What is the best way of duplicating an entire website? - asp.net

I've built a complex site for a client, who wants this duplicated, and re-skinned, so it can be used for other means.
What is the best way of doing this? I'm concerned about copying every file as this means any bugs must be fixed twice, and any improvements must be implmented twice.

I'd look to refactor your code.
Move common functions into a library you can reference from both projects. As you mention that the new site is for a different purpose then you are likely to see divergence and you don't want to hamper yourself later, so extract the common parts and then modify copies (or if appropriate new files) of the remainder to complete your fork.
If you haven't applied good practice already then now is the time to do it and it'll make your work on both sites easier moving forward.

If all the functionality is the same and only the layout is different you could just create a new css file. 2 websites could have exactly the same code base but have different stylesheets and look completely different.

I think that using a version control system like subversion or preferably git, is a good way to duplicate your website. You will be able to track the changes that you make and revert to older versions if things do not work out.

You should implement some kind of instantiation, so look and feel, content and data will be shown depending of what instance of the application is accessed.
In other words, each application access to the code with a different application identifier, meaning content will be served depending on it.
Both application identifier will be pointing to different settings, so stylesheet and content will be absolutely isolated, and both domain will be living in the same IIS application.

If you want to duplicate a whole site it's probably best to copy the whole thing and amend as necessary. Obviously taking great care not to copy large portions of text or else you may be penalised by the search engines.
There are ways you could put the new site onto the same shared host (say within a subdirectory of the original site) and literally 'share' some files. If a unique change is required, you could instead reference a 'local' version of a particular file.
However that sounds like a recipe for a headache to me. I'd prefer to duplicate the whole site. It would be much easier to replace one or two functions on separate websites than it would to try and work out which website(s) are affected by a particular change to your source.


Bundling and Minification dynamically

I have a question about bundling. Think about a situation like this. Take jquery DataTables for example. It has few plugins that you can use as and when you need them. In some pages, just using the base script files will do the job. but in another page, I might need to use Fixed Header plugin, in another page I might need to use Fixed Header plugin as well as Table Tools plugin.
What is the best way to approach these kind of situations in bundling. Should I create just one bundle which include all of the script files (even the ones that I might not use in some pages but in others) or create bundles specifically to each page or is there a better way of doing this. I'd like to be able to do something like
Scripts.Render("~/bundles/datatables", "FixedHeader", "TableTools")
which will include the relevant files and minify them.
Any help really appreciated.
Part of this, no one can answer for you. Bundling is always a trade-off: you're reducing requests at the cost of a larger file that has to be downloaded. You'll personally have to weigh the additional weight added by those scripts in the initial request versus the time it will take to request them later.
As a general guideline, this will mostly be about your audience. Do you expect a high number of mobile users? At least in the U.S., mobile data is expensive and fairly limited (because of the outrageous cost, people try to choose the lowest data tiers possible). Forcing your mobile users to download a large JS file which includes code that may never be run, is a waste of their data. While, if your target will be desktop users, a big file is no problem and is in fact preferable, as there's no concerns typically over data usage and the page load times for other pages will be improved. Even with mobile, though, sometimes users prefer faster page loads over less data usage, so even that has to be judged.
That said, if you don't choose to bundle them all together from the start, you can actually create bundles on the fly.
#{ BundleTable.Bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/onthefly").Include("~/Path/To/Some/Script.js")); }
And then, as usual:
Please take a look at the Enfold project. It might be able to accomplish what you need.
Assuming you have the following views in the web project:
You can organize your Javascript files this way:
With such a setup, the following bundles will be created:

Why do index.php files for CMS's like wordpress & drupal contain little other than an include/require statement?

