Ning - Wordpress Single Sign On - wordpress

I happened to chanced upon Kyle Ford's 2007 blog post regarding Wordpress' integration with Ning:
However, the source code has been taken offline, I'm assuming it is due to the changes in the Ning API and it's transition to OAuth.
We currently have a client that would like users to login to their Ning network and automatically authenticate on their corresponding Wordpress account. We're hosting videos on the Wordpress site that we only want users with Ning accounts to be able to access.
If you have any insight into how we can do this, any help would be appreciated.
We have complete access to the Wordpress files, but the Ning services resides on their servers.

After discussing my question with the Ning developers, we found out that the capability to perform SSO with Ning -> Wordpress does not exist at this time.


WordPress Multi tenant

I'm look to create a wordpress site where a company can sign up and log in and register themselves and manage employees through invite policies. I'm new to wordpress. I'm trying to see if this is feasible to do it here. I like the idea of using wordpress in this sense because of the e-commerce stability with a lot of applications.
Basically, this needs a shared experience for company employees. The employees should be able to purchase access (if paying on a subscription model) a digital download.
I talked to Woocommerce today and they didn't know of any out of the box solution that could meet the need. They are supposed to get back to me.
Are there wordpress e-commerce plugins that can accommodate this setup?
-multi tenant
-digital download (dynamic from api)

Is WordPress's API not accessible for free accounts?

I signed up for a free WordPress account with the intent of integrating their blogging capabilities as a 'feature' into my React-based app. However, after signing up for the WP account and creating a few blog posts, I attempted to acccess the API by appending "/wp-json" to my WP account, as per the official documentation.
Everytime I use this method to access, however, all I get is a 404 error. I've seen elsewhere on Stack Overflow that this might have to do with Permalinks not being set properly. However, Permalinks cannot be altered in 'free' accounts, only in 'Pro' accounts. I therefore suspect that WP has disabled the API capabilities for the free accounts. I can understand why they would do this, since they want to get people pay to use their platform (and not get everything for free via an API). Am I correct in this?
Or can anyone who has a free account who has access to the API correct me here?
Thanks in advance,
On the platform the REST API is actually hosted and structured at for all sites. In addition, there's a /sites/ endpoint that will namespace your specific site.
For example, the root endpoint for your site would be The other endpoints behave the same way as they would on a self hosted platform.
For example, your pages would be found under
More info

How it is possible that I have many more users (Suscribers) in my blog that visits?

I have created a blog a few weeks ago and have started to add posts about SQL-Server (Tips For DBs).
Very quickly I started to receive new suscribers (New User Registration) and now I have already 175.
But... it is very strange because I also have activated at the beginning the Google Analytics and I see just 1 or 2 visits per day, reflecting a total of 13 different users that have accessed the blog.
Anyone has an idea of what is happening?
How is possible that there are so many people suscribing the Blog that have never accessed it?
The blog has been created as an standard WordPress in a hosted domain. Just installed WordPress and activated some Plug-Ins: AddToAny Share Buttons, Akismet Anti-Spam, Goolytics - Simple Google Analytics, SpiceBox (Template) and Gutenberg.
For Goolitics, I just set the code that Google Analytics shows. That's all, no code, just that plug-ins and a few posts.
Akismet will help you in reducing the SPAM comments and not the users creation. As per Akismet "Akismet is a spam fighting service that protects millions of WordPress sites from comment and contact form spam."
Adding and configuring following plugins will help you reduce the number of SPAM registrations
Email Verification on Signup
User Verification
Google ReCaptcha
WP Approve Users
From the plugins list it seems there are no Web Application Firewall - Security plugins in place, It is highly recommended to use the security plugins on WordPress.

Wordpress Single Sign On

Iam having 4 Wordpress sites, 2 MediaWiki sites and one Drupal site.
I want to create a Single centralized login system so that users can access all these sites with Single account. I want to host it. I don't want SSO like FB Login, G Login, etc.
Is there any wordpress plugin or CMS or Script available for this?
Welcome to Stackoverflow!
What you want is implementing your own Identity Provider (IdP). Today the two most used standards are OAuth 2.0 and SAML.
For SAML - you can use for example simpleSAMLphp project. It will allow you to have SSO with your own user repository and there are some nice plugins for common CMS systems (Drupal, Wordpress) to integrate with any SAML IdP.
If you're new in this field it may take you some time to fully understand and debug the SAML authentication, but it is commonly used, secure (if you do it right) and works.

Wordpress Blog Posts in Hybris

My job is developing on Hybris, an SAP eCommerce CMS solution. However they want a Wordpress blog with the ability to have the latest 3 post automatically fed into the Hybris site.
Functionality wise the site would only display the image associate with the blog, and the title of the blog with a read more link that directs the user to the blog entry (and blog site) in question.
Some security concerns have been raised though in terms of how to get the blog fed into Hybris safely.
My developer specifically asked me to ask you guys ***"How do we get data from WP synchronously in batch mode to implement into Hybris? And which API's, protocols, or ways to implement are available?"M6962onerb*
The more I can take back, the more knowledgeable the team will be at getting this past the security team, so any help would be appreciated.
I would :
Use the wordpress REST API (
Create a extension on Hybris with :
A service to fetch the last 3 posts from Wordpress and save it into Hybris database / memory
A cronjob to call the service every hour
A facade to get the 3 posts from your controller
Some security concerns have been raised though in terms of how to get the blog fed into Hybris safely. Wordpress API needs to be secured (HTTPS and IP access restriction).
