WSARecv and WSABuf questions - qt

I have a few questions regarding WSARecv
Question 1:
How do I excactly determine what size we must assign to the WSABUF.len?
Question 2:
Does WSARecv read data with length 0?
WSABUF.len = 0
I want to use that to use that to determine whether all packets are sent.
Question 3:
If I understand this correctly the lpNumberOfBytesRecvd holds the number of bytes actually read and not WSABUF.len, correct?

1) WSABUF.len is the length of the buffer that you have supplied. It's the maximum amount that can be read in this call. You know this size as it's the size of the memory that you allocated for the buffer that WSABUF.buf points to.
2) In certain high performance situations with many thousands of concurrent connections, when using asynchronous I/O you can set the WSABUF.len value to 0 to prevent the read from doing anything except completing to tell you that data is available. This is a performance tweak that is rarely needed and is often referred to as a 'zero byte read'. The reason it's useful is that it means that the I/O system doesn't need to lock the read buffer in memory (there is no read buffer) and so this reduces the number of I/O pages locked. There's a fixed limit on the number of I/O pages that can be locked and so this can be useful when you have many thousands of connections but they don't send data very often. You post a zero byte read on all the connections and then post a real read when the zero byte read completes and you know that you have data available.
3) Yes. The number of bytes actually read is returned separately via lpNumberOfBytesRecvd.
You should probably think about message framing (which I talk about here and here as this will help you know how much data you're expecting to read from a connection at a given time.


I don't understand what exactly does the function bytesToWrite() Qt

I searched for bytesToWrite in doc and that what I found "For buffered devices, this function returns the number of bytes waiting to be written. For devices with no buffer, this function returns 0."
First what does mean buffered devices. And can anyone please explain to me what exactly this function does and where or how can I use it.
Many IO devices are buffered, which means that data isn't sent straight away, but it is accumulated to be sent in bulk when there is a sufficient amount.
This is done essentially to have better performance, as sending data normally has some fixed overhead (at the very least the syscall overhead), which is well amortized when sending data in bulk, but would have to be paid for each write if no buffering would be used.
(notice that here we are only talking about QIODevice buffers, normally there are also all kinds of kernel-mode buffers and buffers internal to hardware devices themselves)
bytesToWrite tells you how much stuff is in the QIODevice write buffer, i.e. how many bytes you wrote that are waiting to be actually written (as in, given to the OS to write).
I never actually had to use that member, but I suppose it could be useful e.g. to in a producer-consumer scenario (=if the write buffer is lower than something, then you have to actually calculate the next chunk of data to send), to manually handle buffering in some places or even just for debugging/logging purposes.
it's actually very usefull when you're using an asynchronous API.
you can for example, use it inside a bytesWritten() slot to tell wether the buffer is empty and the data has been fully written or not.

Handling messages over TCP

I'm trying to send and receive messages over TCP using a size of each message appended before the it starts.
Say, First three bytes will be the length and later will the message:
As a small example:
I'll be using this method to do large messages, but because the buffer size will be a constant integer say, 200 Bytes. So, there is a chance that a complete message may not be received e.g. instead of 005Hello I get 005He nor a complete length may be received e.g. I get 2 bytes of length in message.
So, to get over this problem, I'll need to wait for next message and append it to the incomplete message etc.
My question is: Am I the only one having these difficulties to appending messages to each other, appending lengths etc.. to make them complete Or is this really usually how we need to handle the individual messages on TCP? Or, if there is a better way?
What you're seeing is 100% normal TCP behavior. It is completely expected that you'll loop receiving bytes until you get a "message" (whatever that means in your context). It's part of the work of going from a low-level TCP byte stream to a higher-level concept like "message".
And "usr" is right above. There are higher level abstractions that you may have available. If they're appropriate, use them to avoid reinventing the wheel.
So, there is a chance that a complete message may not be received e.g.
instead of 005Hello I get 005He nor a complete length may be received
e.g. I get 2 bytes of length in message.
Yes. TCP gives you at least one byte per read, that's all.
Or is this really usually how we need to handle the individual messages on TCP? Or, if there is a better way?
Try using higher-level primitives. For example, BinaryReader allows you to read exactly N bytes (it will internally loop). StreamReader lets you forget this peculiarity of TCP as well.
Even better is using even more higher-level abstractions such as HTTP (request/response pattern - very common), protobuf as a serialization format or web services which automate pretty much all transport layer concerns.
Don't do TCP if you can avoid it.
So, to get over this problem, I'll need to wait for next message and append it to the incomplete message etc.
Yep, this is how things are done at the socket level code. For each socket you would like to allocate a buffer of at least the same size as kernel socket receive buffer, so that you can read the entire kernel buffer in one read/recv/resvmsg call. Reading from the socket in a loop may starve other sockets in your application (this is why they changed epoll to be level-triggered by default, because the default edge-triggered forced application writers to read in a loop).
The first incomplete message is always kept in the beginning of the buffer, reading the socket continues at the next free byte in the buffer, so that it automatically appends to the incomplete message.
Once reading is done, normally a higher level callback is called with the pointers to all read data in the buffer. That callback should consume all complete messages in the buffer and return how many bytes it has consumed (may be 0 if there is only an incomplete message). The buffer management code should memmove the remaining unconsumed bytes (if any) to the beginning of the buffer. Alternatively, a ring-buffer can be used to avoid moving those unconsumed bytes, but in this case the higher level code should be able to cope with ring-buffer iterators, which it may be not ready to. Hence keeping the buffer linear may be the most convenient option.

