Asp to Aspx .net 4.0 - asp-classic

can anyone tell me how to convert ASP project to web application.
I tried this url but was not able to convert it.
I am trying to convert asp application to .net 4.0 web application.
thanks in advance.

There is a tool provided by Microsoft to do such thing.
Anywyay, you might not be fully .Net 4.0 compatible at the end, you certainly will have to correct some issues manually.

unfortunately, in my experience, there is no easy way to migrate from 1 to the other, its a case of buying visual studio and creating a 4.0 solution in this context. then creating the functionality in the project
im sure this is NOT what you wanted to hear :(


Why can I not use Asp.Net DataAnnotation Validation with VS 2008

I have a problem. I am developing Asp.Net MVC2 Application with VS2008 very well, but now I want to use the amazing DataAnnotion Validation shipping with Microsoft.MVC.DataAnnotation.dll. I can't find the DLL so I found it on the project Site #
I can't compile the Project. Is it a VS 2010 or .Net 4.0 thing ? Do I need VS 2010 or is there a way to use it within VS2008 ?
Thanks a lot guys, sorry about my bad English ;)
You don't need VS2010, you can use Data Annotations with VS2008 and .net 3.5
The example above actually works in VS2008. I just verified it.
Also the dll you mentioned above is the wrong dll for MVC2, instead of Microsoft.MVC.DataAnnotation.dll, you want System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations which should be part of .net 3.5.
follow this guide:
maybe you just need to service pack your vs

What is the difference between asp and

I am developing web application using, but i want to work on asp i have to install asp or can we write the code using, what is the main difference between these two asp, Thank you
ASP is the legacy version of active server pages that was created before the .NET framework. It works on IIS and is written in VBScript or Javascript.
ASP.NET is the newer version built on top of the .NET framework and is written in VB.NET or C#
IMO, you should spend your time learning and using ASP.NET as classic ASP is rather ancient in terms of web technologies and will likely not be supported for much longer (merely guessing there..)
You may also want to consider looking at ASP.NET MVC as a possible solution as well.
You should be able to use classic ASP in a .NET environment running IIS. If that is what you're asking.

Help with mvc 1.0 or 2 in Visual Studio 2010

I currently joined a team that is working on an mvc 1.0 app.
The app is quite large so changing to mvc 2 right now is not an option.
I have visual studio 2010 Ultimate which doesnt come with mvc 1.
When I tried running opening the solution in my computer I got a conversion wizard. I tried following it but the app just doesnt compile.. it gives plenty of errors and they are all related to mvc 2 new additions
My question is.
Can you run mvc 1 apps in Visual Studio 2010?
thanks ind advance
I had the same frowning eye brows when I encountered that. A simple download and install of ASP.NET MVC 1.0 is what you need.
The app is quite large so changing to mvc 2 right now is not an option.
Did you try? Mostly 2.0 just adds new cool things to 1.0 like areas and better validation (also client side). It's of course your decision but if the architecture team lets you I suggest you try to upgrade and continue on that.
You need to download ASP.Net MVC 1.0.

Web Site Upgrade from ASP .NET 2.0 to 3.5

We have a web application that runs on IIS using .NET 2.0 developed and built with Visual Studio 2005.
We're going to upgrade to .NET 3.5 and begin using Visual Studio 2008. Here are my questions:
I note the runtime is still 2.0-based.
When I loaded the solution in Visual Studio 2008, I was asked to convert, and I did. I then checked the target framework for the default project, and it was set to 3.5. However, all of the other target frameworks for the other projects are set to 2.0.
Do I need to manually set the target frameworks from 2.0 to 3.5 for each of the projects in the solution?
Are there any "gotcha's" anyone can think of to be concerned with a web-application conversion?
As I understand it, the 1.1 to 2.0 migration was a much more difficult issue due to the massive runtime and web-page design changes. However, 2.0 to 3.5 isn't such a big change.
I was not at my current job for that upgrade, but I understand there was a problem with some textarea tags using a deprecated attribute that failed to function correctly after the upgrade.
Can anyone think of any similar issues I might encounter?
Any other issues or thoughts anyone has after having done such a conversion themselves?
Thanks, I appreciate the input.
Do I need to manually set the target
frameworks from 2.0 to 3.5 for each of
the projects in the solution?
Not necessary, but I would recommend you to do so. Visual Studio actually filters the assemblies you can reference based on the target framework version.
Are there any "gotcha's" anyone can
think of to be concerned with a
web-application conversion?
Not any that I am aware of when migrating from 2.0 to 3.5. You don't even need to modify the CLR version of the host application pool. When you need to migrate to 4.0 there might be more issues.
If you're also upgrading your own target server, from my own experiences, be patient with the installer.
It does quite a lot including uninstalling the existing .NET 2.0 and 3.0 frameworks and replacing it pretty much wholesale.
It can look as if the installer is stuck. On one of our production servers it ran for nearly 20 minutes. I was almost ready to pull the plug then it magically jumped into life.

Upgrading ASP.NET from version 1.1 to 2.0 - Any Gotchas?

I know we are really behind the times here, but we are just about to upgrade from .NET 1.1 to .NET 2.0.
Thank you for your sympathy.
Anyhow, are there any gotchas we should look out for?
Do you have any general advice before we jump in?
Please do not post telling me to go straight to 3.5: 2.0 is all we're allowed!
We're using mostly C#.
Yes. The most important thing for you to know is to use a Web Application Project, not a Web Site. Web Sites use a totally different compilation model and migration is pretty much a disaster. Web Application Projects are much more similar to how things worked in 1.1.
We also had an intermittent problem with redirecting from the login screen, but according to Google, we were basically the only ones who had that problem - we've since resolved it.
Most of the other problems we ran into were small and easy to navigate, and the overall experience was a net improvement.
Here is my recommendation before upgrading:
If you are used to use Visual Studio 2003, you will need to go for VS2005. You will have to convert the old solutions and projects so that it will be compatible with VS2005. Make sure to have a backup of the project you're going to convert so that you can roll back or even use it as source for any modification you may need to the converted projects.
If you're developing web applications using .NET 1.1, make sure that all the virtual directories and applications in the IIS is configured to work with ASP.NET 2.0. You may need also to configure a new Application Pool for your .NET 2.0 applications.
If you're using any third party libraries in your .NET 1.1 projects, you may need to confirm its compatibility with .NET 2.0 projects. Some old libraries used in .NET 1.1 are not compatible with 2.0.
One gotcha is home-grown 1.1 implementations of .NET 2.0 stuff (that was missing in 1.1) like RegistryHandler and so forth. Sometimes your newly-ported 2.0 code will look like it's properly using a 2.0 class when it's really using the home-grown version.
Deployment is another gotcha, if you're upgrading an already-deployed app. You have to switch the .NET version in IIS from 1.1 to 2.0.
I remember we had to change some client scripts, because the way ClientIDs are generated for server controls changed from ASP.NET 1.1 to 2.0.
I don't remember the exact circumstances, but some IDs which previously wer prefixed ctl0_ became ctl00_...
