Is umbraco the right choice for a customer portal? -

my next assignments is to build 2 information portals for customers. These portals will be login protected sites and contain a set of pages displaying information like orders, invoices, pdf-files ... for the authenticated user (all presented as lists with links to detail pages). The users and the data are stored in an Oracle database. The portals differ in some of the features and in the layout.
My standard approach is to build an individual Web Application for every portal.
But this is not the best way to get something reusable. So for these two projects my idea is to create a set of WCF services to get the Data from the Oracle database and to build user controls to display the different elements in Umbraco. This way I hope to get a set of independent, reusable “modules” which can be used to build these portals.
Now my question: is Umbraco a good platform for this type of projects? And is my “concept” a valid approach?
Kind regards

Umbracois very flexible. ON the one hand there is the question about security: With Umbraco you can use any Membership Provider you want for all visitors ( also with member roles).
On the other hand you have the question of the integration: With Umbraco you can create usercontrols, xslts or razor files as macros (which can be seen as the reusable modules).
For Xslt you can implement your own XsltExtension which pulls the external content as XPathNodeIterator you can use in every Xslt macro. For ascx files or razor you can use LinQ2Umbraco, your own objects etc to connect to the oracle database.
You also can use some sort of caching functionality to reduce the db-calls. On the other hand is one of the biggest advantages that Umbraco stores all the content as xml and object tree in memmory. So it is very fast in content rendering. With every database call you are loosing a little bit of this advantage.
hth, Thomas

Ruben Verbourgh began the Oracle4Umbraco project to create an abstracted fork for the Datalayer to support running on an Oracle DB. You can find it at, although it has no active releases, so build from source and YMMV.
Volkmar, your concept is perfectly sound - although you might want to consider using the Umbraco data store as the persistence layer for your data rather than in the Oracle DB itself. You get XML content versioning, caching, and all the benefits of the content-management side of things, in a robust and flexible framework which you can expose to other apps later should you so need to, through the Umbraco APIs and web services.

content management of website becomes simplified with Umbraco.
But if you are planning to use Oracle as backend, Umbraco does not have support for it.
So decide carefully as to what parameters can be compromised.
Good luck.


extend whole website in

I'm looking for best practices and good ideas rather than a proper solution.
scenario: I work in a web agency and thus we are plenty of websites from several customers. They're built upon a cms we made, so websites are quite identical for the 90% of code. However, remaining 10% struggles me and my team as it involves not only the presentation layer but behavioral logics too (ex: a website1 requires simply user/pass registration while website2 needs more data, facebook connector, etc. But this is a very easy example).
Making ad hoc development for our customers is becoming painful as keep each version aligned is getting really hard for us
What I really dream to have is an extendible website that works by itself, but in which I can override a part. This behavior should sound like "look for the specific part, if it doesn't exists get the base one". The parts could be a method, a class, a page, a control, a static file.
Suppose I want website2 to have an own login component, let's so imagine that we have a situation like:
|_ login.aspx
|_ login.aspx
So, if I ask for I'll get /website_base/login.aspx, but if I ask for I'll get /website2/login.aspx
Any idea?
PS: we work with 3.5 framework.
There are couple of ways to achieve this.
Approach 1:
1. Split the common functionality in modules and create a pluggable structure. (like DotNetNuke) Obviously this will be more time consuming initially but over the period of time it can make itself like a product.
Approach 2:
Firstly - I would create separate solution for each client for better maintainability. This will save me a lot of hassle while maintaining the source control and when one client comes back with issues and we have multiple releases for a single client.
Secondly - From my core solution, I will identify most commonly used artifacts for each layers and move them to a core assembly.
a. For example – In UI you can use themes to give different looks for each client. Have a default master page which comes with the core site structure. All client specific details like Logo, name, contact details etc… can be configured using some DB fields.
b. In Business Layer and Data Access Layer – core functionalities like Membership, Logging, CMS related Entities etc I would have as a dll
i. I will derive my client specific logic from these core classes.
Last but not the least – how you deploy your code and how your IIS VD structure looks like… I believe it will be totally dependent on how the solution is packaged.. I would create a deployment package for each client which will give them the ability to deploy it to any server wherever they want until you have specific issues about proprietary software hosting.
Look into ASP.NET MVC. It is much more extensible than Web Forms, can be integrated into your existing Web Forms application, and it is very easy to build reusable custom components like what you are describing.
Otherwise, I would suggest looking into WebParts and developing reusable custom server controls for the components that you need. This way you can encapsulate the complex functionality within a single UI control without having to write repetitive code. WebParts are also compatible with Personalization, which you can leverage to manage the variance between which sites use which controls.
I definitely recommend MVC as the way to go for building extensible .NET web applications, but learning a new technology always incurs a cost in the time it takes to understand the new paradigm. I hope this helps you.
I found a smart solution here:
Check it out

