Yet another problem with CSS horizontal centering - css

I know about margin auto. However, it does not work for me here.
I'm trying to center a (possibly long) line of text over a (relatively narrow) image. If the text is longer than the image, it should spill out of the resulting box on either end, so the whole complex is only as wide as the image.
The markup is something like this:
<div class="bb">
<a href="blahblah">
<img src="blah.png"/>
.bb is an inline-block so these bb's pop together horizontally in a row. CaptionAbove may be longer than the img is wide, but should not make the neighbors spread out! elements a and b are display:block, so everything inside here stacks up vertically.
If I give the <b> a specified width like 1em so it doesn't grow to surround the text, then the overflow of the text is on the right only, and the artificial box is flush left within the enclosing <a> block.
I like the markup grouping the img and the caption together, and a table would not only lose that but the mouse-over effects knowing that the vertical stack is all one item.
Any suggestions welcome.

How's about something like this?


Unable to break text on hyphen within floated element

The following image shows how I would like a set of nested elements to appear.
However, the elements are actually appearing like this...
I've tried setting various overflow and white-space options but can't achieve what I'm hoping for. My best guess is that the float is causing the blue-outlined element to have no width and consequently there's no reason to break the text.
How can I fix this?
If the person's surname is long without any spaces then the blue bordered element cannot fit in the same level as of the left element.
To make the blue bordered element fit in the same level as the left element you have to give some width to it along with word-break property.
<div style="width:25%;background:#ccc;float:left;word-break:break-word">
<div style="width:74%;background:#ccc;float:left;margin-left:1%;word-break:break-word">

Making some HTML elements behave as 'block' ones when mixed with inline elements inside an inline parent

I'm trying to get an div with its display property set to inline (or inline-block if I want a margin) to behave correctly in IE (it does in most others).
My situation is this - imagine a workspace in which an item container contains inline items laid out in a horizontal fashion. These items can hold things like text, or images, but also be composite types, say for example a 'fraction', whose numerator and denominator are themselves item containers, containing more horizontal items.
So for example, I might have the HTML:
<div class='item-container'>
<div id='statictext' class='item'>x = </div>
<div id='fraction' class='item'>
<div id='numerator' class='item-container'>...</div>
<div id='denominator' class='item-container'>...</div>
Clearly, I don't want fixed width or height for an item or item-container, because they can contain nested content which will increase the amount of space needed (e.g. imagine an fraction inside another fraction), and similarly if I want the width of a static text 'item' to be just big enough to contain the text on one line, i.e. inline.
The problem I think is that it's hard to avoid putting block elements inside my inline 'item'/'item-container' elements, for example the <hr> in the fraction, or if I want say a menu bar at the top of an 'item' that uses the whole width after the width of the rest of the item's contents has been calculated.
I know it's invalid syntax to put an actual block item inside an inline one, although setting the block element's display attribute to inline or inline-block makes things behave correctly in Firefox/Chrome at least. But alas, not in IE.
Is there an adequate fix?
EDIT: I actually used inline-block (with the appropriate IE hack) for 'item' and 'item-container' to get it to work spiffingly in Firefox et al, but IE still treats them as inline, which then subsequently gets converted into block because one of its children is a block.
Don’t use <hr>. You can draw a line using text-decoration: underline or using a bottom border or using an image (say, a one-pixel image stretched to the desired width). Then you can work with inline elements.

css positioning question

I'm trying for the life of me to figure out what should be an excruciatingly simple CSS task: aligning a block of text to the right of an image and vertically positioning the block so it aligns with the bottom of the image; and I'd prefer to not have to declare a height for the containing element as this is for a lengthy image listing and the dimensions will vary (but all with a certain max width/height). I've attempted to define a parent element with "position:relative" containing two left-floated divs, one with the image and the other with the text block, positioned "absolute" and "bottom:0" and I can't seem to get the text block to align with the bottom of the image...
any assistance here may very well help me stave off a fit of insanity ;)
If the text go to the right of the image, just use an element with display:inline-block after the image, and enclose everything in a block (like div). See it here

Overlap two Divs hides contents

We overlap two Divs using "postion:absolute" and z-index.
The text in the green zone (div id="Zone2") is hide by text in the yellow zone (div id="Zone3"). Any help on how to display the text?
Edit1: We can't use nested divs.
I'm not sure what all the absolute positioning is good for, but you might want to put the yellow zone into the green-zone div, and use a float.
Solution with a float within the green zone
Solution with padding
Simplest way I can possibly think to do this:
Uses one nested div inside the Zone2 to wrap your text and make it appear as if it's wrapped to Zone3.
This is similar to using a <p> or <span> with display: block;.
jsFiddle example.

How to prevent the contents of a div from beaking its parents dimensions in ie6

I've got a two column layout like this:
<div id='left'></div>
<div id='right'></div>
When the contents of the left div are that of a flash object with dimensions that exceed the left column's width, the right column no longer floats to the right properly in ie6. It falls underneath the left div. All other browsers (of course) are fine.
the css property
will solve this problem. It will just not show any image, text, ect that goes outside the div.
Do you need something like overflow: hidden?
