Create simple gui using qtdesigner - qt

I want to create a gui, if it means implementing the code, where do I implement the code? And how to run the qtdesigener?

You can use Qt Designer, or Qt Creator which is a full developement environment (IDE) not just a GUI designer. Visit this site
Each window or widget in Qt generally is defined in 3 files:
some_name.ui - this file is generated by Qt Designer or Qt creator.
some_name.h - this is the C++ header file that contains Class declaration
some_name.cpp - this file contains C++ class implementation
some_name ofourse is the name of your widget/window.
When You add new windows/widgets to your Qt project you have to modify Your *.pro file which contains information on how to build your project.

The following tutorial shows a hello world in qt creator:
I hope this is what you were looking for.


Cannot find qml.ui file in visual studio

I made a simple qt widget application using visual studio there were UI form files which I can open and edit UI in qt designer, now I want to shift to qml, I made a new qtquick application but I cannot find any qml.ui files.
What You are talking about is QT Quick UI Form which has the extension ui.qml. This ui.qml file is not "bundled" together with a new Qt Quick Project. You Can take a look for Yourself in the Qt Creator:
Go to: File -> New File or Project
Under the Projects section there is an option that You have probably chosen: Application (Qt Quick) which creates a new application
Under the Files and Classes section there is an option Qt and then You can choose to create the file You were looking for: QtQuick UI File:
As You can see, it says that it creates the form as a ui.qml file, that You can later add to an existing Qt Quick Project.
This is why You can't find the file with the form - You have to create it separately.

Integrating ros to an existing qt application

I have a QML, OpenCV application on qt5 which uses qmake and has a .pro file. I want to add publishers/subscribers to my qt project to publish video stream and instructions etc. I tried to use catkin_create_qt_pkg command to create a template and transfer my project to the template but there were numerous problems which made me question my approach. The ros-qt template uses Cmakelist and .ui instead of qml. So, I will need to change some things to integrate them.
First, is it possible to use ros with qmake and .pro instead of cmake. It would be easier to add just ros publishers and listeners to my existing application than changing the entire QML application. If not, how do I convert qmake and .pro to cmake and Cmakelist.txt (assuming that I can use QML with ros). Also, although it doesn't sound well, is it possible to use .pro for qt and Cmakelist.txt for ros in the same package?
Second, is it safe to use qt5 and qml with ros? The ros_qt app template uses qt4, not qt5. Here is the app template.

how to add GUI to existing Qt project and how to disable qt shadow build

I am new to QT. And I want to use qt to add GUI to an existing project. I moved the original project to a Qt console application. Then I need to add GUI to it. Where should I start from? I took a look at some qt tutorial tutorials which start from creating new widget project. But there are not many about adding gui to an existing project.
I tried to add "QT += widgets gui" and "FORMS = myproject.ui" in the pro file. But I got error: No rule to make target 'myproject.ui', needed by 'ui_myproject.h'.
Also, can someone tell me how to disable shadow build in Qt creator 3.4.2 (based on Qt 5.5.0)? Thanks.
First of all, to disable Shadow build open "Projects" page from the left menu in QtCreator (right after "Debug") - there you can disable Shadow build option both for debug and release builds.
As for adding GUI I recommend you to create an empty Qt project (if you are using Qt 5.0 or greater you should add QT += widgets to your .pro file). There you can create a GUI you need - using forms or manualy as you wish. When your interface part will be complete you can add a non-gui functional part from existing source code. But that is a rather general recommendation as you see

Qt Designer vs Qt Quick Designer vs Qt Creator?

I have seen references to all three of these applications on various parts of the Qt website but am completely unclear as to the exact differences between them and whether they are actually separate things or just different names for the same thing, or the name changed over time? Or is one no longer supported? What's the deal with these?
Qt Creator is Qt's IDE. You don't have to use it, but it greatly simplifies Qt development.
Qt Designer is a graphical tool that lets you build QWidget GUIs. Qt Quick Designer is similar, but for building QML GUIs. Both are built in to Qt Creator.
This is explained in a little more detail over at Wikipedia.
I will explain to you the difference between these tools by the approach for what they are used:
Qt Designer: Sub tool used to create/edit widget files (.ui). You can use it to create the graphical layouts (.ui files only). The most use is to design the graphical stuff in PyQt apps. It is installed always when you install Qt, for example it is in the path: Qt5.13.1\5.13.1\mingw73_64\bin\designer.exe. It also be used to edit any .ui file of a Qt C++ application, however it is very limited since only allows to edit the graphical stuff (not C++ logic).
Qt Quick Designer (it refers to Qt Creator): It does not exist, it is integrated in Qt Creator (see below). Is normal to say that Qt Quick Designer allows to edit QML files (.qml), however it is integrated in Qt Creator now.
Qt Creator: This is the so defacto and most powerfull IDE to create QT applications natively (C++ with Qt engine). It allows you to create, edit source code, debug applications, etc. In addition to that, yo can open a .ui file or a .qml file in Qt Creator and it will open and allow you to edit. For example if you open an .ui file it will show you the Qt Designer app embedded in the full integrated Qt Creator IDE. In summary, you can use Qt Creator to open/edit any .ui or .qml file and create Qt/C++ applications. Of course, if the file is .ui then Qt Creator will show you the Qt Designer tool, if it is .qml then it will allow you to edit the QML.
Qt Creator is just an IDE used to build QT applications; both Qt Widgets and Qt Quick can be composed. When writing Qt Widgets applications you can edit your GUI in Qt Designer but in case of Qt Quick applications you use Qt Quick Designer, both integrated into Qt Creator.
Also there is this new tool name Qt Design Studio which uses QML too and can integrate with Photoshop.
Easy way : Qt Creator (Editor with intellisence, autocomplete and Manual, etc + Graphical designer + Debug symbols + templates.) all for you...
Medium way : Qt Creator (Editor without designer, handcoding, intellisence, autocomplete, etc).
Medium-hard way : Any plain text editor + Qt Designer (to prototype your interface). This is my favorite way, I like Vim
Hard way : Any plain text editor..... you know.

Qt Creator - how to see the code of the designer?

I'm using Qt Creator.
I'm using the signals and slots editor, and I want to see the code it generates.
How can I see the code?
Let's say you have in Qt Creator a form file called widget.ui.
Once you've compiled your project, you'll find in your project folder a filed called ui_widget.h.
If you open it, you'll see the code generated by the uic tool.
when you use qt creater, this one is going to create a file with the name of your project, in my case it is called "build-prueba-Desktop_Qt_5_7_0_GCC_64bit-Debug", then in that file you have to look for a file with the "ui_" prefix, into that, you have the code you need