Splitting up EDM to reuse functionality across multiple projects

I currently have an ASP .NET MVC / EF4 project that contains many pieces of autonomous functionality such as a blogging, events, contests, wiki, etc.
The entities used by each system are all mapped to my database through one giant EDM file.
This works well for the main site, but I also have a few personal sites where I want to reuse just the blogging functionality from the mains ite.
My biggest problem is that due to the mac daddy EDM file, my blog sites have to constantly have their database schemas updated to reflect changes made to areas of functionality that they don't use (i.e. changes to the events system).
The only other gotcha is that there are some entities (Users and Tags) that have relationships with entities from each area of functionality, making it hard to simply split each area of functionality off into its own EDM.
With all of this said, I'm trying to figure out the most efficient way to set this up.
Should I go down the road of splitting up the EDMs by each area (blogs, events, contests, wiki) and figuring out a way to maintain relationships for the User and Tag entities?
Or should I just perhaps be creating an EDM for each website that only maps the entities that it will actually need? The only problem with this is that my repository layer takes in a UnitOfWork/ObjectContext, and by creating new ObjectContexts for each site I'd have problems reusing my repository code.
You could setup a WCF service and then pass your data via a JSON contract. That way you'd have a central service that holds your EF data, and then just exposes functions based on what the your different applications need.
Its more short term work to setup (hopefully your service/repository layer was done with IoC in mind to allow it to be easily plugged in) but if your EF data changes a lot, it means you can update the one central service without having to update each of your clients apps.
There's a good reference thread here on S.O:

Sharing Data Between Two Web Applications in ASP.NET

I have a web application (MainApplication) where many of the pages contain a custom Web Control that looks for some content in a cache. If it can't find any data within the cache, then it goes out to a database for the content. After retrieving the content, the Control displays the content on the page.
There is a web application (CMS) in a subdirectory within the aforementioned web application. Users use this CMS to update the content pulled in by the MainApplication.
When a user updates some content using the CMS, I need the CMS to clear the relevant portion of the cache used by the MainApplication. The problem is that, as two different web applications, they can't simply interact with the same static cache object.
The ideal solution would be to somehow share an instance of a cache object between both web applications.
Failing that, what would be the best (performance-wise) way of communicating between the two web applications? Obviously, writing/reading to a database would defeat the purpose. I was thinking about a flat file?
Thank you all for your help. Your wonderful answers actually gave me the right search terms to discover that this was a duplicate question (sorry!): Cache invalidation between two web applications
We had the exact same setup in a previous project i worked on, where we had one ASP.NET Web Application (with MCMS Backing), and another ASP.NET Web Application to display data.
Completely different servers (same domain though).
However, when a "editor" updated content in the CMS application, the UI was automatically refreshed.
How? Glad you asked.
We stored the content in SQL Server, and used Replication. :)
The "frontend" Web Application would read the data from the database (which was replicated by the CMS system).
Now - we don't cache this data, because in the database, we actually stored the markup (the HTML) for the control. Therefore we dynamically re-rendered the HTML.
Why is that "defeating the purpose"?
You can't get one application to "invalidate" the cache on another application.
If you're going down this path, you need to consider a distributed caching engine (e.g Velocity).
One option that comes to my mind in such scenario is using Velocity distributed cache mechanism. Do read about it and give it a try if possible
In ASP.NET there is the notion of Cache Dependency. You can have a look here: or
There is also the Enterprise Library Caching Block available here that adds some feature to the standard stuff:
Now, if you're running on .NET 4, there is a new System.Runtime.Caching namespace that you should definitely use:
This article here "Caching in ASP.NET with the SqlCacheDependency Class" is quite interesting:

