Sequence contains no elements - DotNetOpenAuth -

My sample works great on my Wifi internet at home. However, at work we have a proxy server and it is not working at all.
I enabled the default proxy and still not working. The "CreateRequest" call throws the exception:
Sequence contains no elements
Any idea? Thanks
I enabled logging and no file is being generated. What do you want me to do?

Activate logging and see what it tells you.


Problem loading the website using Firebase when using Burp Proxy

Let's say I use the website:
Website works fine when I am using it normally.
When I start using BURP SUITE PROXY to intercept requests, I start to have this error:
[2021-04-14T02:45:46.724Z] #firebase/firestore: Firestore (7.24.0): Could not reach Cloud Firestore backend. Backend didn't respond within 10 seconds.
This typically indicates that your device does not have a healthy Internet connection at the moment. The client will operate in offline mode until it is able to successfully connect to the backend.
Error: Uncaught (in promise): FirebaseError: [code=unavailable]: Failed to get document because the client is offline.
Please provide me the solution to this.
The answers do not work anymore due to the Firebase updates - i will give you a short instruction on how to find your custom match-replace rule:
make sure to activate "Intercept Server Responses" in the proxy options tab.
go "intercept" tab
set your burp proxy to "intercept is on"
type "this.forceLongPolling" in the search bar on the bottom
forward the requests until you find a match
there should be a pretty big response file containing something like this:
in my case it contains the string "this.forceLongPolling=Q"
now create a match replace rule for this very special string to replace "this.forceLongPolling=Q" with "this.forceLongPolling=true" and make sure to choose "response body" as type:
Screenshot Rule
Using the idea of this troubleshoot (, i made the following Match and Replace in my Burp Suite and it worked!
this.forceLongPolling=void 0!==t.experimentalForceLongPolling&&t.experimentalForceLongPolling
And someone said before
This can change depending on the version of firebase-js-sdk so it's best to look around for experimentalForceLongPolling within your JS files and make sure it gets enabled.
Workaround for this issue (source).
For Burp, the following match and replace worked for me:
This can change depending on the version of firebase-js-sdk so it's best to look around for experimentalForceLongPolling within your JS files and make sure it gets enabled.
Faced the same issue. What worked for me is adding “” to the “No proxy for” option in Firefox’s proxy configuration.
Firefox Proxy Configuration

arcanist install-certificate fails

I set up my own hosted phabricator, everything is working fine (Diffusion repo etc)
I ran into problem after I installed arcanist on my dev box and run 'arc install-certificate', got exception as following:
rying to connect to server...
Open this page in your browser and login to Phabricator if necessary:
Then paste the API Token on that page below.
Paste API Token from that page: cli-e644viducdcccrge4i7zo5nfa66d
Usage Exception: The token "cli-e644viducdcccrge4i7zo5nfa66d" is not a valid API Token. The server returned this response when trying to use it as a token: ERR-CONDUIT-CORE: Attempting to access attached data on PhabricatorUser (via getAwayUntil()), but the data is not actually attached. Before accessing attachable data on an object, you must load and attach it.
I am wondering what's might go wrong? Thank you very much for your insights!
I've seen this problem occur many times with our users. In every case so far, the problem has been that users have set up the phabricator uri incorrectly.
Check your project .arcconfig or your global .arcrc files (if you're doing this outside a project).
Verify that the URI to your Phabricator site is correct. The typical issue I've seen is accessing using http:// rather than https://

How to get client's computer name

I saw this question in another post but the solution did not work correctly.
I use:
This worked correctly on localhost but on server it has problems and returns an empty string.
Any idea?
Two things to consider:
Take into account that HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables.Item("REMOTE_HOST") will return the name of the host making the request, not the address.
Try doing System.Net.Dns.GetHostByAddress(Request.ServerVariables.Item("REMOTE_HOST")).HostName instead.
You can find a list of the Server Variables at Microsoft's MSDN website.
Hope that helps,
To get client IP address use
To get client browser use
I find out that already in VS2010 "GetHostByAddress" is deprecated.
Instead, use: System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_HOST"])

How to disable custom errors only for a specific IP address?

