Deserializing a PHP json encoded (json_encode) string with ASP.NET webservices -

I am really struggling deserializing a PHP json encoded string in ASP.NET.
I am using nusoap and CakePHP 1.3 on the PHP side and 4.0 on the web service side and everything was working well. However, I couldn’t figure out how to pass a complex array as one parameter of the webservice, so I had the idea of serializing it as json and passing a simple string. So far so good...
But I cannot for the life of me de-serialize the json_encoded string in ASP.NET [well, I’ve been trying for the last two hours at least ;)]
Here is what I have so far:
The PHP sends an array of products (product id as a GUID - sent as a string then converted on the web service side) and the number of products:
$args['products'] = json_encode($booking['Booking']['prs_products']);
This is received ok by the webservice as the following json string (products):
I then try and populate a BookingProducts List<>. The BookingProducts class is as follows:
public class BookingProducts
public String id { get; set; }
public int quantity { get; set; }
public BookingProducts()
public BookingProducts(string id, int quantity)
{ = id;
this.quantity = quantity;
I have tried both the [System.Web.Script.Serialization][2] and Newtonsoft.Json libraries as follows, but without success:
List<BookingProducts> productsList = new List<BookingProducts>();
productsList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<BookingProducts>>((products));
catch (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException)
productsList = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<List<BookingProducts>>(products);
In both cases I get a list of empty products (or a serialization exception).
Hopefully someone has done this before, or can spot an obvious mistake!

What you really have here is a list of objects containing BookingProducts object. In order to deserialize it, you need to have something like this for your entity:
public class BookingProductsWrapper
public class BookingProductsInner
public string id { get; set; }
public int quantity { get; set; }
public BookingProductsInner BookingProducts { get; set; }
Now you can deserialize it using JavaScriptSerializer (for example):
System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer jsSerializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer();
List<BookingProductsWrapper> productsList = jsSerializer.Deserialize<List<BookingProductsWrapper>>(products);
That will do the trick.


How to diagnose slow Entity Framework stored procedure call?

Problem: I'm calling a stored procedure through EF Core. When I run the stored procedure directly (via 'debug procedure'), it runs quickly, but it runs VERY slowly when called by EF's FromSqlRaw. So the problem appears to be when converting the returned data-table to a list of objects.
Simple application with a list of blog posts. The stored procedure gets a hierarchical list of posts and associated users from a TPH table of posts, plus a table of users.
// Code is simplified, actually 8 parameters
SqlParameter depth_p = new SqlParameter("#depth", depth);
SqlParameter authorizedUserID_p = new SqlParameter("#authorizedUserID", authorizedUser.ID);
IQueryable<PostUser> query = postContext.PostUsers
.FromSqlRaw("Post.USP_ReadDebate #depth, #authorizedUserID",
parameters: new[] { depth_p, authorizedUserID_p });
List<PostUser> postUsers = query.ToList(); // This hangs.
26 columns are returned and converted by EF into the PostUser class.
PostUser holds 26 "ordinary" properties. No navigation properties, custom classes or any getters or setters that do any work.
public class PostUser
// Post fields
public Int32? ID { get; set; } // Primary Key
public String Text { get; set; }
public Guid OwnerID { get; set; }
public int? ParentID { get; set; } // nullable
public bool IsDisabled { get; set; }
public DateTime TimeCreated { get; set; }
public bool User_IsBanned { get; set; } = false;
// some others...
public PostUser() { }
Note: the stored procedure is very complex. It calls another stored procedure which fills a #spid table, then inserts the contents of that #SPID table into a table variable and returns that.
But again when debugged directly it returns quickly, so I think the problem is when EF Core is converting the returned data to the PostUser object.
Bottom Line: is there any way to get visibility into what EF Core is doing on the conversion to PostUser to find the problem?
Thank you!