Where can I store User Permissions for my website?

i am trying to store the user permissions for my web site.But I am little bit confused with xml and Database. For each user in site have different permissions. Have u ever faced this issue? for Example , if my site is a shopping site , for a local user , the report menu need not to display. A sales man need not to display the purchase page. and so on ..
I think you understood my problem .I have done this user management using a xml file . For each user a new node will create according to the menu and keep in the xml file . Next time the user login ,checks the permissions and and show only the allowed menus.
My boss tell me to do the same thing using the Database. by using XmlDataSource it is quite simple to bind data to the treeview (for setting permission) and binding to the menustrip also.
He is pointing the security problem . i don't think like so.
Which is better ? DB or XML
My advice would be to use membership and roles (written by Microsoft). It is a very good security solution - login security, roles (permissions) and is stored in a SQLServer database (not sure if it can be stored elsewhere).
I use it on my site and you can use membership controls straight out of the box (login forms, change password, etc.) or you can roll your own.
The only tricky bit I found was setting up the membership tables, views and stored procs in my dB (you download a dB script), but really it was fairly straightforward to implement.
Here's a link to membership and roles
ASP .NET Membership and Roles (part of the Provider Model introduced on ASP .NET 2) is (IMHO) nice only when you need some basic stuff. The issue is that you need to use the whole system using SQL Server, but if you are planning to move to a different DB provider (MySQL, SQLite, etc..) then you'd have to implement your own provider (which is at best painful), and learn how the whole pieces fit each other. Granted, finding a custom implementation it's quite easy, but is not a copy & paste thing.
Another bad thing of the default provider model is that you will get a ton of SQL stored procedures, also called maintainance nightmares. The issue is that if your site scales, then these SP's will make your life a living hell (been there) and if you even dare to change hostings then you're in for a treat, so my advice would be make your own permissions hierarchy and use it the way you wish. Also, look for advices and some pre-existing solutions to the permissions problem which is quite common.
Website security can be split up into to distinct parts.
Authentication: Logging in
Authroization: Roles/Permissions.
The ASP.NET Forms Authentication Provider is a great way to implement authentication. I recently created a custom provider that communicates with our companies X500 directory (LDAP). It was very straight forward.
For Authorization, we implemented the entlib security application block. It allows you to keep Roles/Permissions in a separate location that can be accessed by your UI as well as your service layers (assuming your developing a scale-able solution). You may also want to look at the Windows Itentity Foundation which is slated to supersede entlib security application block, however it is only available for .NET 4.0.

How do I use custom member properties for people on my .NET website

I am trying to make an website using Visual web dev and C# that accesses data in an SQL database. For my site, I need to be able to save and access additional user properties such as age and gender. I have been playing around with the built in .NET Login tools but I don't understand how to keep track of the additional properties (age, gender...) I could store all the users information in my own database but how do I correlate the users data in my DB to the usernames in the member database that is automatically created?
Probably profiles are perfect and quite easy to use for your purpose. ASP.NET manages the relation between users and their associated profile data (which you can customize for your needs) quite comfortable. Here is short introduction video:
Are you using an ASP.NET website project or web application project? The video (and most information in MSDN) is related to website projects. For web applications there are some complications to take into account when you use profiles.
(Some hints if you are using a web application project:
How to assign Profile values?
If you are using an website project you can ignore this)
As Slauma said ASP.Net Profiles is a great way to do this using the Membership API.
But I don't like the way profiles use delimited list serialized in the database, and I've heard reports of speed issues under heavy load.
I Use Membership API on just about all applications, except for the profile bit.
To store user profiles, you can create a separate table. Maybe called 'UserProfile'. Add a column with a unique index for 'username' and/or 'email'. Which ever you treat as the user's username. Now you can use that column to pull profile information at runtime.
As a bonus, if you use an ORM like Entity framework, you can now write simple LINQ queries to pull your user information.
