How to generate a 32bit only Managed C++ Assembly - 32bit-64bit

I need to compile a DLL in Managed C++ in Visual Studio 2005.
I want it with 32Bit corflag on. See for reference.
By default, I choose Win32 platform and set the /MACHINE:X86 option in the liker, but the DLL generated has the 32bit corflag off. You can see it by executing from command line
corflags MyDll.dll
I have problems when running that dll in a Windows 64 bit. So I need to force the dll to 32 bit.
Any idea on how to configure the Visual Studio 2005 compiler?

You can actually use CorFlags.exe to set this. In the command line:
corflags MyDll.dll /32BIT+
This will set the 32 bit flag for MyDll.dll.
For more information see the corflags tag wiki.


Could not load file or assembly 'Oracle.DataAccess' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format

I have installed a Web app on IIS 7.0 Windows Server 2008 R2 64bit.
I am referring an oracle.DataAccess.dll;
When I try to access the application I get the following message:
"Could not load file or assembly 'Oracle.DataAccess' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format."
Can anybody help me, please?
It seems the Oracle Data Access Component installation process using the "11.2 Release 3 ( with Xcopy Deployment" version is broken. To fix this you must register the missing assemblies in the GAC. To do this for this specific version run these commands from within an administrator console:
md C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_32\Oracle.DataAccess\\
copy %ORACLE_HOME%\\bin\4\Oracle.DataAccess.dll C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_32\Oracle.DataAccess\\
md C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_32\Oracle.Web\\
copy %ORACLE_HOME%\\bin\4\oracle.web.dll C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_32\Oracle.Web\\
Note that this registers only the DLL's but not other languages resources. So, if you are using any another language than English (de, es, fr, it, ja, ko, pt-BR, zh-CHS, and zh-CHT), then you need to register these as well using the corresponding resource file.
If you have Visual Studio installed on the machine, you can issue the following commands instead:
gacutil /i %ORACLE_HOME%\\bin\4\Oracle.DataAccess.dll
gacutil /i %ORACLE_HOME%\\bin\4\oracle.web.dll
Note: look for gacutil.exe under the Visual Studio installation folder for it.
Hope this helps.
P.S. Or you can try this.
I avoided registering the 11.2 Release 5 assemblies in the GAC by setting "Enable 32-bit Applications" for the application pool to true.
You may need to enable 32-bit applications in your AppPool.
You need to register that dll on the live server using GAC util. Also check if its present in bin folder or not. Some times missing dll's in bin directory results in same error
In my case, I use VS 2010, Oracle v11 64 bits. I might to publish in 64 bit mode (Setting to "Any Cpu" mode in Web Project configuration) and I might set IIS on Production Server to 32 Bit compability to false (because the the server is 64 bit and I like to take advantage it).
Then to solve the problem "Could not load file or assembly 'Oracle.DataAccess'" (sometime appear the "Compiler Error Message: CS1705: Assembly" error):
In the Local PC and Server is installed Oracle v11, 64 Bit.
In all Local Dev PC I reference to Oracle.DataAccess.dll (C:\app\user\product\11.2.0\client_1\\bin\4) which is 64 bit.
In IIS Production Server, I set 32 bit compatibility to False.
The reference in the web project at System.Web.Mvc.dll was the version v3.0.0.1 in the local PC, however in Production is only
instaled MVC version So, the fix was locallly work with MVC and not and publish again on server, and it works.
Installing 64-bit ODAC 11.2 Release 3 ( Xcopy for Windows x64 from:
Fixed it for me. Make sure to update your system path as per step #4 in the readme file.
The accepted answer, published by George Netu helped to solve my problem, but I had to fiddle with some additional trifles:
Problem description:
Under C:\Windows\assembly, I found two Oracle.DataAccess items(GAC-folders?). Relict, caused by several Oracle client installations. One item showed Version but was actually version (visible through Properties->Version). That inconsistency was the bug.
First unhelpful attempts:
tried to deinstall and reinstall the Oracle full client, both in versions Runtime/Administrator
tried to redeploy the correct .dlls
tried to copy the new installed assemblies in the GAC serveral times, as stated in the accepted answer above via command prompt (but that didn't solve the version mismatch..)
tried to use gacutil /i ...
Final success:
I landed on the Gacutil.exe msdn page and were ultimately able to delete the items from the C:\Windows\assembly folder.
gacutil /u Oracle.DataAccess, Version=, Culture="Neutral",PublicKeyToken=45e343aae32233ca
gacutil /u Oracle.DataAccess, Version=, Culture="Neutral",PublicKeyToken=45e343aae3223abc
gacutil /u Oracle.Web, Version=, Culture="Neutral",PublicKeyToken=45e343aae3223def
After that, i repeated the two gacutil /i ... commands and the two dlls appeared there in consistent versions.
Finally restarted the IIS, and it works..
Yeah, it is a quite annoying issue I faced sometimes. The main problem is that an web application uses wrongly 32 bit Oracle.DataAccess.dll instead of 64 bit, or in the reverse case. There are a few solutions for it.
1. Enabling 32-bit applications in the application pool if your application is 64 bit and need to run 32 bit Oracle.DataAccess.dll.
Go to the IIS and set true for "Enable 32-Bit Applications" option in Advanced Settings of an Application pool.
2. Correcting reference dll.
Reference path is supposed to be system reference path configured by Oracle Installation process. But, some cases such as installing or updating new Oracle version, the latest DLLs doesn't update old ones, or path is changed, or a reference is not updated in the web application project. Therefore, we should correct Oracle.DataAccess reference manually.
Go to the web application and remove Oracle.DataAccess reference. And add new reference for Oracle.DataAccess. It must be correct Oracle.DataAccess.dll from your oracle installation path. For example:
ODP.NET and Dependent Unmanaged DLL Mismatch
To enforce the usage of
Oracle.DataAccess.dll assembly with the correct version of its
unmanaged DLLs, an exception is raised if Oracle.DataAccess.dll
notices it has loaded a mismatched version of a dependent unmanaged
3. Easy and quick way (but not proper solution) to fix the issue is that override directly an Oracle.DataAccess.dll file copying from oracle installation path (for example: C:\Oracle\product\12.2.0\client_1\\bin\4\ ) to Bin folder of your web application.
Hope this helps you a little. Good luck.
I had the same problem.
I go to the project properties in general section set platform target to 64 bit (x64) and my problem solved
In application pool ---> click Advance settings --> Enable 32 bit option
see the this image 3.0 and 64 bit sqlite dll file

