Select last identity for table in SQLite? - sqlite

I'm looking for the equivalent of Scope_identity() or ##identity in sql server, except for sqllite?
I'd hate to resort to a max select on the id column, but that is plausible.

Since I have never used SQL Server, I am not exactly sure what ##IDENTITY does, but if I understand this document correctly, then sqlite3_last_insert_rowid() may be what you are looking for.

This function returns the ROWID of the last row insert from the database connection which invoked the function. The last_insert_rowid() SQL function is a wrapper around the sqlite3_last_insert_rowid() C/C++ interface function.


How to get the id of a newly-created value with Diesel and SQLite?

Diesel's SqliteBackend does not implement the SupportsReturningClause trait, so the get_result method cannot be used to retrieve a newly created value.
Is there another way to find out the id of the inserted row? Python has a solution for this. The only solution I've found so far is to use a UUID for ids instead of an autoincrement field.
The underlying issue here is that SQLite does not support SQL RETURNING clauses which would allow you to return the auto generated id as part of your insert statement.
As the OP only provided a general question I cannot show examples how to implement that using diesel.
There are several ways to workaround this issue. All of them require that you execute a second query.
Order by id and select just the largest id. That's the most direct solution. It shows directly the issues with doing a second query, as there can be a racing insert at any point in time, so that you can get back the wrong id (at least if you don't use transactions).
Use the last_insert_rowid() SQL function to receive the row id of the last inserted column. If not configured otherwise those row id matches your autoincrement primary integer key. On diesel side you can use no_arg_sql_function!() to define the underlying sql function in your crate.

scope_identity() and ident_current() conversion to teradata

what should be the replacement of SCOPE_IDENTITY AND IDENT_CURRENT in teradata, below is the SQL code,
What does this mean and its alternate in teradata.
There's no direct replacement, the closest thing is a client option to return the assigned identity values after the insert, e.g.
Auto-Generated Key Retrieval
A common recommendation is to avoid Indentity in Teradata, it's a Warehouse not OLTP...

SQLite Function that performs additional queries

I have written a custom SQLite function that transforms a string as it is copied from one table to another. It's very basic and has does its job well for quite a while. The query looks like this:
INSERT INTO Table2 (field1) SELECT MYTRANSFORM(field2) FROM Table2;
Now I need to modify the behavior of that function so that it does a lookup on another table and factors the result into how it transforms the value. Is that possible? Has anyone done it successfully?
This is possible; you can execute other SQL queries from within your function, as long as you do not call your function recursively.

Basic SQL count with LINQ

I have a trivial issue that I can't resolve. Currently our app uses Linq to retrieve data and get a basic integer value of the row count. I can't form a query that gives back a count without a 'select i'. I don't need the select, just the count(*) response. How do I do this? Below is a sample:
return (from io in db._Owners
where io.Id == Id && io.userId == userId
join i in db._Instances on io.Id equals i.Id **select i**).Count()
The select i is fine - it's not actually going to be fetching any data back to the client, because the Count() call will be translated into a Count(something) call at the SQL side.
When in doubt, look at the SQL that's being generated for your query, e.g. with the DataContext.Log property.
Using the LINQ query syntax requires a select statement. There's no way around that.
That being said, the statement will get transformed into a COUNT()-based query; the select i is there only to satisfy the expression system that underlies the LINQ query providers (otherwise the type of the expression would be unknown).
Including the select will not affect the performance here because the final query will get translated into SQL. At this point it will be optimized and will be like select (*) from ......

Retrieve the PK using ##identity

I'm building a website using ASP.NET and SQL Server, and I use
SELECT PK FROM Table WHERE PK = ##identity
My question is which is better and more reliable to retrieve the last inserted PK for multiuser website, using ##identity or using this:
SELECT MAX(PK) FROM Table WHERE PK = Session ("UserID")
I'm not sure exactly what you want to achieve, but the recommended way to retrieve the primary key value of the last statement on a connection is to use SCOPE_IDENTITY()
##Identity is particularly risky where you are using triggers, since it returns the last generated identity value, including those generated by triggers flowing on from a statement.
MSDN has the following to say:
the last identity values that are
generated in any table in the current
session. However, SCOPE_IDENTITY
returns values inserted only within
the current scope; ##IDENTITY is not
limited to a specific scope.
You should certainly use SCOPE_IDENTITY() in favour of the MAX(PK) approach - any number of possible future changes could invalidate this method.
For SQL Server 2005 and above...
You can do the INSERT and SELECT in one call using the OUTPUT clause...
INSERT MyTable (col1, col2, ..., coln)
VALUES (val1, val2, ..., valn)
Otherwise, you only use SCOPE_IDENTITY()
As mentioned by #David Hall the ##IDENTITY keyword returns the most recently created identity for your current connection, not always the identity for the recently added record in your query and may return an incorrect value. Using MAX(PK) there is a higher chance for an incorrect value and I'd strongly recommend against using it. To avoid the any race conditions I'd suggest that you use SCOPE_IDENTITY() to return the identity of the recently added record in your INSERT SQL Statement or Stored Procedure.
Depends on what you're trying to accomplish. If you want to return the just-generated ID to the ASP.NET code (a typical scenario), then ##identity is your friend. In a high-concurrency situation, mak(PK) is not even guaranteed to be the PK you're after.