.NET 5.0 Web API won't work with record featuring required properties

I'm using a C# 9.0 record type as a binding model for a .NET 5.0 Web API project. Some of the properties are required.
I'm using the record positional syntax, but am receiving errors.
public record Mail(
System.Guid? Id,
[property: Required]
string From,
[property: Required]
string[] Tos,
[property: Required]
string Subject,
string[]? Ccs,
string[]? Bccs,
[property: Required]
Content[] Contents,
Attachment[]? Attachments
This is then exposed as the binding model for my Index action:
public async Task<ActionResult> Index(Service.Models.Mail mailRequest)
Whenever I try to make a request, however, I receive the following error:
Record type 'Service.Models.Mail' has validation metadata defined on property 'Contents' that will be ignored. 'Contents' is a parameter in the record primary constructor and validation metadata must be associated with the constructor parameter.
I tried removing the attribute on the Contents property, but it then fails for the next (prior) property. I tried using [param: …] instead of [property: …], as well as mixing them, but keep getting the same kind of error.
I looked around the web, and haven't found any suggestion of handling annotations differently for C# 9 records. I did my best, but I'm out of ideas—outside of converting my records to POCOs.
I gave up using Positional constructor, and with the verbose full declaration of the properties, it works.
public record Mail
public System.Guid? Id { get; init; }
public string From { get; init; }
public string[] Tos { get; init; }
public string Subject { get; init; }
public string[]? Ccs { get; init; }
public string[]? Bccs { get; init; }
public Content[] Contents { get; init; }
public Attachment[]? Attachments { get; init; }
public Status? Status { get; init; }
public Mail(Guid? id, string #from, string[] tos, string subject, string[]? ccs, string[]? bccs, Content[] contents, Attachment[]? attachments, Status status)
Id = id;
From = #from;
Tos = tos;
Subject = subject;
Ccs = ccs;
Bccs = bccs;
Contents = contents;
Attachments = attachments;
Status = status;
Try using only [Required] (instead of [property: Required]), for some reason worked for me
For me it started to work by adding the [ApiController] attribute to the controller.
I found something similar on ASP.NET Core Razor pages getting:
InvalidOperationException: Record type 'WebApplication1.Pages.LoginModelNRTB+InputModel' has validation metadata defined on property 'PasswordB' that will be ignored. 'PasswordB' is a parameter in the record primary constructor and validation metadata must be associated with the constructor parameter.
After some digging, I found:
So maybe as you've done, the verbose declaration is the way forward.
Positional record attributes in ASP.NET Core background
How do I target attributes for a record class? more background
Using FluentValidation and keeping properties with the full declaration seems to work perfectly in my case. I highly recommend trying this highly polished alternative validation library instead of using the pretty old standard data annotations
public record LoginViewModel
public string Mail { get; init; }
public string Password { get; init; }
public bool IsPersistent { get; init; }
public class LoginValidator : AbstractValidator<LoginViewModel>
public LoginValidator()
RuleFor(l => l.Mail).NotEmpty().EmailAddress();
RuleFor(l => l.Password).NotEmpty();

Deserializing of untrusted data using C#

I have the following C# code which is getting a "high" error from Checkmarx. I can't see anything wrong with it.
var dataDirectoryPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetData("DataDirectory").ToString();
var json = File.ReadAllText($"{dataDirectoryPath}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}somefile.json");
var settings = new
var targetPathSettings = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<TargetPathSetting>>(json, settings);
It gives this error:
The serialized object ReadAllText processed in xxx in the file yyy is deserialized by DeserializeObject in the file zzz
The C# code is as follows:
public class TargetPathSetting
public string PathSettingName { get; set; }
public PathSetting PathSetting { get; set; }
public class PathSetting
public string BaseUrl { get; set; }
public string ApplicationIdUri { get; set; }
I can't see that anything that is ever in the file is going to cause any sort of problem, especially with the TypeNameHandling.None setting.
The problem is with the standard Checkmarx query for c #. In this case, Checkmarx does not recognize the correction of this code. To fix it you should use CxAudit and modify this query.

