How to implement a "fax protocol"? - fax

I want to write a program that programmatically sends faxes. Or receives faxes. But not with a modem. I guess I'm trying to write a fax simulator. Everything that the hardware does, I want to do using software.
There are a billion SO questions on the topic, but they either suggest an online service to use or they point me to a library, which talks to my computer's modem. So here are my specific questions:
When I send a fax, I can hear the warbling on the telephone line. This tells me that my fax machine is generating tones that are consumable by the recipient's. What is that protocol? Is there an RFC which specifies how a "pixel" is converted to a "frequency"? Do the machines communicate back and forth, or is it one-way?
If we can agree that a fax machine translates sound frequencies to images, then one ought to be able to write a program which takes an MP3 of a fax transmission and outputs a graphic. What do I need to know in order to do this?
Are these questions based on any flawed assumptions? Where should I start so that I can accomplish goal #2 from above?

Actually in modem a chip called "DSP => Digital Signal Processing" is responsible to convert audio signals into digital DATA. and same can be done with a software library. there is already an open source DSP library called SpanDSP developed by "Steve Underwood"
You can build your own application while using SpanDSP library, but it is wise to use some existing implementation of SpanDSP. Currently SpanDSP is implemented in open source FreeSwitch, CallWeaver and Asterisk PBX systems.
But if you only want to send and receive faxes without bothering low level development then try out ICTFAX Open Source FAX system.

The fax specifications you would need are ITU T4 and T30, which costs lots of money and are almost wilfully difficult to understand, and they'll refer you to the various modem standard for how the actual 'warbling' is done.
If you're hoping for something free/easy like an RFC, then you should probably give up now.
If you did want to decode an audio file, you would need to view that as two completely separate tasks - firstly decoding the tones to a data stream (build several soft-modems, for the various ways fax machines can agree to communicate), and then secondly decoding the data-stream to pixels (write a fax machine's software).
You are not fundamentally wrong that a fax machine converts light and dark into sound and then back again, or that it's possible to eavesdrop on a conversation between two fax machines and recover the image (either in real-time or via some kind of capture file, though I'm not sure that MP3 would work), but I suspect you've hugely, hugely underestimated the amount of work involved.
has plenty of background.
The ITU protocols are very involved, IIRC the exact specifications are not free.


suggestions for my monitoring system?

I'm a young professional who's into embedded design, IT networking, control/monitoring systems and much more. Currently, I'm developing a monitoring system using a device from Tibbo Techonology, their DS1102.
It's a programmable device that covers serial and ethernet communications. For my project, its main tasks are serial data collection and database population. Serial communication is done through RS485 and database used is MySQL 5.5. My database is hosted on a public IP which also runs a webserver for the interface while my device is behind a NAT. It connects to the database directly using the public IP.
I'd like to ask for advices so that I can enhance and upgrade it. Right now these are the
questions I'd like to ask.
Which is better? Having the server on a public IP or using port forwarding?
I'm also using it as webserver for the interface of my monitoring system.
To communicate with the device (rebooting, changing IP etc), I wrote an application in
python using UDP (using port 65535 of device) and also set the device to communicate with the application for specific commands. My concern is I want to encrypt the communication between my python app and the device both ways. The only available function for both encrypting and decrypting on the DS1102 is RC4. What are your thoughts on using RC4 for this application? Also, I'm planning to do port forwarding on port 65535 so that I can use my python app from the outside. Can RC4 be reliable for this too? I really want to learn how to use encryptions properly.
I'm also planning to implement SMTP for alert messages. Tibbo has a sample code from which I based mine. Problem is, it's on AUTH PLAIN LOGIN. I think I want to turn it to STARTTLS later. Can you recommend some lessons on the algorithm of STARTTLS?
What are those details on MAIL FROM:<> and RCPT TO:<>? Because on using the command
DATA, the programmer can write anyway From: and To: which can make his identity someone else.
That's it for now. Suggestions are very welcome.
You can also share some good reading materials and links. I'm always hungry for learning. :)
Thanks for your time.
Encryption substitutes the confidentiality of an arbitrary amount of data (the plaintext) with the confidentiality of a small amount data (the key). In other words, your communication is only as confidential as the key – if the shared secret key leaks out, the encryption is worthless. More on this.
Also note that plain RC4 provides no authenticity (message integrity). An adversary can modify messages as much as he wants. He can even send his own messages which will be considered perfectly valid by the cipher. Verifying the validity of the messages is is up to the code that parses the messages.
If your messages are simple (only a few bytes or so), an adversary could simply send random bytes until they decrypt such that they form a valid message, without knowing anything about the key. This happens on average after only 100 attempts for a 1-byte message for example.
You will obviously have to use some sort of a nonce to prevent trivial replay attacks.
RC4 is also rather quirky per se. I guess you are already aware of the numerous "drop-n" variants and so on.
In short, protocol design is perilous. Even experts often get it wrong (look at WEP for example). The most straightforward way to solve this would be to find hardware that can handle an existing protocol such as TLS.

