Convert ByteArray to Integer in Flex - apache-flex

Can someone shed some lights on how to convert ByteArray into int?

So to get a flavor of doing this, you can try this bit of code:
function test(){
var bytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
bytes.writeInt(0x00DDAA99); //create my byte array with int 14527129
bytes.position = 0; //move the postion to the start
var newInt:int = bytes.readInt(); //read the bytes from starting position
trace("new num: "+newInt); //print out the number
This code will first create a byte array and put an int into it. This is presumably where you need your code to start. This then makes the assumption that there are 4 bytes to read after the starting position which I have set to 0. It then reads the 4 bytes off the byte array into the queue. Note that if you do not have 4 bytes in your ByteArray or your position is not set correctly, your code will fail. Make sure you add the checks for those scenarios.
This code also assumes that the byte array is Big Endian. Make sure that if you have a byte array from another system, that you know which endian-ness the int value has. Change the endian value on your byte array if needed.


Rust TCP how to get bytearray length?

I have a TCP Client in rust, which should communicate with a Java Server. I got the basics working and can send bytearrays between them.
But for the bytearray buffer, I need to know the length of the bytearray. But I don't know I should obtain it. At the moment, I only have a fixed size for the buffer right now.
My Rust code looks like this:
loop {
let mut buffer = vec![0; 12]; //fixed buffer length
let n = buffer).await;
let text = from_utf8(&buffer).unwrap();
println!("{}", text);
In Java, you can send the size of the buffer directly as an Integer with DataInputStream. Is there any option to do that in rust?
For example, this is how I'm doing it in Java:
public String readMsg(Socket socket) throws IOException {
DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(socket.getInputStream()));
byte[] bytes = new byte[in.readInt()]; //dynamic buffer length
return new String(bytes, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII);
What you want to know is a property of the protocol that you are using. It's not a property of the programming language you use. Based on your Java code it seems like you are using a protocol which sends a 4 byte length field before the message data (signed/unsigned?).
If that is the case you can handle reading the message the same way in Rust:
1. Read the 4 bytes in order to obtain the length information
2. Read the remaining data
3. Deserialize the data
fn read_message(stream: Read) -> io::Result<String> {
let mut buffer = [0u8; 4];
// Read the length information
stream.read_exact(&mut buffer[..])?;
// Deserialize the length
let size = u32::from_be_bytes(buffer);
// Allocate a buffer for the message
// Be sure to check against a maximum size before doing this in production
let mut payload = vec![0; size];
stream.read_exact(&mut payload[..]).await;
// Convert the buffer into a string
let text = String::from_utf8(payload).map_err(/* omitted */)?;
println!("{}", text);
This obviously is only correct if your protocol uses length prefixed messages with a 4byte unsigned int prefix. This is something that you need to check.

How to create an array of references to arrays?

I'm having some syntax troubles with my code. A bit of context...
My program has a schedule, it's an array of 24 bytes. There's one schedule per day, so 7 arrays.
I want to have a single array of 7 elements storing references to the above 7 arrays. This way, by calling schedules[1], I get schedule1[24], which is Monday.
// One schedule per day (0 = sunday)
byte schedule0[24];
byte schedule1[24];
byte schedule2[24];
byte schedule3[24];
byte schedule4[24];
byte schedule5[24];
byte schedule6[24];
byte * schedules[7] = {&schedule0, &schedule1};
The problem comes from the last line, the error being "a value of type "byte (*)[24]" cannot be used to initialize an entity of type "byte *" ".
I tried inserting [24] before or after the star/pointer character, with no luck.
Could any of you please show me the correct syntax to do this?
In C++, name of the array is the pointer to the first element in the array. So in your case schedule0 is a pointer to &schedule0[0] not &schedule0.
You can change the last line as
byte * schedules[2] = {&schedule0[0], &schedule1[0]}; or byte * schedules[2] = {schedule0, schedule1};
This will create a pointer array containing the base address of the scheduleX arrays.
I want to have a single array of 7 elements storing references to the above 7 arrays. This way, by calling schedules[1], I get schedule1[24], which is Monday.
A different approach is needed to index across days. This can be done using a two dimensional array and some pointer arithmetic.
Declare a two dimensional array for your schedules:
byte schedulesArray[7][24];
Declare pointers that point to the schedules for each day:
byte *schedule0 = &schedulesArray[0][0];
byte *schedule1 = &schedulesArray[1][0];
byte *schedule2 = &schedulesArray[2][0];
byte *schedule3 = &schedulesArray[3][0];
byte *schedule4 = &schedulesArray[4][0];
byte *schedule5 = &schedulesArray[5][0];
byte *schedule6 = &schedulesArray[6][0];
Declare a pointer to the first element of the two dimensional array:
byte *schedules = &schedulesArray[0][0];
So if we seed some data:
schedule0[0] = 1;
schedule1[0] = 11;
schedule1[1] = 12;
schedule2[0] = 21;
schedule2[1] = 22;
Then you can use the schedules pointer to index across days:
schedules[0]; // = 1
schedules[24]; // = 11
schedules[25]; // = 12
schedules[48]; // = 21
schedules[49]; // = 22
This works because multidimensional arrays are laid out as a contiguous block of memory.
Simply, you can't do it.
And here is explanation why:
Basically, a reference is an alias to an existing variable. This means, if you apply any operation on a reference, it will behave as if you were using the original variable name. And there are no references at a reference or pointer at references, references don't allocate any memory so there is nothing that you can use to put in an array.
What you can do is create an array of pointers and it will work.

