What is Drupal Panel Node Template - drupal

What is Drupal Panel Node Template and how can i use it to create a page based on person type node.
Also is there any tutorial on creating pages using Panel Node Template.
Thank you.

Probably you don't need to use a node panel. What you want to do is edit the node template for the content type you want to customize instead.
There is extensive documentation in http://drupal.org/project/panels


Need custom Drupal view displayed in header node

For a Drupal site I'm building, I've used the Views module to create a custom view that shows the top 10 most popular taxonomy terms. I'd like this list to show up in my site's header but I'm having trouble accomplishing this. I can get the header to display a link to the page for the view, but haven't figured out how to actually display the content of the view in the header node.
Also, if there's a better way of accomplishing what I'm trying to do, I'm all ears!
You should create view with the "block" display. This block can be placed in any region using standard block/theme functionality.
If you don't have "header" region, you can create your own. See this link for details.
Maybe, i do not quite understand you question (actually, phrase "header node" confused me, you mean header area/region?). If you need to display view on the node page, you can use views_attach ot eva modules.
Option 1:
Create a region in your theme.
Render the region on your theme page.tpl.php
Create a block display of you view and assign it to that region.
Option 2
You can create a view and then embed it in your theme file using views_embed_views. For details https://api.drupal.org/api/views/views.module/function/views_embed_view/7
Hope this solves your problem

Drupal 7 Views hover

I have created a views that showing various nodes in a ul list .. and for each node shows some field, such as a picture and the title of the node.
Now with a mouseover event I want to show other field of the same nodes in a small pop-up .. what is the best way to do this?
Is there something that the views module provides for doing so?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
I was unable to find a specfic module for your use case
but there are 3 ways you can do this
Create a PHP field in your view and code it in any way you want. For this you must enable a module called Views PHP.
Write a jQuery file (for OnHover functionality) and add it to your view using drupal_add_js()
in the header section (you can add a header to the view) of the view.
Write your own theme file. The theming info is provided in views->advanced->others->theme
You can do it with Popup Views integration. See the Demo in action.
It provides a Views global field that can reuse the other Views
fields. It will be output a link that will trigger a popup.

Drupal 7: How to theme nodes based on region?

How do I control the output of a node rendered inside a specific region?
Inside Sidebar First, I can theme blocks by creating a block--sidebar-first.tpl.php template file. However, creating a node--sidebar-first.tpl.php does not work.
Unfortunately, Drupal doesn't have support to have node template based on region. You can check out this link.
If you want to achieve your goal you can use Display Suite module. Here are some screen-casts about how to control your content with Display Suite. Here's also a comment about this.
For theming a node first thing you need a custom node template file.
Inorder to do that copy your node.tpl.php and rename it as node-[ur_node_name].tpl.php .
Now you have created a custom node template. In case of blog entry my node name would be node-blog.tpl.php [Drupal-6] and it would be node--blog.tpl.php [Drupal-7].
Make sure the [ur_node_name] part is the machine readable name.Now in your new node template give your corresponding styles and print the contents of the node.This is how you theme a node.Hope this helps you... :)

Display a Drupal page without the page template

Hello I am trying to generate a Drupal node which would be similar to a feed page generated by views module. I need to generate an xml feed, so I would not want to show the regular drupal template that is showed up on every node. I am trying to understand how the views for feed works as I want to display my page in a similar fashion, without the drupal template. Any suggestions would be great.
In Drupal you can theme any individual page to be completely different than the default template. So, if you have a node, let's say the url is "node/14", you can create a new template file called "page-node-14.tpl.php" in your theme folder. In this template you can add any html/xml markup you need. Also, for that specific node you should also create a "node-14.tpl.php" to theme that node's content.
If you want to display more nodes on a page, something like "taxonomy/term/3" (here you can find all nodes tagged with the term with the ID 3), you have to create a "page-taxonomy-term-3.tpl.php" template in your theme folder. To theme every node from one particular content type, you should create a "node-news.tpl.php" (this is for news node types) in your theme folder.
Please keep in mind that these template suggestions are for Drupal 6. In Drupal 7, the template name changed from "node-news.tpl.php" to "node--news.tpl.php"

Creating content in a block in Drupal 6

By default for creating content a new page is opened. I want to do this inside a block. A block where there will be some fields like title body taxonomy terms and a create content button. How can I do this?
The form block module will do what you want.
You could you do the same thing in code, using hook_block to create a block. And using
drupal_get_form to render the form.
Try the Panels module.
It will let you override and re-arrange the node add/edit form.
But, as Jeremy stated, to use this form on other pages of the site you will need to do something custom like hook_block and invoke drupal_get_form.
I agree with the answers from Jeremy and Kevin, but want to give another one.
You can use views to create the block! All you have to do is create a new view display with a block display. Add the fields you want to show, add a link field for the node/add/foo link and give it a node id filter or default argument. Here you have to choose the node id of the node to display in the block. Done!
What's nice with this solution? You can use almost every feature of views theming, drag and drop field ordering, adding new fields is cheap and no extra modules. ;)