How to send emails with an Arduino without using a computer?

I'm experimenting with my Arduino Mega. I also have an Arduino Ethernet Shield.
I need to send emails using them, without the help of a computer (or any other device; like a smartphone, etc.). Though I could find several articles, I couldn't find any acceptable solution...
How can I do it? As I'm not asking this to be used for any special application, you can
make any assumption about missing details.
From the discussion above in comments it sounds like you either need code from someone who has just done it for you or you need to take the time to learn about the components and find or make the components.
They wouldn't make an Ethernet shield for this platform if it was only useful for non-standard packets. So someone somewhere has created some level of an IP stack.
Backing up though, in order to send mail you need to learn the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). Almost all Internet protocol definitions are defined using something called RFCs (Request for Comments). So if you google SMTP RFC you will find RFC 2821.
IETF is Internet engineering task force. There will be many copies of these documents on many websites. And due to the age of the Internet and these protocols in many cases you will find that one RFC has been created to replace a prior one. Version numbers are not used, but it is kind of like HTML 1.0 then HTML 2.0 and so on. I recommend even though the RFC says that it completely replaces RFC xyz, go find RFC xyz and read it. I go back as far as I can find learn that one then work my way forward.
Many/most protocols that ride on top of TCP (TCP is yet another protocol defined in an RFC, more on that later) are ASCII based, makes it very easy to, for example, Telnet to learn/experiment with the protocol, you can probably use Telnet to learn SMTP.
Most protocols are some sort of a half duplex thing, make a connection and often the server sends you a string, you see that string and then you send some sort of hello string, the server responds with some sort of OKAY or fail status. For SMTP, you then do some sort of I am mailing from this email address, server says OKAY, you say I want to mail this person or this list of people, for each email address you get an okay or fail. Eventually, you tell the server you are ready to send the body of the message, you do that, end the message with the defined termination. Then either the server says okay or fail or maybe there is some more handshaking.
The protocols in general though have this back and forth. Usually you are sending strings with commands and usually the server side sends back a short okay or error. Sometimes, if they want, they send back more detail on the error, but always start with the few bytes that indicate okay or error. The protocols generally have a flow, you must do this first then this then that.
You should learn sockets programming, sometimes called Berkeley sockets. You can write programs that are mostly portable across unixes but also across to Windows using Windows sockets if that is your platform of choice. You need to learn the protocol first, and it is better on your desktop/laptop and not embedded, you can get it done faster there. You do NOT have to learn to fork or thread to use sockets. The examples may show that as it is easy to show it that way, but you can write complete applications using polling only, it is half duplex send something, wait, send something, wait. For these simple learning programs, a little time up front to learn sockets, from there, it is all learning the protocols.
Now that was the very easy part, the hard part is the TCP/IP stack. I do not recommend attempting that without gaining a lot more experience taking baby steps on your way there. For example, learn to respond to ARP first (yet another RFC protocol, address resolution protocol) then ping (ICMP echo, one subset of the ICMP protocols) then IP basics (sniffing packets) then receive and generate UDP packets. TCP is a whole other level above that, more handshaking. It is not fixed packet size, it is streaming, do not have your code operate on packets, it is a stream of bytes, like working with a serial port.
Doing your own TCP stack is very much a non-trivial thing, I don't recommend it, you need to find someone that has done a TCP/IP stack for this platform for the Ethernet shield and just use it, whatever RTOS or environment they use, use it. Then take your desktop/laptop based experience with the protocol and apply that.
From the discussion above, if you don't want to learn the protocols, etc., I think you need to google around looking at Arduino Ethernet shield examples and see if anyone has done something that sends emails.

Have PLC Controller Listen/Send Custom TCP Packets?

I would like to be able to communicated with PLC controllers, so that I can send and receive custom commands on the PLC.
My idea of being able to do this was to have a TCP listener on the PLC that could read TCP incoming packets on a specific port, and execute routines based on the commands in the packets. It could also send information back via TCP/IP.
This would allow me to write software in multiple languages such as C#, PHP, JavaScript, etc. so that software can be used on any platform such as Windows, iOS, Android, etc. to issue commands to the PLC. This would also mean you do not need the PLC software (which can be costly) to view or control the PLC.
I am not a PLC programmer, so I do not know if PLC has the capability of sending and receive custom TCP packets. I would like to know that a) if it is possible b) how feasible it would be to do this and c) what exactly I should research so that I can accomplish this.
It sounds a bit like reinventing the wheel. You want to make something like KepServerEX?
There are also two things to consider - one is the ability to interface with the PLC to share data (ie: for a custom HMI) and the other is to program the PLC. For the latter you still need the control software from the manufacturer unless you're willing to reverse engineer and re-write it from the ground up.
Keep in mind, also, that PLCs don't work the same way that other software does. There are no functions or procedures or classes or objects or even really any "commands", per se. A PLC is a system which executes a continuous fixed program of mostly raw logic rules and calculations. A typical interface to an HMI involves reading and writing directly to/from logic bits and word data (ie:hardware memory locations) which represent the current state of the machine. OPC already does this just fine so I'm not quite sure what you're going for.
If you're looking for a cheap/free alternative to a full commercial package, something here may work for you :
If I understand correctly, when referred to "Run/Stop" you mean for the PLC to 'Start' or 'Stop' scanning the code and updating its I/O. If this is the situation, it would be perfectly suitable to add a Scan_If_On bit (which will be written by a TCP Command) in parallel connection with the "Start" bit controlled by the HMI.
This way, there will be 2 forms of "Starting" the process controlled by the PLC. HMI and TCP.

