Set Attribute OnClick of a UserControl -

I am using a third party control which not shows any onclick event option, since its a user control how can i add onclick event to it?

serverControl.Attributes.Add("onclick", "yourMethod()");
should do the trick
though the control might explicitly block you from doing this.

I can't guarantee this will work on the control you're using, but certainly for the standard ASP.NET controls, you can just add it to the markup. You'll get a little squiggle under it, but just ignore that and it will make it into the final markup:
<asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server" onclick="alert('hi!');"/>


LinkButton not firing ASP.NET validators

I have a form that currently uses an control to submit a form. Everything works perfectly. So now the new requirement is for the "submit' button to be a link. Changing it to a LinkButton control, without changing a SINGLE other thing, breaks the validation.
There is a bit too much code to post in a SO question and I know there's a bit of a lack of detail here, but is there any reason why a LinkButton wouldn't fire ASP.NET validation the same way a Button control would? In theory, they should both operate exactly the same, no?
The current submit button:
<asp:Button ID="btnSubmit" TabIndex="9" Text="Send" ValidationGroup="Forward" runat="server" />
The new submit button:
<asp:LinkButton ID="btnSubmit" TabIndex="9" Text="Send" ValidationGroup="Forward" runat="server" />
The Link button should fires the validation the same way a normal button does, my concerns in your case would be the following:
make sure these is nothing in the server side code stopping this.
make sure in the javascript code there is nothing stopping the "
ASP.NET controls that fire validation has a property called CauseValidation
Be sure all controls should fire validation, has this property set to True
Add attribute CauseValidation="True" to your control but if you want to fire this at particular line at code behind you can use validate the form by the following code:
I know this is old but it has never answered. Did your validator have a "controlTovalidate"? Currently it would appear as if the validator was not firing but in reality it is. It just does not have anything that it is 'watching'. Hope if anyone reaches this thread that this helps even if it is just a little bit.
I was unable to determine the cause of this issue but was able to solve it:
I set the CausesValidation="false" and added at the top of the onclick event this.Validate(linkButton.ValidationGroup) this allows the event to get to the code behind and validation to occur.

Button not processing onClick method

I have a button on an ascx control that calls a method on the onClick event:
<asp:Button id="bUpdateText" onClick="FUpdate" ValidationGroup="Update" CausesValidation="False" Text="Update" cssclass="button" runat="server" />
Normally I use this control on it's own page and the button works. This time round however, I am loading this control into a Div that is present on the home page of my site (that way I can show the contents with a little bit of JQuery). However, when I bring the control in this way, the onClick event doesn't fire and I am not sure what could cause that.
Sorry I don't have any code sample but the nature of the site makes it difficult to provide any that would make sense.
In short, what would stop this event firing now?
p.s I have tried adding validation groups to all other buttons and validation controls on the page and there is only ONE form present on the page.
EDIT: I have only just added the validation stuff in to see if that does anything. By default it has been like this and still didn't work:
<asp:Button id="bUpdateText" onClick="FUpdate" Text="Update" cssclass="button" runat="server" />
As mentioned as well, this works when I use this control on it's own page (loaded directly into Default.aspx) so I don't think the case of onClick matters.
EDIT2: I have just noticed that when I click this button, other validation controls on my page are being triggered even though they have their own DIFFERENT validation group?! Taking these controls out doesn't help though.
I have found out what is causing the issue.
This control that I am now including is called on the Page_Finalize() and I am guessing that by this point the viewstate has forgotten it needs to do anything. Loading this control on the page load sorts it out.
Thanks for looking.
To start, if you set the 'causesValidation' property to false, you do not need a validation group.
Additionally, I believe that ASP cares about case when dealing with the OnClick command.
i.e. it should be OnClick not onClick
Yeah, annoying and small, but that might be your problem
You can use Firebug to see what happen in Update validationGroup. it looks like your page execute only client-side button click because of Update validationGroup.

How to fill a Label.Text - Property via jQuery

I use ASP.NET and have a label control on my page, which I fill with
the jQuery-Command
$('#<%= myLabel.ClientID %>').html(content);
.val() does not seem to work with this.
Somehow, I have Problems getting the content in code-behind. In the code, the myLabel.Text-Property is still empty.
If you want to display the value on the client and have it available on the page, you need an input that'll get sent to the code-behind when you POST like this:
$('#<%= myLabel.ClientID %>').html(content);
$('#<%= myInput.ClientID %>').val(content);
<asp:Label Id="myLabel" runat="server" />
<asp:HiddenField ID="myInput" runat="server" />
In the code-behind:
I think your problem is that labels (rendered as span tags) are inherently read-only in the world. They're not meant to be used as 'input' controls, and as such changes to their HTML on the client-side are ignored on the server-side, where values are set based on ViewState.
To do what you are asking, you'd have to notify the server of the change as well, such as by using AJAX. The only issue here is ajax webmethods in your code behind are static, and because of this can't access the page's control set to change the .Text value.
In the end the easiest option is to make use of hidden fields as Nick said. These are technically 'input' controls and their values changed on the client-side are sent to the server as you desire. You'd just have to keep the label/span and hidden field/input synchronized on the client.
Hope this helps.

