Exceeding limits of Twitter API Search,I have Used since id...But now am getting the Error Parameter Already Exist - asp.net

public void search(TwitterSearchParameters tsp)
int c = 1;
foreach (TwitterSearchResult tws in a.Search(tsp))
drTweet = dtTweets.NewRow();
drTweet["profileimage"] = Convert.ToString(tws.ProfileImageUrl);
drTweet["tweetdata"] = Convert.ToString(tws.Title);
string wrdtext = Convert.ToString(tws.Title);
drTweet["getid"] = tws.ID;
drTweet["ct"] = c;
myDataList.DataSource = dtTweets;
sinci = TwitterSearchParameterNames.SinceID;
if (c == 100)
tsp.Add(sinci, 100);

Well, I have no idea how the Twitter API works, but I checked the documentation here: Twitter Search API Method: search, and it says:
rpp: Optional. The number of tweets to return per page, up to a max of 100.
Example: http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=devo&rpp=15
page: Optional. The page number (starting at 1) to return, up to a max of roughly 1500 results (based on rpp * page. Note: there are pagination limits.
Example: http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=devo&rpp=15&page=2
So, it looks to me as:
You cannot get more than 100 items per request
You have to issue multiple requests, selecting consecutive pages each time, up to the max of around 1500 in total (as per the documentation)

Agree with Karlsen. Soon after you crawl the first page of results, note down the latest tweet id and in subsequent calls, set that in URL parameter max_id. This is to make sure, that you don't miss any tweets.
Save that id in your database and when you want new results, use this in the since_id parameter.


AppMaker - Navigate to Last Page on Table

I have a calculated SQL that returns 100 results.
Added a table (from this calculated SQL) and limited the size of the page by 25 results.
This will generate 4 pages.
Pager form AppMaker works well (navigates between pages) but i need a button that navigates directly from page 1 to the page 4.
is this possible?
Anyone got a solution for this?
If you need to know how many entries your table has (in your case it's seems fixed to 100, but maybe it could grow), you can still do what you want:
E.g. say your table on YOURPAGE depends on a datasource called Customers.
Create a new Data item called CustomerCount, with just one field, called Count (integer).
Its data source would be a sql query script:
Select count(CustomerName) as Count from Customers
on the page you are having the table on, add a custom property (say called
Count of type integer)
In the page attach event, set the property asynchronously with this custom action:
app.datasources.CustomerCount.load(function() {
app.pages.YOURPAGE.properties.Count = app.datasources.CustomerCount.count;
app.datasources.Customers.query.pageIndex = #properties.Count / 25;
I tried similar things successfully in the past.
Found a solution for this:
function CandidateCountRows() {
var query = app.models.candidate.newQuery();
var records = query.run();
console.log("Number of records: " + records.length);
return records.length;
in the button code:
var psize = widget.datasource.query.pageSize;
var pidx = widget.datasource.query.pageIndex;
var posicao = psize * pidx;
var nreg = posicao;
google.script.run.withSuccessHandler(function(Xresult) {
nreg = Xresult;
console.log('position: ' + posicao);
console.log('nreg: ' + nreg);
console.log('psize: ' + psize);
console.log('pidx: ' + pidx);
var i;
for (i = pidx; i < (nreg/psize); i++) {
This will allow to navigate to last page.
If you know for a fact that your query always returns 100 records and that your page size will always be 25 records then the simplest approach is to make sure your button is tied to the same datasource and attach the following onClick event:
widget.datasource.query.pageIndex = 4;

