how to convert HTML page to PDF -

I have read all the related links to this question but nothing show what i want :(
so i am asking :
Now i have a HTML page and i need to make a link or button to convert this page to pdf
so is there any FREE dll that i pass the HTML to it and it returns a PDF.
hint: i am using vs2010, MVC3.0, c#4.0

Personally I am using the following Java library where I compiled the .jar into a .NET assembly using the IKVM.NET Bytecode Compiler.


How to convert a html table to downloadable excel file ASP.NET C#

I need a function to convert any HTML table to a excel file!
I like to add a button to my page and once that button is clicked I pass a complete HTML table in to such a function that will generate an excel file and past the html table into the file with the same layout and design!
I appreciate any help with this request.
I am using c# and
This is a nasty trick, but it works in recent version of excel.
You just save the html table as a normal html file, then just rename it to xls. If your application is a web application use response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=order.xls").
Recent version of excel support Microsoft Office XML Formats, so if the previous solution doesn't work, you may want to try to generate the xml from the html table.
See XML Spreadsheet Reference.
What I do, is to generate the xml from excel in the xml format, then hack into it. You can implement also advanced features like automatic filters, and cool layouts. I used a template engine to generate the xml (Freemarker, it's Java stuff, but I'm sure there are template engines also for .NET)

Reading an e pub file

I have files in e pub format. I have to show their contents to the user. How do I read them in Can it be done through javascript?
Authoritative? What could be better then a StackOverflow answer? I started from this question ( ) and gleaned a few usefull links:
Usefull information on displaying text in a web browser using javascript so it paginates nicely: HTML book-like pagination
A C# open source library for reading ePub files, the sample code on the home page includes how to get the contents as HTML:
There are other libraries which may come in handy if the ePub reader library on codeplex doesn't pan out:, and
You can't do this with just JavaScript of course, you'll have a server side like a web service or code behind on your webpage which opens the epub file, extracts the contents as HTML and returns it to the client, but I think there is enough here to get you started.
Just to add then i suggest the steps:
Step 1: unzip the file using C#,.net code having some third party library.
Refer : recommend a library/API to unzip file in C#
Step 2: Check whether in the extracted folder there is only one file or more.
Refer: How do I find out how many files are in a directory?
Step 3 :Read the file using stream reader in
Epub file is actually a zip archive that contains
xml files for meta data, table of contents etc
xhtml or dtbook (xml) + gif, jpeg, png, svg + css for content
To be able to display epub you will have to be able to handle all of the above. Here Reading ePub format you'll find what you have to do to open epub step by step - it's an example for iphone, but it should be enough.

Removing the byte order mark on page

I'm really stuck. I'm working on an integration project where I'm creating a html fragment using ASP.NET. This fragment will be included as part of another site. The html fragment is created using a simple ASP.NET page with a minimal code behind file.
Te site that will include this html fragment is running PHP. The developer there is complaining that my code is sending the byte order mark as part of the html fragment and this is making his life difficult.
I'm using Visual Studio 2010 for development. I've saved the relevant aspx and aspx.cs files as UTF-8 without signature. However, this doesn't seem to have made a difference and now I'm pretty much out of ideas. The rest of the site is set to use UTF-8 as standard (defined in web.config).
Where should I be looking to alter the BOM behaviour for my aspx file?
If you save the file in Visual Studio I believe it will keep adding the BOM. You need to use a different editor to remove the marker such as NotePad++.
Actually in the advanced save as dialog in Visual Studio there is also an option to save UTF-8 without signature. Have you tried this?
It's confirmed in this question.
You can also use plain old NotePad to save with a different encoding.
Save As...Encoding DropDown.

A "shortcut" method for exporting an ASP.Net Page to pdf/xls

I want to export a few Pages to pdf/xls. By Pages I mean as the eye sees it - a screenshot of the Page's contents. I know how to build pdf/xls documents using 3rd party tools but is there any way to quickly export the rendered contents of say a Panel?
edit: maybe a tool that can render the page's output as a browser would, and save it as an image file?
There is an open source console program named wkhtmltopdf which you could call from to convert the page. It can convert to PDF or an image with wkhtmltoimage (JPG, PNG, etc.) using the webkit rendering engine.
Check my answer to this question to see an example of how to convert from a html to a pdf using C#:
Easiest way of porting html table data to readable document
I can recommend for firefox.

Using PDF In .Net App

Can someone point me to some code/tutorial on how to upload pdf files and store them, then moreover how to use a pdf reader to display the file as read only in an application.
Is there a PDF reader already in the visual studio toolbox?
The approach I would use in this situation is to upload the PDF as you would any other file, then use a tool like GhostScript to convert the PDF pages into image files that you can show in ASP .Net.
Here's a tutorial doing that in C#
Adobe provides (on a free service which provides you with the ability to upload pdf (and also other types like doc...) and then embed a nice flash interface for displaying the files on your page.
It's pretty helpful as you can store some 5 gigs of files here.
But if you want to let the users upload their own files then this won't help you.
PDF is a final format file, ie its is read-only for the most part and can be embedded into the page via the <object> tag, except if you mean downloadable by the user.
Displaying PDF is generally done by rasterising to an image format for display (ie as an image on the page or via a richer interface (with zooming etc) through flash/silverlight etc.
You can use [GhostScript][1] to interpret PDF files and convert them to an image.
[1]: http://www.GhostScript .com
Uploading a PDF is just like any other file. Use the ASP.NET file uploader control:
In order to view the PDF in an ASP.NET application, you could either depend on Acrobat being there or use a PDF Viewer control.
The company I work for, Atalasoft, sells a PDF Reader add-on to our web viewer controls. You can learn more here:
