I was making an application with AIR + Flex.
One Feature is like:
When Alt key is down, the mouse cursor changes to B,
When Alt key is up, the mouse cursor restores to A.
But the problem is that everytime a release Alt key, the mouse cursor will change back to system default (Arrow shape), and seems like the focus is on somewhere outside the stage.
That reminds me that, when Alt was pressed in a ordinary window, the menu-bar will be focused.
How can I stop this default behavior ?
p.s. I have tried the following ways and doesn`t work:
1) listen to stage's KEY_DOWN/ KEY_UP event, and add event.stopImmediatePropagation() in the event handlers
2) listen to stage's KEY_DOWN/ KEY_UP event, and add event.preventDefault() in the event handlers
3) listen to stage's KEY_DOWN/ KEY_UP event, and add this.setFocus() in the event handlers. And callLater(this.setFocus) doesn't work too.
On win impossible. But U can write shell/bash script for activating your app and run it from AIR. See NativeProcess class.
Listen to deactivate event
And then do activate
There are recipes on how to change focus on mouse move or client change.
But what I want, is to prevent any window from stealing focus. E.g. I open a new terminal via the default meta-Enter shortcut, and when it opens it immediately steals focus. Is there any way to prevent it?
Yes, it's possible. Focus events can happen in many ways. In the case of the new clients, just comment the focus line in your rules.
For the focus follow mouse, remove the client.focus = c in the mouse::enter section of rc.lua
For specific clients, you can add focus filters:
For the deepest and most advanced focus control, you can disconnect the default focus handler (awful.ewmh.activate) from the request::activate (Awesome 4.0+) signal and implement your own. In that case, you will have absolute control over every focus events.
I am using an HTML5 video tag with videoJS (last stable release, 4.12). I have no trouble to get the loadedmetadata event but for some reason I probably missed, I can't hook using the "meteor way" on the video object play event.
My template events code:
'loadedmetadata #video_player':function (e,t) {
console.log(e.target); //working fine
'play #video_player':function(e,t){
console.log("play!");//now it works
I am debugging on Chrome but i guess it is not browser related.
It appears that it works when I don't use id or class selectors. Since I have only one video tag on my template, I can catch the play event by doing this:
'play video':function(e,t){
console.log("play!");//not working
I still don't buy the fact that meteor can't handle that. If so, why? What is the difference between loadedmetadata and play events that allows the first to use an id selector when the latter can't?
play triggers only when playback is resumed, playing triggers every
time playback starts.
#Oskar, you are right when I look at the documentation. However, in my case, play triggers both when starting a video and when resuming it after a pause.
First off, make sure you're using the correct event - play triggers only when playback is resumed, playing triggers every time playback starts.
Looking at the Meteor docs, these are the events that are "officially" supported:
Event types and their uses include:
Mouse click on any element, including a link, button, form control, or div. Use preventDefault() to prevent a clicked link from being followed. Some ways of activating an element from the keyboard also fire click.
focus, blur
A text input field or other form control gains or loses focus. You can make any element focusable by giving it a tabindex property. Browsers differ on whether links, checkboxes, and radio buttons are natively focusable. These events do not bubble.
A checkbox or radio button changes state. For text fields, use blur or key events to respond to changes.
mouseenter, mouseleave
The pointer enters or leaves the bounds of an element. These events do not bubble.
mousedown, mouseup
The mouse button is newly down or up.
keydown, keypress, keyup
The user presses a keyboard key. keypress is most useful for catching typing in text fields, while keydown and keyup can be used for arrow keys or modifier keys.
Other DOM events are available as well, but for the events above, Meteor has taken some care to ensure that they work uniformly in all browsers.
I am currently implementing squiggly in a flex application to enable spell checking. Due to certain requirements, I can not use SquigglyUI to hook onto my spark RichEditableText. I have successfully used com.adobe.linguistics.utils.TextTokenizer to tokenize and highlight mispelt words.
I would like to be able to let the user rightclick on a mispelled word and show a list of suggestions in the context menu using getSuggestions.
I have tried to attach a listener to my RichEditableText:
richtexteditor.addEventListener("rightClick", showSuggestions);
And this is my event handler:
private function showSuggestions(event:MouseEvent):void{
trace('hi there');
The problem is when debugging the application, I never get the trace in my console as the rightclick event is never dispatched. In addition, I need to detect the word the user has right clicked on. How can I go about doing this and how can I detect right clicks?
All I had to do was add an event handler to the contextmenu property of the richeditable text:
richtexteditor.contextMenu.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_SELECT, doSomething);
r.addEventListener(MouseEvent.RIGHT_CLICK, listener)
This will listen for the right-click of the mouse (Flex4.5)
I have a Native Window in Flex AIR. Let's say the window doesn't have a focus. It is inactive. Is it possible to find out when mouse is over such window? The window is always in front. I heard that it is possible by checking stage.mouseX in ENTER FRAME handler. But maybe there is a more elegant solution ?
I would look into using the MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER event; which I would expect to fire whenever the mouse enters the window.
The only issue I see is that the NaiveWindow class does not document mouse events. So, the mouse event will most likely have to be dispatched from one of the children of the NativeWindow. You may try adding a a transparent image as the background, or something similar, and listen for the event on that image.
Not sure what you mean by you have a NativeWindow, but if you've extended spark.components.Window (which is the way you should be creating a window) and add a MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE listener to it then that will be triggered whenever the mouse is moving over the window, regardless of whether or not the window or application itself has focus.
I'm creating a virtual keyboard for a touchscreen Flex app and i'm trying to simulate a key press by dispatching a KeyboardEvent. I've written a handler function to listen for the event and act accordingly. So far so good... but it's starting to get complicated as i have to manage the focused textInputs (easy), the cursor position in those fields (not to so easy), etc.
Now, if only there was a way to actually dispatch a KeyboardEvent that Flex would actually interpret as a genuine key press all those issues would be gone... Is that possible?
The TextInput does not use KeyboardEvent/TextEvent for text input, it uses internal Flash TextField objects that interact with the Flash Player / Keyboard.
The KeyboardEvent are used to enable notification of the Keyboard Event that occured.
To simulate a keyboard, you will need to create a class that upon recieving a KeyboardEvent will modify the text property of a TextInput and the cursor position accordingly.
Alex Harui has written a similar post about this FlexCoders Post