requires named attributes - apache-flex

After I migrated my project from Windows to Mac, every time I try to embed an asset in Flash builder like this:
[Bindable] [Embed("assets/assets.swf#mySymbol")]
public var myClass:Class;
I get this error:
[Embed] requires named attributes
if I close the files containing the embedding, it compiles fine and doesn't give any problem.
I googled the error, and haven't found anything similar.

If I remember correctly:
[Embed(source="assets/assets.swf", symbol="mySymbol")]
These are named attributes FB is telling you about - source and symbol.
Update: as Jason Towne mentioned, the only required attribute is source. Symbol allows to bind specific symbol from swf to variable.


How do I extract a jpeg's EXIF thumbnail using ImageSharp?

I am trying to extract thumbnails from source jpegs and save them to the file system, using the C# ImageSharp library. I see there is some mention of it in the intellisense for the component:
...but I can't seem to find any documentation for it or examples to call it correctly.
I did find this:
using SixLabors.ImageSharp;
using SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats;
using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing;
//method code:
Image<TPixel> thumbnail = image.Metadata.ExifProfile.CreateThumbnail<TPixel>();
...but I need to find where the TPixel type is to get it to work. VisualStudio doesn't recognize it and I can't seem to find a namespace or use it correctly:
"The type or namespace name 'TPixel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)"
Legacy Windows .NET Framework could do this for System.Drawing.Image.Image.GetThumbnailImage() and it worked pretty well.
EDIT: Using tocsoft's answer, I changed the code to:
if (image.Metadata.ExifProfile != null)
Image<Rgba32> thumbnail = image.Metadata.ExifProfile.CreateThumbnail<Rgba32>();
thumbnail.Save(thumbnailPath, encoder);
...however, the image.Metadata.ExifProfile is null, which is unexpected since I know these source images have EXIF data.
EDIT: Actually, it's working now. Success! Thank you!
TPixel would be any of the pixel formats in the SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats namespace. But unless you are planning on interoperating with other systems that require the pixel data layed out in memory in specific ways you will likely just want to use Rgba32
Image<Rgba32> thumbnail = image.Metadata.ExifProfile.CreateThumbnail<Rgba32>();

Change the name of TaggerProvider and the code fails to work

I cloned, the project Intra-text_Adornment/C# works perfectly.
Then I changed the name of ColorAdornmentTaggerProvider to CCAdornmentTaggerProvider, then run the project. The extension doesn't work any more.
My change is
How do I fix it?
How do I fix it?
When you changed the name of ColorAdornmentTaggerProvider to CCAdornmentTaggerProvider, you need to change all Color-related class to CC-related ones to make the extension work.
Trying renaming the Class name in solution explorer and choose OK when you get this messagebox to rename all Colorxxx code elements to CCxxx.
After renaming the class name, the structure should be similar to this:
Then you can get the extension work after fixing the compile errors if exist.
I find another way to fix it. I have to uninstall my extension from the experimental instance, or delete folder %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_5c91ae55Exp\Extensions.
My guess is that since ColorAdornmentTaggerProvider has the Export attribute, when VS is installing the extension, VS remembers the class name, ContentType, TagType, and sort of things. When I rename the class to CCAdornmentTaggerProvider, the extension didn't get reinstalled, the experimental instance is still looking for ColorAdornmentTaggerProvider, but cannot find it.

Flex - error 1046 - some .as files don't get importet

I received a Flex project and when trying to compile it i get a few 1046 errors that say the Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant MyClass
however - the respective files are listed on the top of the file in an import clause like this:
import com.folder1.folder2.folder3.MyClass;
and if i check the folder structure, is there.
however, if i type this same line (import com.folder1.folder2.folder3.MyClass;) and check at each . what the autocompletion suggests, I see only a subset of the as classes that are actually there on the harddisk.
What determines which classes and folders are suggested by the autocompletion function? I don't get any compile error on the corresponding import statements that import MyClass
screenshot 1 shows the file in which the error occurs that tries to import the class in question (Updater)
screenshot 2 shows the file
the censored part of the path matches in both cases (folder structure and package statement in
screenshot 3 shows where the error actually happens:
interestingly, the variable declaration
private var _updater:Updater = new Updater();
further up in the file does not give an error
This project is set up wrong. Its obvious your application can not find the classes.
Move your "com" folder and all of the contents into your "src" folder.
Or perhaps include the files in your source path?
right click on the project name->properties->flex Build Path->add folder
the import is based on the 'package' declaration within the file itself (at the top of the file). If the file's package declaration does not match the actual folder structure, you will get problems.
Check the classes you can't see in the autocompletion list. Maybe those classes' package name doesn't match the actual structure.
Check your actionscript source paths. Any chance that the folders you are seeing (events and objects) are in there explicitly, and the others are not? Normally, you have all your source inside a folder like src that is in the source path, so that the compiler can find anything anywhere inside it. But you can just as easily make your source paths too specific and just see a few things...