Trying to self contain pop ups which use the AjaxToolkit ModalPopUpExtender

I have 3 different kinds of ajax popups that need to exist across my site. I was hoping that I could simply create a user control for each one and place the panel and modal popup extender inside each one but this doesn't seem to be working. Has anyone tried this before or do you have a recommendation as to how I can avoid duplicate code for each pop up on different pages? Thanks!
Ah I figured out my issue with the User Control I believe.
The ModalPopUpExtender requires the TargetID property to be set otherwise an error occurs. Since this is sitting in a UserControl I just created a dummy link button that doesn't do anything and I set the property visible to false.
<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkBlank" runat="server" Visible="false" />
<asp:Panel ID="plContainer" style="display: none;" runat="server">
<cc1:ModalPopupExtender ID="mpe" runat="server"
PopupControlID="plContainer" />
Apparently it doesn't appreciate that and the moment I set the visible property to true it started working. Not sure what the reasoning is for a TargetID since, I would think, most pop ups could be called from multiple links about the page. Perhaps I'm still not entirely clear on how this control is supposed to be used.
One option would be to write the popups in a user control (a .ascx page) and include that on the pages you need the popups. Have a public method in the ascx page that will show the popup, and call it from the parent page when you need to. If you already have a script manager on the parent page, you can't have a second one in the ascx page, but other then that there shouldn't be anything that would stop this from working. Hope this helps!
edit: here's what my modal popup extender control looks like...
in my code behind page, my method just calls mpeClassroom.Show();
The problem with hidden link as TrgetControlID is that; when u set its visibility as false, server doesn't render it as well. PopExtender then cannot find control on the page.
Instead of setting its visibility to false, try to apply a style with display:none. This should work !

Is there a way to add an onclick event to an ASP.NET Label server control?

I wanted to do something like this:
<asp:Label ID="lblMyLabel" onclick="lblMyLabel_Click" runat="server">My Label</asp:Label>
I know that in Javascript I can do:
<span onclick="foo();">My Label</span>
So I'm wondering why I can't do that with a Label object.
You can use Attributes to add onclick client side callback.
I didn't know you can do this on span tags, but if it works you can add 'onclick' by lblMyLabel.Attributes.Add("onclick", "foo();");
But foo(); would need to be a client side javascript function.
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label does NOT have OnClick server event. You could look into using AJAX if you want server callback with example above.
You could also use LinkButton like other say. You can make it not look like a link by using CSS, if it is just that underline you are concerned about.
<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server"
CssClass="imjusttext" OnClick="LinkButton1_Click">
a.imjusttext{ color: #000000; text-decoration: none; }
a.imjusttext:hover { text-decoration: none; }
Your question doesn't specify if you mean to raise the click event on the server (VB or c#) or the client (javascript.) If you're looking for a server-side event you should use a link button with css that makes the link appear as a label. You can then use the link button's server-side click event. If you're looking for a client-side click event - just type it into your server control markup asp:label id="MyLabel" runat="server" onclick="javascript:alert('hello');" Text="Click Me"; ASP.NET will emit additional attributes in the html markup that generates.
You can do it in code in the page_load eg:
void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
"javascript:alert('ALERT ALERT!!!')");
If you want an onclick event, why don't you use a linkbutton, which has the onclientclick event:
<asp:linkbutton id="lblMyLink" onclientclick="lblMyLink_Click" runat="server">My Label</asp:linkbutton>
You can use CSS to make the link look like whatever you want
I think you can, but it's a client-side onclick handler, not server side. It will complain about the attribute not being supported (or some such) but I think it renders correctly. If you want to to a server-side handler, I think you'll need to do a LinkButton.
As far as I know that's impossible. Label control emits <span> element which is “unclickable” on the server side. You would need to replace your Label control with a LinkButton.
Another hack would be to use a hidden link or button with style="display:none;" and trigger the click on the server control from a javascript function in the span.
Something like this:
<asp:linkbutton id="lblMyLink" onClick="lblMyLink_Click" runat="server" style="display:none;">My Link</asp:linkbutton>
<span onclick="document.getElementById('lblMyLink').click();">My Label</span>
you could always roll out your own control which produces a span, with the .net's standard postback javascript, but as stated earlier using a linklabel with a CSS class would be easier
Just to chime in on this issue,
I used a label in my .aspx page that was only to be visible in my DataList Item template if there were child records in the dataset.
I added a onclick function to the label:
moreOptionsLabel.Attributes.Add("onclick", string.Format("toggle_visibility('{0}')", div.ClientID));
in my .cs file. It will now control a div tag in the .aspx page to show or hide the records - because the onclick points to a client side javascript function. Notice the div.ClientID, that makes this workable in a datalist.
As noted above - the span tag does indeed become functional with "onclick". And since the label control is rendered as a span after the page request, using the Addtribute.Add("onclick".... does work.
The result is show/hide functionality of data with out doing a postback. If you use the LinkButton, or simlar controls - the postback and page reload is unavoidable - unless you want to get into some Ajax stuff.
NOTE: the span tag won't look clickable unless you style it with an underline and hand cursor.
Credit to this idea comes from Will Asrari over at
You need to create a class object that inherits from the label and onclick event handler which will be a method by yourslef and use your object as a custom label.