How do you read without specifying the length of a byte slice beforehand, with the net.TCPConn in golang?

I was trying to read some messages from a tcp connection with a redis client (a terminal just running redis-cli). However, the Read command for the net package requires me to give in a slice as an argument. Whenever I give a slice with no length, the connection crashes and the go program halts. I am not sure what length my byte messages need going to be before hand. So unless I specify some slice that is ridiculously large, this connection will always close, though this seems wasteful. I was wondering, is it possible to keep a connection without having to know the length of the message before hand? I would love a solution to my specific problem, but I feel that this question is more general. Why do I need to know the length before hand? Can't the library just give me a slice of the correct size?
Or what other solution do people suggest?
Not knowing the message size is precisely the reason you must specify the Read size (this goes for any networking library, not just Go). TCP is a stream protocol. As far as the TCP protocol is concerned, the message continues until the connection is closed.
If you know you're going to read until EOF, use ioutil.ReadAll
Calling Read isn't guaranteed to get you everything you're expecting. It may return less, it may return more, depending on how much data you've received. Libraries that do IO typically read and write though a "buffer"; you would have your "read buffer", which is a pre-allocated slice of bytes (up to 32k is common), and you re-use that slice each time you want to read from the network. This is why IO functions return number of bytes, so you know how much of the buffer was filled by the last operation. If the buffer was filled, or you're still expecting more data, you just call Read again.
A bit late but...
One of the questions was how to determine the message size. The answer given by JimB was that TCP is a streaming protocol, so there is no real end.
I believe this answer is incorrect. TCP divides up a bitstream into sequential packets. Each packet has an IP header and a TCP header See Wikipedia and here. The IP header of each packet contains a field for the length of that packet. You would have to do some math to subtract out the TCP header length to arrive at the actual data length.
In addition, the maximum length of a message can be specified in the TCP header.
Thus you can provide a buffer of sufficient length for your read operation. However, you have to read the packet header information first. You probably should not accept a TCP connection if the max message size is longer than you are willing to accept.
Normally the sender would terminate the connection with a fin packet (see 1) not an EOF character.
EOF in the read operation will most likely indicate that a package was not fully transmitted within the allotted time.

Is there a good way to frame a protocol so data corruption can be detected in every case?

Background: I've spent a while working with a variety of device interfaces and have seen a lot of protocols, many serial and UDP in which data integrity is handled at the application protocol level. I've been seeking to improve my receive routine handling of protocols in general, and considering the "ideal" design of a protocol.
My question is: is there any protocol framing scheme out there that can definitively identify corrupt data in all cases? For example, consider the standard framing scheme of many protocols:
Field: Length in bytes
<SOH>: 1
<other framing information>: arbitrary, but fixed for a given protocol
<length>: 1 or 2
<data payload etc.>: based on length field (above)
<checksum/CRC>: 1 or 2
<ETX>: 1
For the vast majority of cases, this works fine. When you receive some data, you search for the SOH (or whatever your start byte sequence is), move forward a fixed number of bytes to your length field, and then move that number of bytes (plus or minus some fixed offset) to the end of the packet to your CRC, and if that checks out you know you have a valid packet. If you don't have enough bytes in your input buffer to find an SOH or to have a CRC based on the length field, then you wait until you receive enough to check the CRC. Disregarding CRC collisions (not much we can do about that), this guarantees that your packet is well formed and uncorrupted.
However, if the length field itself is corrupt and has a high value (which I'm running into), then you can't check the (corrupt) packet's CRC until you fill up your input buffer with enough bytes to meet the corrupt length field's requirement.
So is there a deterministic way to get around this, either in the receive handler or in the protocol design itself? I can set a maximum packet length or a timeout to flush my receive buffer in the receive handler, which should solve the problem on a practical level, but I'm still wondering if there's a "pure" theoretical solution that works for the general case and doesn't require setting implementation-specific maximum lengths or timeouts.
The reason why all protocols I know of, including those handling "streaming" data, chop up the datastream in smaller transmission units each with their own checks on board is exactly to avoid the problems you describe. Probably the fundamental flaw in your protocol design is that the blocks are too big.
The accepted answer of this SO question contains a good explanation and a link to a very interesting (but rather heavy on math) paper about this subject.
So in short, you should stick to smaller transmission units not only because of practical programming related arguments but also because of the message length's role in determining the security offered by your crc.
One way would be to encode the length parameter so that it would be easily detected to be corrupted, and save you from reading in the large buffer to check the CRC.
For example, the XModem protocol embeds an 8 bit packet number followed by it's one's complement.
It could mean doubling your length block size, but it's an option.