I am developing application, in which i need to use sqlite as database, i tried to add reference to 64 bit dll file System.Data.SQlite file.
When i run my application it shows as below error
Error 1 Could not load file or assembly 'SQLite' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.
What will be the reason for this, and how can i fix this.I am using visual studio 2010.
Thanks in advance
is your application built to target 64 bit? Or is it built to target AnyCpu and running on a 64 bit platform?
Have you tried using the 32 bit version of SQLite? It sounds like you are trying to load the 64 bit version of the dll when you are in a 32 bit environment...

Could not load assembly System.Data.SQLite.dll

I have a perfectly working windows forms C# .NET 4 application that uses a SQLite3 database file to store data and display forms.
When I deploy my app on any machine other then the dev machine, I get an exception thrown and it's message is "Could not load assembly System.Data.SQLite.dll or one of its dependencies. The specified module could not be found."
The System.Data.SQLite.dll reference in the project is set to Copy Local = True. Also, I tried manually loading the assembly with Assembly.LoadFile. The dll is placed in the output directory. I also tried setting the platform target to Any CPU as well as x86, no difference. All machines I am working with are 32-bit. What is the issue here? Why is my application trying to load the assembly and can't find it?
I had the same problem after publishing my program to a separate computer. Installing Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86) on the separate computer fixed the problem.
Note: the separate computer already had Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64) installed, the x86 version was needed.
'System.Data.SQLite.dll" requires "msvcr100.dll" which is one of it's Dependencies. This will be available only if you installed latest "Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable" or any other product which internally provides this.
For example, VS2010 will install C++ Redistributable by default. Thats the reason your application doesnot works in some machine but works in others.
You could try pasting the "msvcr100.dll" in your application bin folder and distribute if you dont want to install VC++ 2010 Redist in all the PC's.
Some of the System.Data.Sqlite.dll modules depend on the "Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable Package" .
You can find required dependencies on the official download page :
The answers already given didn't solve my problem. I tried to deploy to a VMware server. The solution that did help where given here: Two methods are described there.
When i install this sqlite-netFx45-setup-bundle-x86-2012-, my app is able to find the right dll.
The second method is to add the dll to de app.exe.config in the debug or release dir. If you edit this file directly, there is a change VC will overwrite the file.
My main problem was that i installed the sqlite package manually. I didn't use NuGet, because i'm behind a proxy. If you do use Nuget, the information in the app.exe.config will be provided automatically.
Using NuGet behind a proxy is described here: NuGet Behind Proxy

