What is the difference between asp and asp.net? - asp.net

I am developing web application using asp.net, but i want to work on asp i have to install asp or can we write the code using asp.net, what is the main difference between these two asp,asp.net. Thank you

ASP is the legacy version of active server pages that was created before the .NET framework. It works on IIS and is written in VBScript or Javascript.
ASP.NET is the newer version built on top of the .NET framework and is written in VB.NET or C#
IMO, you should spend your time learning and using ASP.NET as classic ASP is rather ancient in terms of web technologies and will likely not be supported for much longer (merely guessing there..)
You may also want to consider looking at ASP.NET MVC as a possible solution as well.

You should be able to use classic ASP in a .NET environment running IIS. If that is what you're asking.


When Web Forms won't be supported from Microsoft

We are going to create new application using Web Forms and we want to know when Web Forms (ASPX pages) Technology going to be obsolete or not be supported from Microsoft.
So WebForms is part of .Net Framework.
“.NET Framework 4.8 is the last version of .NET Framework. .NET Framework is serviced monthly with security and reliability bug fixes. .NET Framework will continue to be included with Windows, with no plans to remove it. You don't need to migrate your .NET Framework apps, but for new development, use .NET 5 or later.”
So it's baked into Windows at this point if you want to use it. Everyone will discourage you from using it, as you are essentially mastering out-of-vogue and increasingly obsolete technology, and maybe not doing your career any favors. But if, like me, you have some huge WebForms app for which there is no time nor money to rewrite, then you can at least rest assured that it will continue to run on Windows.
Microsoft will be continuing to support ASP.Net WebForms for some time to come since much of it's functionality is based into the core .Net Framework. There are several locations to get information on which ASP.Net features/technologies such as ASP.Net MVC 4 will be going out of support soon. https://www.asp.net/support lists many of the technologies. For ASP.Net Webforms, it's tied to the Framework versions as best as I understand. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/lifecycle/search?alpha=.net%20framework
Support policy for ASP.NET is documented here: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/platform/support/policy/aspnet

Use .NET WebForms for project rebuild

I'm working on a fairly big .NET WebForms application. Now we have to rewrite parts of the application (and over some time the whole thing).
Should we stick around with WebForms or should we use MVC for the newer parts?
Does somebody has information what the plans from Microsoft are with WebForms?

Is it possible to compile/customize the .net framework/asp net from source code

I recently discovered that Microsoft makes the .net frameworks source code open for the public and asp net stuff too.
Just wondering is it possible to compile/customize this and use it as a replacement for the official version?
What about compiling the .net for lets say mono/linux?
What about using the asp net source to compile it with mono?
Yes ASP.NET webstack is open sourced and it can be customized as you want. Note, ASP.NET WebForms is not opensourced only WebAPI, MVC, SignalR and WebPages is open sourced. Also IIS is closed source the last I checked it.
.NET library is but just a bunch of codes and as with any code, it can be customized as necessary.
As with Mono, I am not very fond of the distant cousin of the original .NET. It feels clunky at best at the moment and keeps changing everyday. Its best to stick with Windows for .NET for now.

Asp to Aspx .net 4.0

can anyone tell me how to convert ASP project to asp.net web application.
I tried this url but was not able to convert it.
I am trying to convert asp application to .net 4.0 web application.
thanks in advance.
There is a tool provided by Microsoft to do such thing.
Anywyay, you might not be fully .Net 4.0 compatible at the end, you certainly will have to correct some issues manually.
unfortunately, in my experience, there is no easy way to migrate from 1 to the other, its a case of buying visual studio and creating a asp.net 4.0 solution in this context. then creating the functionality in the project
im sure this is NOT what you wanted to hear :(

Can ASP.NET MVC 3 run inside a ASP.NET 3.5 web site?

I would like to know if it is at all possible to get an MVC3 solution wrapped in a CWAB (Composite Web Application Block) solution built in 3.5?
I'm aware that in IIS, 2.0/3.5 and 4.0 sites can run next to each other (but in different application pools) but because of the CWAB layer I do not have this luxury. I got MVC2 running successfully before but MVC2 is on the 2.0 runtime if what I've read is true.
I would really like to use Razor as well so going back to MVC2 in this scenario is not really an option.
It should be possible. Just set your application pool runtime to 4.0 instead of 2.0.
.NET 4.0 runtime will be able to handle .NET 3.5 assemblies.
Razor requires features in .NET 4.0. However Tom Clarkson has a post called ASP.NET MVC 3 Razor View in SharePoint that talks about a (not-so-pretty) work-around. Basically, generate the view code from the cshtml files in .NET 4 and you can use them in .NET 3.5 (with a modified RazorEngine).
I'm encountering the same issue. The way I'm going to handle it is to write a WCF "front end" to SharePoint (.Net 3.5) and this will allow me to write the MVC app using MVC 3.