Several popular CMS's such as Drupal, Wordpress, etc. have an index.php file that is pretty much empty except for a include/require statement that includes some other PHP file (as in one file) containing all of the bootstrap code for the CMS. What is the rationale for this? Why not just move all of the bootstrapping code into index.php if it is doing nothing other than including the bootstrapping code anyway?
I'm trying to build a CMS as an example project to improve my PHP skills, and I'd like to understand what design considerations led them to do it this way. I understand the benefit of breaking up applications into multiple files, but I've never heard of making a file that does nothing but include another one. Obviously there is some benefit, since several major CMS projects designed it this way, but I just can't figure out what it is.
Can someone explain to me the reasoning for this?
In Drupal's case, there are other files that do a similar bootstrap. These typically aren't normal pages, but do serve important purposes. Off the top of my head cron.php, update.php, and install.php do this. I use the bootstrap process at the beginning of custom import scripts, as well as scripts that get called by cron that I don't want to use a hook_cron for.
I can think of two reasons:
When using a product like Wordpress, you sometimes end up adding user hacks to the front controller - say, setting custom constants, specific redirects, or an additional layer of access control, or whatever. An empty index file allows you to add that kind of stuff without disturbing the product's original code.
Having everything in a separate bootstrap creates the possibility of moving all code (including the bootstrap) to a location outside the web root, and include it from there.
Aesthetics mostly. You can have a clean and neat directory structure (outside of webroot), in which bootstrapping files are separated from index.php file. There are probably several of them (vs. one index.php file) and they are doing different things (db init, authorisation).
I also found one or two CMS which start in debug declaration (in order to switch display errors and warnings before including any files, so you can have your errors printed before php includes a file with syntax error, but that's not really a good practice).
I would say this is good design because you can easily change the path to the bootstrap, which makes it very easy to change location of the CMS, if ever necessary.
Another good reason is you could also be running a dev CMS while developing, and roll out new versions with one path change in the index.php.

Is there any reason to put code in the code behind rather than in the aspx file?

Any time I need to write code I almost always put it in the code behind file. For some reason this has always seemed like the "right" way to write code.
Based on most of the examples I see online, a lot of other people choose to write code this way too, but it seems like putting your code in the aspx file allows you to do all the same stuff as well as offering a few advantages.
Top of the list being:
Easier to make changes since no
You have access to all code if
you can't find the project in source
control (this recently happened to
Is there any benefit to having code in a code behind file? Is there any disadvantage to putting code in your aspx file?
Separating the code from the markup results in much cleaner structure, especially for non-trivial pages.
This is one of the major benefits to ASP.Net over ASP Classic.
Easier to make changes since no
Depends in what context, you can upload normal ASPX + ASPX.CS to the server and it will compile it for you on IIS.
I use this for my personal web site, I hate having to 'publish' the web site and then upload the files, sometimes on the server I need to make quick edits in Notepad, hence this approach is perfect.
I personally like the setup of keeping them separate.
PS. I use 'Web Sites' not 'Web Projects' which I believe has to be compiled before uploading to the server.
Maintainability. It allows the HTML part to be edited independently of the code, by and large.
When you have a very small project it is just a bad practice. They just tell you it's wrong, but it feels perfectly right.
You will hit the wall when you start working on big projects and especially when you will need to maintain them.
When your project gets big -the GUI part(the form) becomes smaller: one component here, this color there... not too complicated.
On the other hand, the logic part becomes a real pain... if I use a function in 20 pages will I change each replication of the function in each form? If they are almost identical, yet a bit different... how will I implement the solution?
OOP offers many design patterns so that your code will be as clean and efficient as possible... but you have to work with objects rather than a form.
A form is an object, yet it doesn't meet the OOP design patterns rules. And those rules are there to make your life easier.
I once had to maintain a huge system... and every change required changing many forms and testing many forms. After rebuilding the system it became a SMALL system and easy to maintain. It is easy to just build a form from scratch ignoring the entire system... but it's really hard to maintain this form.
Never think of the year you build the project, think of the 20 years you are going to maintain it.
Good luck
Stumbled upon this link now searching for the real advantages of putting code in cb files, and to confirm SLaks' answer, see this link for those who still wondered. Really thought processing and speed could've been an advantage as well, but alas...

