content of your custom block with the secondary view using your argument.
are you using drupal 6 or 7 for this? my understanding is that they do this is different ways.


I see my URL but I can't find the page in wordpress dashboard

I'm using wordpress and my page has the URL
But when I go to the page in my dashboard with the above URL, any change I make does not show on the front end. I tried simply duplicating my content and that change did not show on the front end.
Not sure what to do, this has me completely baffled.
Any ideas?
Since they're custom post types, by default, they're not actually loaded into a page per se. You should read up on WordPress's template hierarchy. To give you a rough idea of what's happening:
WP looks at your URL, and since it recognises it as a custom post type archive, it will look for a template to use...
It will first look for archive-$post_type.php, or in your case, archive-services.php
If it can't find that, it will look for archive.php
If it can't find that, it will use index.php
The important thing to note is that archive pages don't actually show up in the admin area, since they simply gather up and display custom posts, so there's nothing for you to edit.
Now, if you really want to edit some content on the Services archive, you have two options:
Edit archive-services.php in a text editor.
This is the quick and dirty option; the downside is that it defies the point of a CMS.
Create a page template with it's own loop
Create a new page template called page-services.php and insert a loop in there to display your custom posts. To get you started:
<?php get_header(); ?>
<?php // The main loop
if (have_posts()) {
while (have_posts()) {
} else {
echo 'No posts';
<?php // Now for the services loop
// WP_Query arguments
// For additional options, see:
$args = array (
'post_type' => array( 'services' ),
// The Query itself
$query = new WP_Query( $args );
// The Loop
if ( $query->have_posts() ) {
while ( $query->have_posts() ) {
// Do something with the post
// In your case look at archive-services.php and see what
// that template does inside the loop
} else {
// no posts found
// Restore original Post Data
// Don't forget this, it's important
<?php get_footer();?>
You should then be able to apply that page template to your Services page; it should then display your posts below the page content. One thing to look out for is that WordPress will continue to load archive-services.php whenever you go to While there are ways around this, the easiest fix would be to simply give your new page a different url, such as
Thanks for your help. I'm using yoast and I wanted to change the title and description. When you pointed out that it was a custom post type archive and not a page, I went back through yoast and found where I could change them under "Titles and Metas" > "Custom Post Type Archives" > "Services"

Adding conditions to a view template file in Drupal

I need to add a condition to a button hard-coded into the template file in a Drupal 7 theme. I would like the 'compare' button only to appear on the node pages of products that have certain taxonomy terms attached to them. I guess, it could be done with a simple IF, but I'm not a developer and only know the very basics of PHP syntax, so I would be really grateful, if someone could describe in detail how to implement a solution, perhaps even provide a snippet of code that I can customize and paste in the right place!
<div class="actions">
<?php print flag_create_link('wishlist', $node->nid); ?>
<?php print flag_create_link('compare', $node->nid); ?>
</div><!-- .actions -->
This is the section in the code of the node--product.tpl.php file that puts out the action buttons. I would like the second one, the compare button to only appear for nodes that have certain taxonomy terms.
Thank you in advance!
You can use the following code.
$display_compare = FALSE; // don't display by default
$tids = array(1, 2, 3); // array of certain taxonomy terms' tids
foreach ($node->TERM_FIELD_NAME[LANGUAGE_NONE] as $delta => $term) {
if (in_array($term['tid'], $tids)) {
$display_compare = TRUE; // display if node has at least one of specified terms
if ($display_compare) {
print flag_create_link('compare', $node->nid);
Please don't forget to replace "TERM_FIELD_NAME" with your field name and "1, 2, 3" with your list of tids.

Add custom product field on quick edit option on the product listing of a woocommerce site

