How can I enter data from textbox to gridview on the buttonclick event
A gridview is more commonly used for databinding to a source of table-like data. If you're just moving text from textboxes to grid/table, you might be better off using a regular table with empty asp labels in the cells. On postback, you can:
lblCell11.Text = txtBox1.Text;
My need is that.I have a listbox with datafrom a database.there is a textbox for search.when I write something on a textbox listboxdata item must be selected based on that data?
if listbox contain Bat,Cat,Rat
when I type b on textbox Bat mustbe selected..
This is for webform
You have two options.
If you already have a listbox that is binded into a dataTable, you can use binding source.
Place this in the text change event...
YourBindingSource.Filter = String.Format("columnName LIKE '{0}%'", txtFilter.Text)
Or you can use Javascript/JQuery for listbox content manipulation on the client side. There are tons of examples out there such as:
in my webpage i'm using aspxgridview that contains 3 columns with type "text column" and i don't want that gridview to show any retrived data from database so i'm not using datasource
the mission of this gridview is to accept input by user and insert the information entered by user to a table in database
i have set the properties: enableediting and enableinserting to true
the problem is when i run the project and press the hyperlink "new" in the gridview to insert a row in it i can't write any text in the text column and when i press "update" a message appeared that said: "Specified method is not supported."
please note that the property "ReadOnly" in each text column is set to false
i couldn't find example about the use of aspxgridview for insert purpose only without bind it to any datasource
thank u
Why do You need GridView for such functionality? Why not to use simple asp:TextBox with asp:Button for this?
Respond to update:
You can create List of data bound to this page. Bind this list to GridView as datasource.
Render GridView rows in edit mode and fill data to this list. But You will need to handle all gridview events connected to item editing/inserting.
List of Data You can store in ViewState.
Nowadays I would rather go with js implementation of such functionality.
As examples I can provide You with this links:
I've a gridview bound to linqdatasource1 and a details bound to linqdatasource2 (for searching).
When I update the data on detailsview, my gridview is not updating. I've tried handling various gridview events and databinding the gridview in code but it doesn't seem to work.
Perform a .DataBind on the gridview as you manipulate data in the detailview
I'd like to set the text of two labels to values found in a FormView on a page (whose data comes from an SQLDataSource.)
What's the best way to do this? I'm thinking of using the DataBound event for the FormView to set the label text to the value of a field in the FormView, or of using the SQLDataSource Selected event to set the labels to values retrieved by the query. Could I use the Page_Load event in conjunction with the FormView?
The FormView only displays one of the two values, though the other value is retrieved by the SQLDataSource.
I'm unfamiliar with accessing the data structures behind these controls but figure the data is there so I might as well use it rather than run the same SQL query twice.
My question then is which event do I use, which control do I access the data from, and how do I access the data from that control?
I'd use the OnDataBound event and get the value from the underlying datasource using:
lblExample.Text = ((DataRowView)((FormView)sender).DataItem)["fieldName"].ToString();
Hope it helps.
// CeriQ
If you're just trying to set a label, just set the label at the Page_load event:
myLabel.Text = "someValue";
I am using a gridview in my form.aspx page. The textboxes in each row of the gridview are to be populated from a datagrid upon clicking a particular field of the datagrid. Is there any way to do the same.....?
Did you check out some of the samples the ASP.NET website? Maybe this one can help?
Gridview quickstart on ASP.NET
Otherwise I suggest you describe your problem in greater details. What's the datasource? Anything specific you can't figure out right now? Are you getting any exceptions?