DocumentDB Change Feed and saving Checkpoint

After reading the documentation, I'm having a hard time conceptualizing the change feed. Let's take the code from the documentation below. The second change feed is picking up the changes from the last time it was run via the checkpoints. Let's say it is being used to create summary data and there was an issue and it needed to be re-run from a prior time. I don't understand the following:
How to specify a particular time the checkpoint should start. I understand I can save the checkpoint dictionary and use that for each run, but how do you get the changes from X time to maybe rerun some summary data
Secondly, let's say we are rerunning some summary data and we save the last checkpoint used for each summarized data so we know where that one left off. How does one know that a record is in or before that checkpoint?
Code that runs from collection beginning and then from last checkpoint:
Dictionary < string, string > checkpoints = await GetChanges(client, collection, new Dictionary < string, string > ());
await client.CreateDocumentAsync(collection, new DeviceReading {
DeviceId = "xsensr-201", MetricType = "Temperature", Unit = "Celsius", MetricValue = 1000
await client.CreateDocumentAsync(collection, new DeviceReading {
DeviceId = "xsensr-212", MetricType = "Pressure", Unit = "psi", MetricValue = 1000
// Returns only the two documents created above.
checkpoints = await GetChanges(client, collection, checkpoints);
private async Task < Dictionary < string, string >> GetChanges(
DocumentClient client,
string collection,
Dictionary < string, string > checkpoints) {
List < PartitionKeyRange > partitionKeyRanges = new List < PartitionKeyRange > ();
FeedResponse < PartitionKeyRange > pkRangesResponse;
do {
pkRangesResponse = await client.ReadPartitionKeyRangeFeedAsync(collection);
while (pkRangesResponse.ResponseContinuation != null);
foreach(PartitionKeyRange pkRange in partitionKeyRanges) {
string continuation = null;
checkpoints.TryGetValue(pkRange.Id, out continuation);
IDocumentQuery < Document > query = client.CreateDocumentChangeFeedQuery(
new ChangeFeedOptions {
PartitionKeyRangeId = pkRange.Id,
StartFromBeginning = true,
RequestContinuation = continuation,
MaxItemCount = 1
while (query.HasMoreResults) {
FeedResponse < DeviceReading > readChangesResponse = query.ExecuteNextAsync < DeviceReading > ().Result;
foreach(DeviceReading changedDocument in readChangesResponse) {
checkpoints[pkRange.Id] = readChangesResponse.ResponseContinuation;
return checkpoints;
DocumentDB supports check-pointing only by the logical timestamp returned by the server. If you would like to retrieve all changes from X minutes ago, you would have to "remember" the logical timestamp corresponding to the clock time (ETag returned for the collection in the REST API, ResponseContinuation in the SDK), then use that to retrieve changes.
Change feed uses logical time in place of clock time because it can be different across various servers/partitions. If you would like to see change feed support based on clock time (with some caveats on skew), please propose/upvote at https://feedback.azure.com/forums/263030-documentdb/.
To save the last checkpoint per partition key/document, you can just save the corresponding version of the batch in which it was last seen (ETag returned for the collection in the REST API, ResponseContinuation in the SDK), like Fred suggested in his answer.
How to specify a particular time the checkpoint should start.
You could try to provide a logical version/ETag (such as 95488) instead of providing a null value as RequestContinuation property of ChangeFeedOptions.

google api .net client v3 getting free busy information

I am trying to query free busy data from Google calendar. Simply I am providing start date/time and end date/time. All I want to know is if this time frame is available or not. When I run below query, I get "responseOBJ" response object which doesn't seem to include what I need. The response object only contains start and end time. It doesn't contain flag such as "IsBusy" "IsAvailable"
#region Free_busy_request_NOT_WORKING
FreeBusyRequest requestobj = new FreeBusyRequest();
FreeBusyRequestItem c = new FreeBusyRequestItem();
c.Id = "calendarresource#domain.com";
requestobj.Items = new List<FreeBusyRequestItem>();
requestobj.TimeMin = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);
requestobj.TimeMax = DateTime.Now.AddDays(2);
FreebusyResource.QueryRequest TestRequest = calendarService.Freebusy.Query(requestobj);
// var TestRequest = calendarService.Freebusy.
// FreeBusyResponse responseOBJ = TestRequest.Execute();
var responseOBJ = TestRequest.Execute();
Calendar API will only ever provide ordered busy blocks in the response, never available blocks. Everything outside busy is available. Do you have at least one event on the calendar
with the given ID in the time window?
Also the account you are using needs to have at least free-busy access to the resource to be able to retrieve availability.
I know this question is old, however I think it would be beneficial to see an example. You will needed to actually grab the Busy information from your response. Below is a snippet from my own code (minus the call) with how to handle the response. You will need to utilized your c.Id as the key to search through the response:
FreebusyResource.QueryRequest testRequest = service.Freebusy.Query(busyRequest);
var responseObject = testRequest.Execute();
bool checkBusy;
bool containsKey;
if (responseObject.Calendars.ContainsKey("**INSERT YOUR KEY HERE**"))
containsKey = true;
if (containsKey)
//Had to deconstruct API response by WriteLine(). Busy returns a count of 1, while being free returns a count of 0.
//These are properties of a dictionary and a List of the responseObject (dictionary returned by API POST).
if (responseObject.Calendars["**YOUR KEY HERE**"].Busy.Count == 0)
checkBusy = false;
checkBusy = true;
if (checkBusy == true)
var busyStart = responseObject.Calendars["**YOUR KEY HERE**"].Busy[0].Start;
var busyEnd = responseObject.Calendars["**YOUR KEY HERE**].Busy[0].End;
string isBusyString = "Between " + busyStart + " and " + busyEnd + " your trainer is busy";
richTextBox1.Text = isBusyString;
string isFreeString = "Between " + startDate + " and " + endDate + " your trainer is free";
richTextBox1.Text += isFreeString;
MessageBox.Show("CalendarAPIv3 has failed, please contact support\nregarding missing <key>", "ERROR!");
My suggestion would be to break your responses down by writing them to the console. Then, you can "deconstruct" them. That is how I was able to figure out "where" to look within the response. As noted above, you will only receive the information for busyBlocks. I used the date and time that was selected by my client's search to show the "free" times.
You'll need to check if your key exists before attempting the TryGetValue or searching with a keyvaluepair.