Does anyone have any idea how to disable custom errors only for a specific ip address? this will ease debugging exceptions on my server from my office..
Despite this is a quite old question, i've just got this problem on my environment to solve, and searched how.
There's no obvious way, but i've found this alternative:
You must setup
App webconfig > system.web > customErrors > mode TO RemoteOnly
Witch means that you'll just see error on localmachine.
There are 3 steps to leverage RemoteOnly from a remote location.
Set RemoteOnly for customErrors
Have server administrator approve server variable REMOTE_ADDR
Create URL Rewrite rule
See the entire post for details.
Finally, you need to create a rule that can tell that it’s you visiting, and changes REMOTE_ADDR to to make you appear local.
There are multiple ways to tell if it’s you. One is by IP address. This is probably the easiest in most cases, but be careful if you have a dynamic IP, that it could change over time and expose your detailed errors to someone else.
All this is a Scott Forsyth post, that i've found, and copied some parts.
Frankly I am not aware of anything inbuilt. But If I were to solve this, I would add a HttpModule and hookup event handler for Application_Error event and in that handler I would try to find who is the client and what to do with it further.
Instead of messing around with IPs you can make the custom errors only be displayed when being debugged locally. Check here, look at the mode attribute.

ASP.NET application exhibits strange behaviour through firewall

This problem has been solved thanks to your suggestions. See the bottom for details. Thanks very much for your help!
Our ASP.NET website is accessed from several specific and highly secure international locations. It has been operating fine, but we have added another client location which is exhibiting very strange behaviour.
In particular, when the user enters search criteria and clicks the search button the result list returns empty. It doesn't even show the '0 results returned' text, so it is as if the Repeater control did not bind at all. Similar behaviour appears in some, but not all, other parts of the site. The user is able to log in to the site fine and their profile information is displayed.
I have logged in to the site locally using exactly the same credentials as them and the site works well from here. We have gone through the steps carefully so I am confident it is not a user issue.
I bind the search results in the Page_Load of the search results page the first time it is loaded (the criteria is in the query string). i.e.
if (!IsPostBack) {
I can replicate exactly the same behaviour locally by commenting out the BindResults() method call.
Does anybody know how the value of IsPostBack is calculated? Is it possible that their highly-secure firewall setup would cause IsPostBack to always return true, even when it is a redirect from another page? That could be a red herring as the problem might be elsewhere. It does exactly replicate the result though.
I have no access to the site, so troubleshooting is restricted to giving them instructions and asking for them to tell me the result.
Thanks for your time!
Appended info: Client is behind a Microsoft ISA 2006 firewall running default rules. The site has been added to the Internet Explorer trusted sites list and tried in FireFox and Google Chrome, all with the same result.
SOLUTION: The winner for me was the suggestion to use Fiddler. What an excellent tool that no web developer should be without. Using this I was able to strip various headers from the request until I reproduced the problem. There were actually two factors that caused this bug, as is so often the case with such confusing issues.
Factor one – Where possible the web application uses GZIP compression as supported by all major browsers. The firewall was stripping off the header that specifies GZIP decompression support (Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate).
Factor two – A bug in my code meant that some processing was bypassed when the content was being sent uncompressed. This problem was not noticed before because the application is used by a limited audience, all of which supported GZIP decompression.
If they're at all tech-savvy, I would have them download Fiddler or something similar, capture the entire HTTP session, and then send you the saved session. Maybe something in there will stick out.
Meanwhile, see if you can get an install of ISA Server (an evaluation install, if you have to, or one from MSDN if you have or know anyone with a sub) and see if you can replicate it locally.
Is it possible the client has disabled Javascript and it's not picking up the _EVENTTARGET form value?
It might be some sort of proxy which creates a GET request out of a given POST request...
I am not sure how the IsPostBack is calculated, but my guess would be that it checks the HTTP request to see if it's a POST or a GET...
Ohh, yeah. It's definitely NOT "_EVENTTARGET" BTW...
I know this since Ra-Ajax does NOT pass any of those parameters to the server and they (Ra-ajax requests) are processed as IsPostBack requests...
Location, location, location. Check the user's culture. Normally that causes issues.
Could you create a test Post Page that passes the same things that your search page does, and in the Page_Load write back all of the post to make sure they are getting passed, particularly the __VIEWSTATE.
foreach (string key in Request.Form)
Response.Write("<br>" + key + "=" + Request.Form[key]);
Then ask one of the users to forward back what they see on that test page.
EDIT: There is documentation that some firewalls can corrupt the VIEWSTATE and some methods to get around it: View State Overview
Check the IIS logs to see if the request even makes it to your server. The ISA setup might be caching the initial request and serving that up in the succeeding requests.