Reliable udp broadcast libraries?

Are there any libraries which put a reliability layer on top of UDP broadcast?
I need to broadcast large amounts of data to a large number of machines as quickly as possible, and generally it seems like such a problem must have already been solved many times over, but I wasn't able to find anything except for the Spread toolkit, which has a somewhat viral license (you have to mention it in all materials advertising the end product, which I'm not sure our customer will be willing to do).
I was already going to write such a thing myself (because it would be extremely fun to do!) but decided to ask first.
I looked also at UDT ( but it does not seem to provide a broadcast operation.
PS I'm looking at something as lightweight as a library - no infrastructure changes.
How about UDP multicast? Have a look at the PGM protocol for which there are several commercial and open source implementations.
Disclaimer: I'm the author of OpenPGM, an open source implementation of said protocol.
Though some research has been done on reliable UDP multicasting, I haven't yet used anything like that. You should take into consideration that this might not be as trivial as it first sounds.
If you don't have a list of nodes in the target network you have no idea when and to whom to resend, even if active nodes receiving your messages can acknowledge them. Sending to a large number of nodes, expecting acks from all of them might also cause congestion problems in the network.
I'd suggest to rethink the network architecture of your application, e.g. using some kind of centralized solution, where you submit updates to a server, and it sends this message to all connected clients. Or, if the original sender node's address is known a priori, then just let clients connect to it, and let the sender push updates via these connections.
Have a look around the IETF site for RFCs on Reliable Multicast. There is an entire working group on this. Several protocols have been developed for different purposes. Also have a look around Oracle/Sun for the Java Reliable Multicast Service project (JRMS). It was a research project of Sun, never supported, but it did contain Java bindings for the TRAM and LRMS protocols.

GSM Modems, PCs, SMS and Telephone Calls

What all would be the requirements for the following scenario:
A GSM modem connected to a PC running
a web based (ASP.NET) application. In
the application the user selects a
phone number from a list of phone nos.
When he clicks on a button named the
PC should call the selected phone
number. When the person on the phone
responds he should be able to have a
conversation with the PC user.
Similarly there should be a facility
to send SMS.
Now I don't want any code listings. I just need to know what would be the requirements besides, database for storing phone numbers, and GSM modem.
Any help in terms of reference websites would be highly appreciated.
I'll pick some points of your very broad question and answer them. Note that there are other points where others may be of more help...
First, a GSM modem is probably not the way you'd want to go as they usually don't allow for concurrency. So unless you just want one user at the time to use your service, you'd probably need another solution.
Also, think about cost issues - at least where I live, providing such a service would be prohibitively expensive using a normal GSM modem and a normal contract - but this is drifting into off-topicness.
The next issue will be to get voice data from the client to the server (which will relay it to the phone system - using whatever practical means). Pure browser based functionality won't be of much help, so you would absolutely need something plugin based.
Flash may work, seeing they provide access to the microphone, but please don't ask me about the details. I've never done anything like this.
Also, privacy would be a concern. While GSM data is encrypted, the path between client and server is not per default. And even if you use SSL, you'd have to convince your users trusting you that you don't record all the conversations going on, but this too is more of a political than a coding issue.
Finally, you'd have to think of bandwidth. Voice uses a lot of it and also it requires low latency. If you use a SIP trunk, you'll need the bandwidth twice per user: Once from and to your client and once from and to the SIP trunk. Calculate with 10-64 KBit/s per user and channel.
A feasible architecture would probably be to use a SIP trunk (they optimize on using VoIP as much as possible and thus can provide much lower rates than a GSM provider generally does. Also, they allow for concurrency), an Asterisk box ( - a free PBX), some custom made flash client and a custom made SIP client on the server.
All in all, this is quite the undertaking :-)
You'll need a GSM library. There appear to be a few of these.
Have a look at the Ekiga project at
This provides audio and or video chat between users using the standard SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) over the Internet. Like most SIP clients, it can also be used to make calls to and receive calls from the telephone network, but this requires an account with a commercial service provider (there are many, and fees are quite reasonable compared to normal phone line accounts).
Ekiga uses the open source OPAL library to implement SIP communications (OPAL has support for several VoIP and video over IP standards - see for more info).