Tibco Rendezvous - size constraints

I am attempting to put a potentially large string into a rendezvous message and was curious about size constraints. I understand there is a physical limit (64mb?) to the message as a whole, but I'm curious about how some other variables could affect it. Specifically:
How big the keys are?
How the string is stored (in one field vs. multiple fields)
Any advice on any of the above topics or anything else that could be relevant would be greatly appreciated.
Note: I would like to keep the message as a raw string (as opposed to bytecode, etc).
From the Tibco docs on Very Large Messages:
Rendezvous software can transport very
large messages; it divides them into
small packets, and places them on the
network as quickly as the network can
accept them. In some situations, this
behavior can overwhelm network
capacity; applications can achieve
higher throughput by dividing large
messages into smaller chunks and
regulating the rate at which it sends
those chunks. You can use the
performance tool to evaluate chunk
sizes and send rates for optimal
This example, sends one message
consisting of ten million bytes.
Rendezvous software automatically
divides the message into packets and
sends them. However, this burst of
packets might exceed network capacity,
resulting in poor throughput:
sender> rvperfm -size 10000000 -messages 1
In this second example, the
application divides the ten million
bytes into one thousand smaller
messages of ten thousand bytes each,
and automatically determines the batch
size and interval to regulate the flow
for optimal throughput:
sender> rvperfm -size 10000 -messages 1000 -auto
By varying the -messages and -size
parameters, you can determine the
optimal message size for your
applications in a specific network.
Application developers can use this
information to regulate sending rates
for improved performance.
As to actual limits the Add string function takes a C style ansi string so is theoretically unbounded but, given the signature of the AddOpaque
tibrv_status tibrvMsg_AddOpaque(
tibrvMsg message,
const char* fieldName,
const void* value,
tibrv_u32 size);
which takes a u32 it would seem sensible to state that the limit is likely to be 4GB rather than 64MB.
That said using Tib to transfer such large packets is likely to be a serious performance bottleneck as it may have to buffer significant amounts of traffic as it tries to get these sorts of messages to all consumers. By default the rvd buffer is only 60 seconds so you may find yourself suffering message loss if this is a significant amount of your traffic.
Message overhead within tibco is largely as simple as:
the fixed cost associated with each message (the header)
All the fields (type info and the field id)
Plus the cost of all variable length aspects including:
the send and receive subjects (effectively limited to 256 bytes each)
the field names. I can find no limit to the length of the field names in the docs but the smaller they are the better, better still don't use them at all and use the numerical identifiers
the array/string/opaque/user defined variable length fields in the message
Note: If you use nested messages simply recurse the above.
In your case the payload overhead will be so vast in comparison to the names (so long as they are reasonable and simple) there is little point attempting to optimize these at all.
You may find you can considerable efficiency on the wire/buffered if you transmit the strings in a compressed form, either through the use of an rvrd with compression enabled or by changing your producer/consumer to use something fast but effective like deflate (or if you're feeling esoteric things like QuickLZ,FastLZ,LZO,etc. Especially ones with fixed memory footprint compress/decompress engines)
You don't say which platform api you are targeting (.net/java/C++/C for example) and this will colour things a little. On the wire all string data will be in 1 byte per character regardless of java/.net using UTF-16 by default however you will incur a significant translation cost placing these into/reading them out of the message because the underlying buffer cannot be reused in those cases and a copy (and compaction/expansion respectively) must be performed.
If you stick to opaque byte sequences you will still have the copy overhead in the naieve implementations possible through the managed wrapper apis but this will at least be less overhead if you have no need to work with the data as a native string.
The overall maximum size of a message is 64MB as was speculated in the OP. From the "Tibco Rendezvous Concepts" document:
Although the ability to exchange large data buffers is a feature of Rendezvous
software, it is best not to make messages too large. For example, to exchange data
up to 10,000 bytes, a single message is efficient. But to send files that could be
many megabytes in length, we recommend using multiple send calls, perhaps one
for each record, block or track. Empirically determine the most efficient size for
the prevailing network conditions. (The actual size limit is 64 MB, which is rarely
an appropriate size.)