Integrating Several Drupal Sites

Three associates and I want to integrate our individual Drupal websites so that a user can move fairly seamlessly between them. We're all new at Drupal, so our planned approach avoids "doing it the right way" by combining modules and database tables.
Rather, we plan on simply having each site's menu system include links to the other sites, and load the selected site via Iframes so that the overall user experience is more like that of a single, integrated system. We'll adopt a common theme for all sites, and pass the user id through the HTML call (and then process it via normal Drupal code) to avoid the need for more than one logon.
What are the negatives of this simple approach and are they so severe that a more traditional site-integration approach should be used?
To be honest, that sounds like a rather nasty can of worms you're looking at opening there. The mere mention of IFrames has me shuddering!
It seems to me like you'd be better off simply having one Drupal instance, with you and your associates as different content authors on the same site.
If you're looking at having the same theme across the three integrated sites, how will the users know which one they're on? And if the aim is to tightly integrate them, why not have the four of you simply contribute to the same core site?
If I had to make the decission, I would use the drupal multisite feature. You can even use the "single sign on" module to get all your users logged in to all sites. It is a bit of work, but I think it is well worth it.
Once you start throwing things into frames your users/visitors will loose the ability to bookmark the correct page. For example, if they find a page they like and book mark it, they will get 'www.site.com/index.php' rather than 'www.site.com/article/article.php?Id=12345'. When they come back, they'll be getting the default page of where the frame lives at rather than the expected page.
Since all three of your sites are based on the same data scheme, it would probably be better to 'do it right' the first time around rather than hacking something together that in the end will cause more headaches than solutions.
Good luck on your project and hope this helps some.

Refactoring "include file hell"

