Cross-domain tracking through analytics + adwords - google-analytics

We currently have 2 domains: and Both domains receive traffic from a single google adwords account. We would like to see all of the analytics for both domains (including adwords impressions, click, cost, etc). Previously,, had analytics setup and was pulling the adwords just fine. I followed google's guide to cross-domain tracking here ( and it seems to be tracking everything just fine except adwords. In the adwords section I am only seeing visits, while impressions/clicks/cost/ctr/cpc are all zero. Any idea what I'm doing wrong / missing?

If you have set up the profiles with the option to pull data from the same AdWords account then you should see duplicate data in both of them. One possible problem you might have if you've only just set up the new profile is that it can take up to 24 hours before the AdWords data is imported.


GA4 user data not available as column in Google Ads

I'm using Google Analytics to add data to the corresponding and connected Google Ads campaign, visible in the Googla Ads backend.
Connecting Analytics UA with Google Ads worked fine, but the user data delivered by GA4 does not appear in Google Ads.
I connected the new GA4 account with the matching Google Ads account.
The data, that should appear as columns in the Ads campaign data, can be found in the settings for the columns. Go to "Campaigns", then "Columns" - Modify columns - Google Analytics.
Here should appear "% Engaged sessions (GA4)", "Events/session (GA4)", "Avg. session duration (seconds) (GA4)".
In some cases it does, but mostly not. (2 out of 6 it works)
I tried to find differences or similarities to get to the bottom of the problem. Although some of the installations are using GTM and some are not the ones with the problem do not correlate to the one with or without GTM.
Settings and connection in Google Ads and GA4 should be similar as far as I can see. GA4 accounts are listed under the "tools and settings" - "setup" - "linked accounts" in Google Ads.
In "Google Analytics (GA4) & Firebase" - "Manage & Link" I can see a difference in the columns. The accounts with the correct data have the entry "Linked: App and web metrics activated" in Status and an extra column "Apps and web metrics", where it says "Deactivate".
I had the same problem.
I am fairly sure what the solution is now.
Looking at this post - GA4 data not available in Google Ads
I didn't enable Google Signals, but did everything under 'user data collection'.
I waited 24 hours.
It didn't work.
I waited 48 hours.
It did work!
It seems like Google fixed the problem. Today I could activate the "App and web metrics" in all Google Ads with connected GA4 via the Linked Accounts - Google Analytics (GA4) & Firebase settings.

The importance of _gl parameter for cross domain tracking when you have Google Analytics installed

I have a website and its booking engine (2 different domains) at work and visitors land on the website and then proceed to the booking engine.
I have installed Google Analytics correctly to measure conversions that take place in the booking engine domain. Everything getting recorded correctly in Google Analytics account.
We recently launch Google Ads campaign and I saw that there is another parameter named '_gl' needed to append to the booking engine URL when a visitor proceeds to the booking engine via the website for correct cross domain tracking (probably to avoid Safari tracking prevention).
Just wanted to know, how important this _gl parameter for cross domain tracking since I already have correct Google Analytics setup in place and have linked Google Analytics and Ads accounts.
Thank you!
The parameter you mention is very important in order to correctly track users between two domains, otherwise GA cannot link the same user when they browse from one domain to another.

How to limit event tracking to single domain in Google Analytics

When I'm looking at the Google Analytics Events with hostname as second dimension, I can see my local domain plus my test domain mixed up with the data from my real production domain.
Is there a way to tell google analytics to ignore and not record events from any other domain except my real production domain?
I tried creating a View Filter to include only results from my real domain but that does not have any effect on events.
Any help would be appreciated.

Google Analytics link to Adwords

Having trouble linking separate accounts from GA to Adwords. They are different emails, both tracking the same site. The main GA email works with a lot of different sites, so I don't want the Adwords to have access to all of it.
The Adwords account seems to have created its own analytics site --but it's not the one I've been working with.
If I understood correctly, the possible solution to your problem is setting the cross-account conversion tracking by creating the My Client Center (MCC) account:
This account is actually an AdWords account that lets you easily view and manage all of your AdWords accounts (including other MCC manager accounts) from a single location.
For additional information, please refer to:
Hope I helped.

Track number of user redirected via google ads

Is there any way to check an user is redirected to my site via Google Ads?
I want to track number of user who are redirected via Google Ads and their activities.
I have Google Analytics, Adword added already to my website.
I can track users on my site via Google Analytics only.
You can link your AdWords account to your Analytics account. Once you have done this, you will be able to see how many users came via AdWords in the "AdWords" section of the Acquisition area of Analytics. You'll see which campaigns & ads the users clicked, what key words they used and so on. You can then do all the usual GA filtering and grouping with that data that you usually can with normal visit info.
Hope that helps.