How can I add custom product field/s on quick edit screen on the product listing of a woocommerce store?
I am not really sure if this is the best way to do it, but it works great for me
Basically my general goal is to add custom fields for a product, I managed to do it (Adding custom fields to the single product pages) with the help of these useful tuts.
I recommend checking those links first before proceeding.
Now, what I wanted to do is to add those custom fields to the quick add option on the product listing.
That's where the resource get scarce.
Basically this is how I did it.
Add your custom field (the html forms) to the quick edit options.
I hooked into the 'woocommerce_product_quick_edit_end' action to accomplish this.
This hook is found on woocommerce->includes->admin->views->html-quick-edit-product.php on line 195
Save your custom field.
I hooked into the 'woocommerce_product_quick_edit_save' action to accomplish this.
This hook is found on woocommerce->includes->admin->class-wc-admin-post-types.php inside the 'quick_edit_save' function on line 929
The previous 2 steps does the trick, it does persist the values, however after updating the custom field via the quick edit option, the data is persisted on the backend, but is not populated to the custom field on the UI. That's why we need the 3rd step.
Add the custom field meta data inside the product listing column, then use js to extract the metadata out then populate it to the custom field
I hooked into the 'manage_product_posts_custom_column' action to add a custom HTML tags (div or whatever) to hold my custom field metadata
Then I used javascript to extract the data out from the meta data and populate it into the custom fields
Step 3 is just a copy of how WooCommerce does this process.
For referrence, take a look at function 'render_product_columns' of woocommerce->includes->admin->class-wc-admin-post-types.php
Also take a look at quick-edit.js located at woocommerce->assets->js->admin
Example Code:
Note that the code below is used for illustration and guide purposes, my actual code is quite long and complex.
Step 1:
add_action( 'woocommerce_product_quick_edit_end', function(){
Take a look at the name of the text field, '_custom_field_demo', that is the name of the custom field, basically its just a post meta
The value of the text field is blank, it is intentional
<div class="custom_field_demo">
<label class="alignleft">
<div class="title"><?php _e('Custom Field Demo', 'woocommerce' ); ?></div>
<input type="text" name="_custom_field_demo" class="text" placeholder="<?php _e( 'Custom Field Demo', 'woocommerce' ); ?>" value="">
} );
Step 2:
add_action('woocommerce_product_quick_edit_save', function($product){
$_REQUEST['_custom_field_demo'] -> the custom field we added above
Only save custom fields on quick edit option on appropriate product types (simple, etc..)
Custom fields are just post meta
if ( $product->is_type('simple') || $product->is_type('external') ) {
$post_id = $product->id;
if ( isset( $_REQUEST['_custom_field_demo'] ) ) {
$customFieldDemo = trim(esc_attr( $_REQUEST['_custom_field_demo'] ));
// Do sanitation and Validation here
update_post_meta( $post_id, '_custom_field_demo', wc_clean( $customFieldDemo ) );
}, 10, 1);
Step 3:
add_action( 'manage_product_posts_custom_column', function($column,$post_id){
The 99 is just my OCD in action, I just want to make sure this callback gets executed after WooCommerce's
switch ( $column ) {
case 'name' :
<div class="hidden custom_field_demo_inline" id="custom_field_demo_inline_<?php echo $post_id; ?>">
<div id="_custom_field_demo"><?php echo get_post_meta($post_id,'_custom_field_demo',true); ?></div>
default :
}, 99, 2);
The JS part
jQuery('#the-list').on('click', '.editinline', function(){
* Extract metadata and put it as the value for the custom field form
var post_id = jQuery(this).closest('tr').attr('id');
post_id = post_id.replace("post-", "");
var $cfd_inline_data = jQuery('#custom_field_demo_inline_' + post_id),
$wc_inline_data = jQuery('#woocommerce_inline_' + post_id );
jQuery('input[name="_custom_field_demo"]', '.inline-edit-row').val($cfd_inline_data.find("#_custom_field_demo").text());
* Only show custom field for appropriate types of products (simple)
var product_type = $wc_inline_data.find('.product_type').text();
if (product_type=='simple' || product_type=='external') {
jQuery('.custom_field_demo', '.inline-edit-row').show();
} else {
jQuery('.custom_field_demo', '.inline-edit-row').hide();
Make sure to enqueue the script
Hope this helps anyone, again, I am not sure if this is the best way to do it, but upon examining WooCommerce source, it seems WooCommerce
doesn't provide a convenient hook to accomplish this task with ease (at least not yet)
If you have a better approach than this please share.

Wordpress; Vantage theme & ACF plugin?