Problems with Full Text Search in Postgresql & .Net Core 2.1

I post this question because I dont found similar issue yet. I'm trying to ensure Full Text Search in .net core app, and according to npgsql documentation I have:
1) Model
public class User
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Surname { get; set; }
public long License { get; set; }
public NpgsqlTsVector SearchVector { get; set; }
2) DatabaseContext:
.HasIndex(p => p.SearchVector)
3) Migrations:
#"CREATE TRIGGER user_search_vector_update BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE
ts`enter code here`vector_update_trigger(""SearchVector"", 'pg_catalog.english', ""Name"", ""Surname"");");
Now, I'm trying use FTS in my app, where method Search gets from header 'phase' (string).
public async Task<IActionResult> Search([FromHeader] string phase)
NpgsqlTsQuery tsVestor = EF.Functions.ToTsQuery("english", phase);
var response = Ok(_context.Users.Where(c => c.SearchVector.Matches(phase)).ToList());
return response;
I got:
NotSupportedException: Specified method is not supported.
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.NpgsqlFullTextSearchDbFunctionsExtensions.ToTsQuery(DbFunctions _, string config, string query) in NpgsqlFullTextSearchDbFunctionsExtensions.cs
I also tried send by Header lexeme and comment line:
NpgsqlTsQuery tsVestor = EF.Functions.ToTsQuery("english", phase);
but i got: PostgresException: 42883: operator does not exist: tsvector ## text
Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong?
EDIT ---- :
Ok, I found answer on my question. Converting from string to NpgsqlTsQuery must be inside Matches method:
public async Task<IActionResult> SearchUsers([FromHeader] string phase)
return Ok(_context.Users.Where(c => c.SearchVector.Matches(EF.Functions.ToTsQuery(phase))));
Placing this convertion outside Matches method threw "NotSupportedException", and putting plain text as function argument threw 42883 Exeception.
Now, it's clear what I was doing wrong.
As #sonofaforester suggests, I put answer on my own question:
Converting from string to NpgsqlTsQuery must be inside Matches method:
public async Task<IActionResult> SearchUsers([FromHeader] string phase)
return Ok(_context.Users.Where(c => c.SearchVector.Matches(EF.Functions.ToTsQuery(phase))));
Placing this conversation outside Matches method threw "NotSupportedException", and putting plain text as function argument threw 42883 Exception.

POST Method fails to populate request object in ServiceStack

I've been using service stack for a while and came upon a scenario where the POST method uses the default instance of the IReturn object (with all the properties defaulting to their datatype values). The values supplied as part of the Route (/product/1234345/) are the only ones populated. I've laid out an example below:
public class SearchRequest : IReturn<SearchResponse>
public SearchProvider searchProvider { get; set; }
public string searchTerm { get; set; }
public string categoryID { get; set; }
public long maxResults { get; set; }
//Only this property gets populated if method is post
public string searchMethod { get; set; }
public SearchResponse Any(SearchRequest searchRequest)
//This works only for non-post requests
return Put(searchRequest);
public SearchResponse Get(SearchRequest searchRequest)
//This works
return Put(searchRequest);
public SearchResponse Post(SearchRequest searchRequest)
//This does not
return Put(searchRequest);
public SearchResponse Put(SearchRequest searchRequest)
//Code for put method goes here
I'm then using a client to call these methods
SearchServiceClient searchClient = new SearchServiceClient(SearchServiceAPIUrl);
SearchResponse searchResponse = searchClient.Search(SearchProvider.SampleSearchProvider, searchterm, categoryID, 100,"conservative");
Any help is really appreciated
I've always just populated my request object in the constructor and sent it to the service
searchClient.Post(new SearchRequest(SearchProvider.SampleSearchProvider,
searchterm, categoryID, 100,"conservative")):
I finally found the solution after tinkering with the DTO. It seems for post requests all DTO properties needed to have a [DataMember] attribute for serialization/deserialization and make sure that the class also has a [DataContract] attribute.
