GPS data to a website -

There is a GPS device which can send data to IP:Port. I have a website hosted on IP
Can I send GPS data from the device to that website? How I will retrieve the data?
This is the device

Maybe this should be a comment...
To be honest we can't answer that question the device will most likely use its own data format(s) so the service that receives from it will have to implement those. Additionally the device might not support web protocols, it could use raw TCP sockets for example, so you may have to implement a listener service that adheres to those protocols. In fact it looks like the device uses GSM (a mobile telephony standard), so using a web site to receive the data is definately off the cards unless you have a GSM proxy service sitting between the device and the web server.
Assuming that you are allowed to implement your own service it follows that the documentation will include the necessary details and if you are lucky a full SDK that you can use.


Why use mqtt server for BLE gateway?

I have a BLE temperature sensor, which should send measurements to an ESP32 via a BLE connection and my plan was that the ESP32 could send the measurements via WiFi to my database (Firebase Realtime Database). However, I have seen from a few tutorials that a mqtt server would be neccesary (see the screenshot below - link to the video: Could someone please explain to me why the mqtt component is neccesary? Currently I am measuring temperatures using my ESP32 (without the BLE temperautre sensors) and sending them directly to the database, so I am confused as to why with BLE I would need a mqtt server.
Thanks for your help in advance!
You don't need MQTT. It's just one of the IoT-friendly protocol alternatives (like HTTPS, AMQP, CoAP, homebrew, etc) available to you for device-to-server communication. There are pros and cons to each one. It's up to you to choose whatever solution is relevant to your system.
If you've already implemented the Firebase HTTPS interface and it does the job, you're done.
If you are having problems, note that the Google IoT Core also prescribes MQTT (or, alternatively HTTPS) as an underlying messaging protocol - used together with the Device SDK for Embedded C. But this is for people who want to have a large-scale authentication and management solution for their devices. By all means, stick to your existing solution if it works.

What network protocol does python influxdb use to send data?

I'm interested in the answer to this question above because I'm trying to setup my Lab so I can send data from an ESP32 device over wifi to Influx DB hosted on my local network with a raspberry pi.
I've tried doing this with udp but the arduino libraries are very poorly documented (and didn't work)
and I couldn't find anything from Influx about what and how the data sending format should be...
Also is there a way to quickly find the network method used to transmit communicate with Python and influxDB?
According to the documentation here they support several methods.
Looking in particular to the upd listener seems that you need to enable the listener on the influx db server first.

How to use BLE GATT to show dynamic sets of data

My goal is this: I have a bunch of sensors out in a field connected in a sort of P2P network. On one side of the field I have a device that provides a BLE server to bridge data between a controller (phone or laptop) and all the devices out in the field.
One of the requirements is a sort of network visualization and management service. The gotcha with this is that there are a variable number of devices out in the field.
I have a plan to have the bridge device send a broadcast out to the network to get all the devices connected. My only problem is that I'm relatively new to BLE and GATT in general and I'm not certain what the standard is for showing a list of data with a dynamic length.
Is there such a standard? Do any of you have any tips to help me wrap my head around how to organize this into a GATT?
Thanks for your help
To the best of my knowledge, BLE and GATT don't have any best practice or pattern that would fit your requirement. So you have to roll your own.
An option would be to implement a request–response protocol: The controller sends a request to the BLE server (e.g. requesting the data for sensor 17) and the server responds with the data.
In GATT terms, the server provides a service with two characteristics:
The request characteristic (writable)
The response characteristic (readable with notifications)
For communication with the server, the controller connects to the server and activates notifications for the response characteristics. Then it writes the request to the request characteristic and waits for an update on the response characteristic.
As BLE has a low bandwidth, you should use a compact, binary protocol (and not JSON or XML).

Send files from Qt application on ethernet

I want to send files from Qt Application using Ethernet.As I click push Button the files must be transfered.
so my Question is:
Q: what are the configuration required because IP ,Net Mask is fixed in my device I am using :AM335x
:Linux OS
:Qt application
I am new to TCP/IP tell me how to proceed;
from Ethernet I am able to download Qt application executable file from PC to my device(AM335x) and it is running well .
But I want to send files from Am335x device to other device or PC.
Basically what you want to be using is the Qt Network module. You can read about that here:
And find a class list here:
Very briefly the two main classes you can use for TCP communication are QTcpServer and QTcpSocket. You can set up the server to listen for connections and it will return a QTcpSocket to do the actual communication. You can use the QTcpSocket for any outgoing communication.
If you don't want to use TCP, you can use datagrams (simpler, but ultimately less reliable). Here QUdpSocket is the main class to use, both for sending and receiving (you need to bind the socket to a port on your machine to receive).
It would be fairly easy to write a custom program to do simple file transfer based on these classes, however you can also look at higher level protocols designed to deal specifically with files.
For simple interaction with an FTP server at the other end of the connection you can use the QFtp class. An example of an FTP client application is here. Writing an FTP server in Qt would be rather more complicated, however you can look here:
All of this of this of course assumes that the Ethernet connection has been set up properly and that your computer has a valid IP address. Bear in mind that Ethernet is a link layer protocol and forms the raw basis for the higher level IP and TCP protocols. The idea of the higher level protocols is that they can used over a variety of link layers throughout the internet. It would be very unusual to write a program that interacts directly with a link layer protocol (unless of course you are writing a network stack for an OS).
On most networks configuration of IP addresses/netmasks etc is handled by a DHCP server running on one of the devices, most commonly on the router connecting everthing (if you have DHCP already running, then you probably don't have to worry). Without DHCP you can usually configure a static address and netmask on most devices. Choosing them is a fairly simple procedure. This page has a fairly good introduction to the concepts.
At first, you must be sure, that the target you want to send file to, is reachable. Use ping. If ping call is successful, then you can go further. Otherwise you should check your network settings to comply with your LAN.
You have then various ways to send files: FTP, HTTP, via netcat, using CIFS etc.

Windows networking using only Ethernet Frames

I'm doing a project where I must write a network library for a device connected to a Windows machine. The complication comes in that I may only communicate with the device using ethernet frames. So there is no TCP/UDP/IP at all. I don't think the bind/listen/accept approach can be applied here, but maybe I am wrong. Also, there is no routing or switching involved.
I have a few questions. How do I use a socket to communicate with this device? Does winsock have any support for just frames? I haven't been able to find many resources on this. Does anyone have any ideas about how I should proceed?
Is using sockets even a good idea or can I just send out the information with the appropriate headers?
Use WinPCap, it has an an API to send and listen to raw data.
You can build your communicate layer with it.
Give the WinAoE code a look-see - it says it lets Windows talk to ATA over Ethernet devices which means it has to communicate without any of the upper layers of the network stack.
As near as I can tell, if you want to send raw ethernet frames, you want NdisSend and friends.
As well as winpcap and NDIS you could also look at raw sockets which are a standard part of the Windows API and don't require you to write driver code