Using GraphView Library for functions to display multiple graphs

I'm currently developing an android app for reading out multiple sensor values via Bluetooth and display them in a graph. When I stumbled upon jjoe64's GraphViewLibrary, I knew this would fit my purposes perfectly. But now I'm kind of stuck. Basically, I wrote a little function that would generate and display the values of three sensors in 3 different graphs one under the other. This works just fine when the activity is started first, all three graphs a nicely rendered and displayed. But when I want to update the graphs with different values using the resetData()-method to render the new values in each graph, only the last of the three graphs is updated. Obviously, because it's the last graph generated using this rather simple function. My question is: Is there any other elegant way to use a function like mine for generating and updating all three graphs one after the other? I already tried to set the GraphView variable back to null and different combinations of removing and adding the view. Passing the function a individual GraphView-variable like graphView1, graphView2... does also not work.
Here is the function:
private GraphView graphView;
private GraphViewSeries graphViewSerie;
private Boolean graphExisting = false;
public void makeGraphs (float[] valueArray, String heading, int graphId) {
String graphNumber = "graph"+graphId;
int resId = getResources().getIdentifier(graphNumber,"id", getPackageName());
LinearLayout layout = (LinearLayout) findViewById(resId);
int numElements = valueArray.length;
GraphViewData[] data = new GraphViewData[numElements];
for (int c = 0; c<numElements; c++) {
data[c] = new GraphViewData(c+1, valueArray[c]);
Log.i(tag, "GraphView Graph"+graphId+": ["+(c+1)+"] ["+valueArray[c]+"].");
if (!graphExisting) {
// init temperature series data
graphView = new LineGraphView(
this // context
, heading // heading
graphViewSerie = new GraphViewSeries(data);
((LineGraphView) graphView).setDrawBackground(true);
else {
//graphViewSerie = new GraphViewSeries(data);
graphViewSerie.resetData(new GraphViewData[] {
new GraphViewData(1, 1.2f)
, new GraphViewData(2, 1.4f)
, new GraphViewData(2.5, 1.5f) // another frequency
, new GraphViewData(3, 1.7f)
, new GraphViewData(4, 1.3f)
, new GraphViewData(5, 1.0f)
And this is the function-call depending on an previously generated array (which is being monitored to be filled with the right values):
makeGraphs(graphData[0], "TempHistory", 1);
makeGraphs(graphData[1], "AirHistory", 2);
makeGraphs(graphData[2], "SensHistory", 3);
graphExisting = true;
Any help and / or any feedback in general is greatly appreciated! Lots of thanks in advance!
Thanks to jjoe64's answer I was able to modify the function to work properly. I was clearly having a mistake in my thinking, since I thought I'd also be changing a GraphViewSeries-object I would handle my function as additional parameter (which I tried before). Of course this does not work. However, with this minor Improvements I managed to make this work using a Graphviewseries Array. To give people struggling with a similar problem an idea of what I had to change, here the quick-and-dirty draft of the solution.
I just changed
private GraphViewSeries graphViewSerie;
private GraphViewSeries graphViewSerie[] = new GraphViewSeries[3];
and access the right Series using the already given parameter graphId within the function (if-clause) like this:
int graphIndex = graphId - 1;
graphViewSerie[graphIndex] = new GraphViewSeries(data);
In the else-clause I'm updating the series likewise by calling
So, once again many thanks for your support, jjoe64. I'm sorry I wasn't able to update the question earlier, but I did not find time for it.
of course it is not working correct, because you save always the latest graphseries-object in the member graphViewSerie.
First you have to store the 3 different graphviewseries (maybe via array or map) and then you have to access the correct graphviewseries-object in the else clause.

How can I search the past week's tweets with Twitterizer?

I want to search the tweets of past week using tags.
For example, if I write "Google" in the text box, the code should return every tweet which has the word "Google" in it and has been posted within past 7 days, regardless of who tweeted it.
I am able to get the data of the past hour, but I want to read the data of the past week. here is my code
public static void GetTweet(String query)
DateTime Pre = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7);
SearchOptions options = new SearchOptions(){
SinceDate = Pre,
NumberPerPage =100
TwitterResponse<TwitterSearchResultCollection> searchResult = TwitterSearch.Search(query,options);
while (searchResult.Result == RequestResult.Success && pageNumber < 10)
foreach (var tweet in searchResult.ResponseObject)
Console.WriteLine(tweet.Text, tweet.CreatedDate);
searchResult = TwitterSearch.Search(query, options);
The Twitter API is not designed to provide you with data like this, especially when querying for a large dataset like that. Each endpoint has its own limitations. Generally, it's 2000 tweets within the last 2 weeks.
The search API allows you to get up to 1500 tweets (15 pages # 100 per page).
You could do something like this
Dim s As New UserTimelineOptions
s.Count = 3000
s.UseSSL = True
s.APIBaseAddress = "http://api.twitter.com/1/"
s.IncludeRetweets = False
s.UserId = 24769625 'Just a sample account
Dim T As TwitterResponse(Of TwitterStatusCollection) = TwitterTimeline.UserTimeline(tokens, s)
For Each Tweet As TwitterStatus In T.ResponseObject
Console.WriteLine(Tweet.User.ScreenName & ": " & Tweet.Text)
'In here just check the created date on the tweet.createddate and look for the time frame
