Flash builder crashes with auto complete - apache-flex

I've been working with Flash Builder for quite a long time, but just lately, developing a relative small project in Flex, when I try to auto complete the code sometimes the whole application crashes (keeps loading forever). It happened when I was writing <Style source="" /> or even when it was auto generating an handler for an event, so I guess it doesn't depend on the classes I use.
Any suggestion?
thank you

This is probably a dead thread, but I'll answer where the eclipse.ini is on Windows Machines:
In your Program Files directory (Program Files (x86) if you're running 64-bit) and then in the following folders:
\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4.6\eclipse\eclipse.ini
Good luck!

On Mac OSX, use this file :
/Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.5/Adobe Flash Builder 4.5.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Flash Builder 4.5.ini
You will also need to recreate your workspace (delete .metadata folder).
You might be interested by this article : http://blogs.adobe.com/flexdoc/2011/09/improving-flash-builders-performance.html

Try the following:
Locate your eclipse.ini file and set the following settings to higher values than you have right now.


Code completion is not working on Flash Builder 4.7 project

I have a project and added a library to it and none of the classes in the library are showing in auto complete / code hinting in MXML. I searched online and read that increasing the memory might help, allowing the type caching to be larger, but I can't find the eclipse.ini or flashbuilder.ini file that they all talk about. I'm using Mac OSX 10.8.
Also, if there is a way to force eclipse to recreate the type cache (classes list) I would rather try that first than mess with the ini file.
I had to select the FlashBuilder icon and choose "Expand or Show package contents" and then it showed more folders. In those folders was the FlashBuilder.ini.

QPixmap image loading problem

Basically I am trying to load the image as a texture using QPixmap:
texture[T_WALL] = bindTexture(QPixmap(":/images/wall.png"), GL_TEXTURE_2D);
The code works on my development machine, but not in the vm / other pcs without QT. Initially I was using jpegs and just assumed that I messed up the plugins, but as I understand, no plugins are needed for png files so I have no idea where the problem is.
Results are the same when loading local files and using Qt resources.
I am deploying libgcc_s_dw2-1.ddl, mingwm10.dll, QtCore4.dll, QtGui4.dll, QtOpenGL4.dll. Do I need anything else?
Try adding an imageformats directory to your application directory and put qmng4.dll there. See my answer to the question Qt dll deployment on windows
If it still does not work, get the Sysinternals suite which contains dgbview.exe that allows you to watch qDebug messages (even for release builds).

Convert Multiple SWF files to Single EXE

Hi I have an application in flash, I build in ActionScript 3.0 Flash IDE, my application loads some external swfs which mentioned via XML file. Its working fine at the moment. But I need to compile all these external SWFs and xml file into single exe file. How can I compile like this. or how can I code like this?
from here : http://page-flip.com/products/pdf-publisher/
You can see an example, the application is build in .net and it import pdf and publish it as flash projector or web based(swf). How is it compiling all the external SWF files.
If you have Flash CS4 you can make use of the mxmlc compiler which has some additional tricks up it's sleeve.
Using the embed tag like this will allow you to embed an entire swf "inside" your swf:
[Embed(source = '../assets/items/9.swf')] public static const ITEM_9:Class;
Then, to instantiate it you simply go:
var mySprite:Sprite = new ITEM_9() as Sprite;
Using this and some clever overloading of your current classes for external loading should allow you to get a single swf (xml files can be embedded in a similar fashion).
Then it's just a matter of using the Publish settings to make Flash spit out an .exe
On an unrelated note, please go back and accept some answers to your questions. It's not very nice not to.
You can try mdm Zinc.
Zinc is really powerful. It lets you package your Flash or Flex in different ways, with lots of native platform hooks.
you can build an AIR application. if you don`t want it to be cross platform, you can build an AIR application with a windows native installer.
Flash > File > Project settings > Windows Projector.
For MAC, choose a MAC projector.
If you are burning to a disc and you need both platforms to work...a good option is to use Toast (if you are on a MAC)...it will hide the files you don't need the user to see, and also hide windows files from MACs and vice versa.
There is an application for Windows called SWFKit, which allows you to package your SWF and external files into one exe file. I had the same problem as you, and this worked a treat for me. Unfortunately you do need to pay for it :( http://www.swfkit.com
Hope this helps,
I would go about it with these steps
create a flex application
embed all of the SWF's and the XML into that application
create a release of the application you just created
open the SWF application with the stand-alone flash player and not with the browser
from the file menu select the option create projector
All of this will result a single EXE file that contains all of the SWF's and the XML file.
You can use a projector or make an windows only AIR project.
Use flajector and forget about your problems

Possible: use Flex/Air to build a chromeless CD autorun app

We'd like to have an app autorun when our clients put in our info CD.
Is it possible to do this using Adobe AIR... We were thinking of using the Flash Projector cause it compiles to an .exe which is easily launched, but there's no way to get rid of the ugly window chrome is there?
AIR Apps have to be installed right?
It isn't going to work with AIR, but there are numerous Flash projectors that would work. AIR needs the runtime and has to be installed.
I had the same requirements and ended up using zinc. You can't get an AIR app to launch without installing it (much assuming that the user has the runtime in the first place) but zinc allows you to do so AND deploy to multiple environments like AIR with custom chrome if need be...Good Luck!
You can't do it with AIR. In fact that was one of the key design points of AIR, that you couldn't do automatic execution.
You can theoretically do it with a .EXE projector file, but it requires some fancy footwork, and I don't think you can output Flex to Projector.

Could not open the editor: Assertion failed:

when i open .mxml flex file in eclipse it gives error
Could not open the editor: Assertion failed:
Does any one know about it
First of all you can give which operating System and version, IDE version, Flex plugin version, detail of error message. You can try ;
Check eclipse and flex plugin version compatibility if you use flex plugin. (If you use Linux operating system flex plugin compatible with eclipse 3.3 ide if not You can try to install flex plugin on eclipse 3.3 if you use 3.4 or 3.5 and so on)
You can download full package of flex ide instead of flex plugin on eclipse
I think its better to stop searching when you are in Flash and Linux. Here in this link its very much transparent. I tried all the fix provided out there, nothing did really worked what new comers are looking for.
Details: http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flex/flexbuilder_linux/releasenotes.html#sysreq
Note: GUI will never work, which we are thinking and Autocomplete etc will also not work. So Flash and Linux is actually useless and time lose. The best thing is keep reporting Adobe for this. Because they are counting our Linux Vote.
Try changing your current workspace to another one, it helped in my case.
If you have disabled asking for workspace at startup you can change it here:
Window > Preferences > General > Startup and Shutdown
I just got the same error, after moving my project to a new computer. Turns out the build paths needed to be changed in the new computer. After updating those it seemed to fix the problem.
I struggled with this a couple of hours: my own "solution" to this was that I had Eclipse Galilieo / Weblogic 10.3.2 / Windows 7 set up correctly, but was accidently opening an old Eclipse Helios install pointed to the same projects. In other words yes, its likely a slight path difference or a new name for an updated resource along one of your paths. "assertion failed" is such a generic exception that you could get with so many different softwares, that I thought this input wouldnt hurt...