I have repeatedly been trying to implement the Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin in the Vantage theme (from AppThemes), but without any success. I've had extensive contact with the admin of ACF, on this subject, but unfortunately we did not succeed. He advised to ask here, maybe seek for a (paid) developer, to solve this problem.
Ok, so what am i trying?
I have created a custom field group and want to implement that field group within the listing form of Vantage. To do so i have read several docs, including: To be complete, based on this i did the following in the Vantage theme folder:
I created 2 custom field groups, with the id's: 88 & 139.
In Wrapper.php i added the code: <?php acf_form_head(); ?>
In form-listing.php i created 2 custom hooks, 'product_custom' and 'product_custom2': <?php do_action( 'product_custom' ); ?> <?php do_action( 'product_custom2' ); ?>
In fuctions.php i created 3 functions:
add_action( 'wp_print_styles' , 'my_deregister_styles' , 100 );
function my_deregister_styles() {
wp_deregister_style( 'wp-admin' );
add_action( 'product_custom' , 'productfields' );
function productfields() {
$options = array(
'field_groups' => array('post' => '88' ),
'form' => false,
acf_form( $options );
add_action( 'product_custom2' , 'productfields2' );
function productfields2() {
$options2 = array(
'field_groups' => array('post' => '139' ),
'form' => false,
acf_form( $options2 );
This actually made the custom field group show up in the listing form of Vantage. However the following things keep going wrong:
Both field groups have a WYSIWYG field. However for some reason the WYSIWYG buttons and media button stop working
I cannot fill in any text in the first WYSIWYG field. Only the second one works for that matter.
No data is stored at all after saving the listing form. On advise of the ACF admin, i tried the following in the acf-master/core/api.php file:
// run database save first
if( isset($_POST['acf_save']) )
$txt="Hello world!";
echo $txt;
However the string does not display after saving the listing form. So the if statement is not used...
4. To display the dataon the frontend, once they are saved, I guess the default wordpress codex can be used..
I tried to be as complete as possible;) Is there anybody who can help me any further? Paid assistance is also negotiable..
Thanks a lot in advance!
I have succeed on implementing ACF with vantage themes.
I add ACF form at vantage listing form and combine the vantage form with ACF form. with one button.
The data has been saved to database and can be called to displayed in listing area. Only add image button is not working from front-end but in back-end the button is working.
Adding <?php acf_form_head(); ?> to wrapper.php
Do this tutorial front end form help
Eliminate default vantage submit button in form-listing.php
Add this code in ACF api.php in function acf_form_head()
// allow for custom save
$post_id = apply_filters('acf_form_pre_save_post','va_after_create_listing_form', $post_id);
That's it, hope it work in your site.
Is that you want when someone visits the website that they are able to send info via the page they visits eg like probably an email or contact for more info relating to that business?
If not then you can simply add in the ACF data from the back-end i.e. dreamweaver etc onto single-listing.php and use the ACF tutorial on working with fields.
Hope this helps somewhat

How do I get a list of items in the Wordpress media library on a plugin options page?

I'm writing a Wordpress plugin which injects a grid of images just above the footer on all frontend pages. The application is to display sponsor's logos. I'd like to harness the WP Media Library since the logos are already uploaded for use on the 'sponsorship' page and in posts.
Essentially I'm stuck at accessing the media library interface on the plugin's options page. All of the legwork is done in terms of creating the options page, using the action hook to place content on frontend pages from the plugin, etc. What I need now is to be able to display all the files in the media library in a list on the options page, and provide a checkbox or something to allow the user to select certain files for insertion above the footer.
The Media Library API seems to be aimed at people writing themes or media plugins. Help understanding what to make use of would be great!
I think you'd be much better off adding your own column into the existing media library, rather than try re-coding it yourself;
function my_media_col($cols)
$cols['my_col'] = 'Footer';
return $cols;
add_filter('manage_media_columns', 'my_media_col');
function handle_my_media_col($name, $id)
if ($name !== 'my_col')
return false;
$in_footer = get_option('in_footer', array());
<input type="checkbox" name="in_footer[]" value="<?php echo $id; ?>" <?php checked(in_array($id, $in_footer)); ?> />
add_action('manage_media_custom_column', 'handle_my_media_col', 10, 2);
Then just hook onto the load-upload.php (the library page) and save changes when POST'ed;
function save_my_col()
if (!isset($_POST['in_footer']))
return false;
$in_footer = $_POST['in_footer'];
if (is_array($in_footer))
$in_footer = array_map('absint', $in_footer); // sanitize
$in_footer = array();
$in_footer = array_merge(get_option('in_footer', array()), $in_footer);
$in_footer = array_unique(array_filter($in_footer));
update_option('in_footer', $in_footer);
add_action('load-upload.php', 'save_my_col');
Note this is just an example, and I may have one or two typos.
My code example should store an array of IDs in the options table, under the key 'in_footer'.
Put in practice, you can get all media items marked 'in footer' like so;
$query = new WP_Query(array('post__in' => get_option('in_footer', array()) ));
if ($query->have_posts()): while ($query->have_posts()): $query->the_post();
<?php the_title(); ?>
<?php endwhile; endif; ?>
