website deploymnet on client -

I have completed building a website for a client.Now i want to deploy this website on the server, So that client can access the website like a normal website. what is the best way to do it.
I am using C#, 3.5, Ms Access.

Do you want to protect the source code as well?
Install the Web Deployment Project for Visual Studio (there is on for VS2008 and other for VS2010)
Add that project to your solution
Add a Web Setup project to your solution
Tell the Web Setup project that to load the Deploy project as source
Build the Solution
You will have in the Web Setup folder a setup.exe and Website.msi ready to be installed in any client machine (client needs to have IIS)
Add a Web Setup project to your solution
Tell the Web Setup project that to load the Web Site project as source
Build the Solution
You will have in the Web Setup folder a setup.exe and Website.msi ready to be installed in any client machine (client needs to have IIS)
All 3 projects, Web Site + Deploy project + Setup Project


Remotely publish ASP.NET 5 to IIS

I've got an ASP.NET 5 project that I'd like to deploy to a remote server. I don't have remote desktop access to this machine, otherwise I could follow the same method most people use when deploying to IIS.
I'm able to deploy to my IIS 8.5 just fine on the same machine as my development. First I package my project to get the approot and wwwroot directories. Then, I point IIS to my wwwroot, and all works fine.
The problem is trying to deploy remotely. Normally I would zip up my MVC 5 project and use the IIS gui to 'import' an application.
That doesn't work for my MVC 6 project. Either I'm zipping it up incorrectly or MVC 6 projects can't be deployed this way.
How do you publish a vNext application to a remote IIS server?
Just FYI, I am using Microsoft's Web Deploy Remote Agent to deploy this to the server.
It works perfectly for MVC 5 apps, because developers can easily deploy web apps and IT can restrict access to the machines, but the problem is trying to deploy MVC 6 apps using this agent.
I'm not questioning how to deploy MVC 6 projects to IIS, because that's already answered Here, this is concerning how to remotely deploy to IIS.
I solved this by updating to Web Deploy 3.6. The newest version includes a specialized provider for deploying ASP.NET 5 applications.
Details on how to use it can be found with this blog post:
The download link is as follows:
Use the contentPathLib provider or enable contentlibextension.
Example usage:
C:\Program Files (x86)\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V3> msdeploy
-verb:sync -source:iisapp=C:\release\Publish\wwwroot -dest:iisapp="Default Web Site/ExampleApp",computerName=machinename -enablelink:contentlibextension
To my knowledge, there isn't a GUI supporting these deployment methods yet. I assume this is because vNext is in Beta, and is expected to have breaking changes.

How to publish ASP.Net website to remote machine?

I am trying to publish the ASP.Net site in IIS to a remote machine.
Presently I am publishing the site local file system and copying that folder to remote machine using mstsc tool.
Is there any way I can directly publish to remote machine?
Sure there is,
You have to make sure web deployment service is running on your server. You can check these articles to find out how to install the web deployment. Here or here.
Once your web deployment service is running and configured you need to configure your publishing settings. In Visual Studio right click on your solution project, choose Publish and select the Web deploy or Web deploy package as your publish method setting. Good article describing web deployment scenarios can be found here.
Hope that helps you.

How to publish ASP.NET Core 5 Web Site to IIS?

I installed Visual Studio 2015 RC and created the sample Web Site project.
I published it in Visual Studio using its publishing tool to file system. The output is:
I tried to target IIS both this folder and wwwroot folder but nothing changed. I always receive an Access is Denied error.
Checked the permissions. They are OK. I'm always able to run my other web sites...
I want to publish it targeting clrcore. But I already tried to publish it using clr and failed there too. It is the same error.
How is the publishing process should be when I want to run a coreclr website in IIS? And I don't even know if it is possible to serve a coreclr project on IIS.
By the way there is nothing about .NET Core in application pools dialog in IIS. So I don't know what could my poor IIS do here.
There are full instructions from MS:
You need to install HTTP platform Handler. Other than that, if you could get a standard MVC 5 app to work, you should be ok. The only change I needed to make was installing the plstform handler.
Of Course, In VS I publised to a folder, then copied the contents to the Web server. The root folder to the site must point to the wwwroot and the approot will be at the same level.
As far as I know, You can't host ASP.NET Core 5 Web Site on IIS, it works with self hosting only.

Is there any framework that allow us to create web application update package that work on web?

I need to deploy my ASP.NET application to many locations. I want some library/framework that can deploy all changed files/database/config to target machine by installing with web application itself.
Web application will notify admin of web application that there is some update and admin can click to update application on that website.
PS. For web application, it's quite simpler than windows application because there are only few location that need to update (File & Folder, Database and merge configuration).
Yes you can create a Setup file by using such a program like installshield

Deploy ASP.NET website alongside ASP.NET MVC website

I am working on an upgrade for a company website. It currently in production using vanilla ASP.NET. For the upgrade I switched the framework to ASP.NET MVC.
I am ready to deploy a beta version of the website. I have tested it locally by creating another website in IIS and just copying the published files there; that works. I only have access to the production web server through FTP. I tried copying those same files into a subdirectory on the root path, but it won't load the website.
How would I go about deploying the ASP.NET MVC project alongside the existing vanilla ASP.NET so that I can get to the beta site with just
I believe you would have to make the beta folder into a virtual directory so that it gets its own Application.
This has to be done through the IIS manager, and can't be done through FTP. In IIS 7.5 there is a menu option for converting a directory to an application ("Convert to Application") when right clicking on a directory. That would work great in this case.
I would suggest that you ask for a subdomain instead, e.g., that way it will have its own application to run in.