One thing that's really been making life difficult in getting up to speed on the codebase on an ASP classic project is that the include file situation is kind of a mess. I sometimes find the function I was looking for being included in an include file that is totally unrelated. Does anyone have any advice on how to refactor this such that one can more easily tell where a function is if they need to find it?
EDIT: One thing I forgot to ask: does vbscript have any kind of mechanism for preventing a file from being included twice? Sorta like #ifndef's from C?
There are a few basic things you can do when taking over a classic ASP application, but you will probably end up regretting doing them.
Eliminate duplicate include files. Every classic ASP app I've ever seen has had 5 "login.asp" pages and 7 "datepicker.js" files and so forth. Hunt down and remove all the duplicates, and then change references in the rest of the app as necessary. Be careful to do a diff check on each file as you remove it - often the duplicated files have slight differences because the original author copied it and then changed just the copy. This is a great thing for Evolution, but not so much for code.
Create a rational folder structure and move all the files into it. This one is obvious, but it's the one you will most regret doing. Whether the links in the application are relative or absolute, you'll have to change most of them.
Combine all of your include files into one big file. You can then re-order all the functions logically and break them up into separate, sensibly-named files. You'll then have to go through the app page by page and figure out what the include statements on each page need to be (or stick with the one file, and just include it on every page - I can't remember whether or not that's a good idea in ASP). I can't comprehend the pain level involved here, and that's assuming that the existing include files don't make heavy use of same-named globals.
I wouldn't do any of this. To paraphrase Steve Yegge (I think), "there's nothing wrong with a classic ASP application that can't be fixed with a total rewrite". I'm very serious about this - I don't think there's a bigger waste of a programmer's time in this world than maintaining an ASP app, and the problem just gets worse as ASP gets more and more out of date.
#MusiGenisis bullet point list is good advice to follow but I'd disagree with -
"I wouldn't do any of this. To paraphrase Steve Yegge (I think), "there's nothing wrong with a classic ASP application that can't be fixed with a total rewrite". I'm very serious about this - I don't think there's a bigger waste of a programmer's time in this world than maintaining an ASP app, and the problem just gets worse as ASP gets more and more out of date."
All very well, but if it's a sizable legacy app doing complete re-writes is often not possible due to a lack of developer time/resource.
We have a fairly large classic ASP app which has grown arms and legs over the years, it's not pretty but it does serve the business needs. We have no time to spend the next six months doing a complete re-write, it would be nice, but just not possible. Our approach is -
Where there's new functionality required, it's implemented in ASP.NET. This happens 95% of the time. The 5% edge cases usually being that there are a large number of points where the new app code touches the old app requiring us to do a lot of classic ASP re-work potentially making the app more fragile.
Where there's a change in functionality we assess whether we can refactor to ASP.NET with minimal impact. If this isn't possible then we'll implement the change in classic ASP and tidy up existing code as we go along e.g. simplifying include file nesting, replacing javascript with more cross browser friendly code, that kinda thing.
In answer to your question about #ifndef's, there isn't an equivalent I'm afraid.
Use one file to global headings and includes (lets name it t-head.asp). This file is included in all asp files.
Use one file to make the site visual global header (logos, menus, etc) and include it right behind . Let call it t-begin.asp
Use one file to make the site visual global footer (copyright, google analytics, etc.) and closing all divs or tables opened in t-begin.asp. Lets call this file t-end.asp
Use one folder to put the business logic files, called BUS. The files in this folder can not have includes. Every function inside the file must be preceded by the name of the logic unit (IE: all function in products.asp must begin with product_*)
Use one folder to put some reused UI code called UI. The files in this folder can not have includes.
<%# Language=VBScript %>
<% Option Explicit %>
<% Response.Buffer = true%>
<!--#include file="../general/t-head.asp"-->
<!--#include file="../bus/product.asp"-->
<title>Products page</title>
<!--#include file="../general/t-begin.asp"-->
<% 'all your code %>
<!--#include file="../general/t-end.asp"-->
Wow. It constantly surprises me how many people have a hate for ASP. In decent hands it's a perfectly capable language for designing web applications.
However, I will concede that the way include files are managed in ASP can be a bit of a brainache -- because (depending on how you use them) they have to be loaded and parsed even if you're not using half the functions contained within.
I tend to have one include file (initialise.asp or some such) that itself includes links to several functions libraries (lib_http.asp, lib_mssql.asp or similar) and all library functions are self-contained so there is no worry about crossing variables. Any global vars are declared and set in the master file. This means I can use a function anywhere, any time and not worry about where it was defined, it's just there for use. And IDEs such as Visual Studio and Primalscript have the ability to "jump to definition" when you find a call to a function that you don't recognise.
Then, any script-specific includes are included in the script after the call to this master include file.
I concede that this is a memory-hungry approach as all the functions in all the libraries are compiled for every script call, so the method needs refining for each site you develop -- decide what to call via the master include and what is more page-specific. It would be nice to be able to only load what you need -- but that's the DLL approach and is not available for the majority of real-world developments, and also you'd have to weigh up the processor cost of compiling small scripts vs loading components.
A concise directory structure is requisite and easily developed, but it can be a chore to wade through all the code in an existing site and change any links or mappath calls. Also, be aware that some IIS administrators disallow the '..\' method of traversing directories via VBScript, so then all file references have to be absolute paths.
i think you should consider moving your code from ASP VBScript to Visual Basic COM DLLs. that'll ease on you having too much includes.
I don't know of a way to prevent a double inclusion, other than getting an error message that is. Are you seeing includes placed throughout the page, which is making them difficult to spot?
Just as an aside, are you working with a copy of the code and the database on a development server? From my experience, the first thing to do is separate yourself from the live site ASAP. While a hassle initially, it'll give you the freedom to make changes without messing up the live site. It's easy to make that one tiny change in an include and BAM! the whole site goes down.
I've worked through a few projects like you've described and used the following strategies:
Complete rewrite - perfect when there's time/money, but usually I get the call when something has gone wrong and results are needed ASAP.
Smaller projects - I open up everything in the IDE and just start searching all the project files for the functions/sub, in order to build a knowledge of the include logic. Pretty much each time, everything is spread out everywhere, so I start rebuilding the includes organized by business logic. I've also run across inline code (raw code, not subs or functions) thrown into an include, so I'll usually just pull the code back into the page for refactoring later.
Larger projects - I'll use some code I have laying around to parse the includes for lines with sub/function headers and dump those to a text file to build up a list of what routines are where and refer to that. This comes in handy when you've got a ton of includes on each page and can't get your head around the codebase.