QBuffer writes bytes at the start of QByteArray rather than the end

I have the following code:
QByteArray ba; // Declare Byte array
ba.clear(); // Clear it
ba.append(80, 0x00); // Append 80 bytes of 0x00
quint32 Count = 2; // The number we want to append to the byte array
QBuffer tempBuffer(&ba); // We use temporary buffer to conveniently put integers and floats into byte-array;
Count = qToLittleEndian(Count); // Make sure our number is little Endian
tempBuffer.write((char*)&Count, sizeof(quint32)); // Write the number to byte array
When I print to console the content of my byte array:
qDebug() << "ba: " << ba.toHex();
The console prints:
ba: "0200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
As can be seen above, the 2 which is of type quint32, is correctly represented by the little Endian hex value of 0x02000000, however, it is added at the start of the byte array rather than the end. How can I append my value to the end of the byte array?
Open the buffer in append mode instead of writeonly:;

Does it make sense to store byte values in Map or it will still use 4 bytes?

In Java in-memory there is no difference between byte or int - both will be represented as 4 bytes.
Does for Chronicle Map the difference exist, i.e. does Chronicle Map store byte values as 8 bits or still use 32?
Same question if byte is an object property.
In primitive map implementations (fastutil, koloboke, gs, hppc) byte values are implemented as a separate byte[] array, so they actually take only 1 byte. If a byte is a field of another on-heap Java object (which is a Map value), indeed, the object size is rounded up to 8-byte boundary, so a single byte field could "take" 8 bytes. But more often, it "takes" 0 bytes, because the field is placed in the already existing alignment holes.
For Chronicle Map, a value could freely be 1 byte in size. (And even 0 bytes, this is how ChronicleSet is currently implmeneted -- a ChronicleMap with 0-byte dummy values.) This is true for all Chronicle Map versions (2, 3).
Edit -- answer to the comment.
If you have a constantly sized structure e. g. 6 byte fields, easiest and efficient way - to use data value generation mechanishm:
interface MyValue {
byte getA(); void setA(byte a);
byte getB(); void setB(byte b);
byte getC(); void setC(byte c);
byte getD(); void setD(byte d);
byte getE(); void setE(byte e);
byte getF(); void setF(byte f);
map = ChronicleMapBuilder.of(Key.class, MyValue.class).entries(1000).create();
// Chronicle Map 2 syntax
MyValue value = DataValueClasses.newDirectReference(MyValue.class);
try (Closeable handle = map.getUsingLocked(key, value)) {
// access the value here
// Chronicle Map 3 syntax
try (ExternalMapQueryContext<Key, MyValue, ?> q = map.queryContext(key)) {
// if not sure the key is present in the map, check q.entry() != null
MyValue value = q.entry().value().get();
// access the value here
It will take exactly 6 bytes per value.
I think I know the response. At least at the version 2.3.8 offheap value will be 1 byte for a byte (work done in SerializationBuilder class).

how to print a uint16 monochrome image in Qt?

I'm trying to print a image from a Dicom file. I pass the raw data to a convertToFormat_RGB888 function. As far as I know, Qt can't handle monochrome 16 bits images.
Here's the original image (converted to jpg here):
bool convertToFormat_RGB888(gdcm::Image const & gimage, char *buffer, QImage* &imageQt)
Inside this function, I get inside this...
else if (gimage.GetPixelFormat() == gdcm::PixelFormat::UINT16)
short *buffer16 = (short*)buffer;
unsigned char *ubuffer = new unsigned char[dimX*dimY*3];
unsigned char *pubuffer = ubuffer;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dimX*dimY; i++)
*pubuffer++ = *buffer16;
*pubuffer++ = *buffer16;
*pubuffer++ = *buffer16;
imageQt = new QImage(ubuffer, dimX, dimY, QImage::Format_RGB888);
This code is a little adaptation from here:
But the original one I got a execution error. Using mine at least I get an image, but it's not the same.
Here is the new image (converted to jpg here):
What am I doing wrong?
Try to get values of pixels from buffer manually and pass it to QImage::setPixel. It can be simplier.
You are assigning 16-bit integer to 8-bit variables here:
*pubuffer++ = *buffer16;
The result is undefined and most compilers just move the lower 8 bits to the destination. You want the upper 8 bits
*pubuffer++ = (*buffer16) >> 8;
The other issue is endianness. Depending to the endianness of the source data, you may need to call one of the QtEndian functions.
Lastly, you don't really need to use any of the 32 or 24-bit Qt image formats. Use 8-bit QImage::Format_Indexed8 and set the color table to grays.