DLL File for windows 7 64bit

I'm porting my Windows XP application (wrote with C#) to Windows 7 application.
Now I'm using sqlite3.dll on my XP App (32bit) and I would download sqlite3.dll for 64bit machine.
For my purpose I've moved sqlite3.dll on my /bin folder and, obviously, when I try to start my app on windows 7 I receive an error.
So, where I download this file?
Please, help me...
Edit: I've downloaded sqlite3
The SQLite website only has the 32-bit .dll, to get a 64-bit one you'll have to download and compile the source yourself.
Since you're using C#, an easier way is to use System.Data.SQLite ( ). They have a 64-bit download available, which is SQLite itself and their ADO.NET provider combined into one .dll. It's the easiest way to use SQLite on Windows with C# I think.
Update: New download URL is
bin/x64 directory contains 64-bit NATIVE DLL, named System.Data.SQLite.dll which is SQLITE3.dll compiled for AMD64/X86_64 platforms.
The url is:
(IF it was you`re looking for).
Download SQLite- from
Run this executable will create a folder under C:\Program Files (x86)\SQLite.NET
Pick the System.Data.SQLite.DLL from bin/x64 and renamed it to sqlite3.dll
-- and you are good to go.
For your case, since your app was already written, you won't want to rewrite it.
You can simply recompile your .NET project targeting to 32 bit.
Right click your project-> properties -> build -> platform target : x86
64 bit app can only run on 64 machine while 32 bit app can run on both.

Compile ASP.NET to 64 BIT

My development machine is Win XP Pro 32 bit and production machine is Windows Server 2008 (64 Bit) with IIS 7. On my development machine I want to compile ASP.NET (Using aspnet compiler) to 64 bit byte code.
Can anyone please tell me how to do that? Please do not suggest any way to run 32 bit application on 64 bit environment.
I want 64 bit application to be compiled on 32 bit machine so that when it runs it will take full advantage of 64 bit O/S without any emulation.
Leave the target platform at AnyCpu and .NET will automatically run natively on 64bit when executed on a 64Bit operating system
(this started out as a comment but I thought it might be interesting for the question as well)
Actually you never compile to a special architecture. You always compile to IL.
That's something like Java Bytecode. And that bytecode is the same for 32 bit and 64 bit.
The Virtual Machine (.NET Framework) on the machine the code gets executed then compiles the IL to actual machine code while running (through the Just In Time compilation). So, no matter where you compile, you'll always end up in IL that's bit-ignorant.
The setting in .NET is only an instruction in IL that tells the JIT (Just in Time compiler) to specifically use 32bit/64 bit. By flipping that one bit in your assembly you could still execute it in AnyCpu or x64 without recompilation.
This setting is only used and needed in case you call out to native code that isn't bit-ignorant (when interacting with COM components or doing p/invoke calls)
There's an option in Visual Studio 2013 now to direct IIS Express (which is usually used for debug) to run in 64 bit mode.
It's at Tools -> Options -> Projects and Solutions -> Web Projects -> Use the 64 bit version of IIS Express…
.net apps will re-target themselves for the target machine environment assuming that you didn't specifically choose to compile in 32-bit mode. This can be found under the project build options.