Specflow error using TestDriven.Net - Couldn't Find Type

I'm trying out Specflow for the first time, and have created a VS2010 project with a reference to TechTalk.SpecFlow, as well as nunit.framework. I've added a sample Feature file:
Feature: Addition
In order to avoid silly mistakes
As a math idiot
I want to be told the sum of two numbers
Scenario: Add two numbers
Given I have entered 50 into the calculator
And I have entered 70 into the calculator
When I press add
Then the result should be 120 on the screen
When I execuyte the test (using TestDriven.Net), I get the following error:
Test 'T:SpecFlowFeature1' failed: Couldn't find type with name 'SpecFlowFeature1'
System.Exception: Couldn't find type with name 'SpecFlowFeature1'
at MutantDesign.Xml.Documentation.MemberInfoUtilities.FindMemberInfo(Assembly assembly, String cref)
at TestDriven.TestRunner.AdaptorTestRunner.Run(ITestListener testListener, ITraceListener traceListener, String assemblyPath, String testPath)
at TestDriven.TestRunner.ThreadTestRunner.Runner.Run()
Anyone know what I'm missing?
Actually traced this down to how I was running the test. Right clicking the ".feature" file (or anywhere within that file) and selecting "Run Tests" resulted in the error. Right clicking the underlying ".feature.cs" file and selecting "Run Tests" executed correctly. Looks like TestDriven.Net wasn't able to "understand" the "*.feature" file.
I typically start "Couldn't find type..." errors in my references folder and make sure that the library that I'm referencing is being referenced correctly and that the version that's being referenced isn't outdated.
Also, make sure that your SpecFlowFeature1 class isn't mistakenly declared as private. Visual Studio creates new classes (by default) as private and if you don't specify a class as public, it will remain private and not "visible" to outside projects.

"Link" against a SWC in Flex

I'm trying to do a very simple app in Flash/Flex, that loads an image embedded in the swf itself and then shows it. The thing is I'm trying to do it using the command line only (mxmlc and compc) and without using #Embed, and failing miserably.
I have a very simple :
import flash.display.*;
import flash.utils.*;
public class Main extends Sprite
public function Main () : void
var pDef:Class = getDefinitionByName("icon_big.png") as Class;
var _image:BitmapData = new pDef(0, 0);
var pSprite:Sprite = new Sprite();;, 0, _image.width, _image.height);;
This works fine if I add icon_big.png to the Library using the Flash IDE, but I can't figure out how to do it from the command line.
I'm using compc to put the png inside a swc :
compc --include-file icon_big.png icon_big.png -output assets.swc
This generates a 17 kb assets.swf, slightly bigger than icon_big.png. Then I try to compile and link :
mxmlc -include-libraries+=assets.swc
This produces a 944 byte Main.swf, which clearly doesn't include the asset, and fails at runtime.
According to the mxmlc docs I found, -include-libraries should link with every class, including the ones not directly referenced by code (as is the case here, since I'm getting the class from code), and it unsurprisingly fails at runtime.
Note that this same code (or, more precisely, quite equivalent code) works when used within a Flash project - I'm not looking to fix the code, but how to do in the command line whatever Flash does internally.
I feel I'm just "not getting" something... any clues?
I recommend you to download the swftools from Once you have them, run:
swfdump -D assets.swf
Take a look in particular at the output which relates to SWF tag with value 76 (0x4C), called SYMBOLCLASS.
Here is an example of an exported class, named IntegerMemberBySlot:
exports 0001 as "IntegerMemberBySlot"
What symbols are you exporting from your assets.swf?
Have you tried adding the path of the assets to your source path parameter when compiling with mxmlc?
-source-path ./PATH/TO/ASSET
I think you need to embed the PNGs in a class, then compile that class into a SWC. I don't think you can put the PNGs directly into a SWC like you are trying to, but I could be wrong.
I had a similar situation (large project, resource swc with graphic assets), and no matter what I tried, I could't get Flex to include assets and classes not directly referenced from the project (I wanted to include different skins, and then instantiate the proper one at runtime, depending on the configuration).
Finally, I found a workaround by instead of static swc liking, switching over to runtime shared libraries (RSLs). Basically, flex unbundles the swc, and loads and links the included swf in runtime, before running the application itself. All of the classes and assets in the swf are loaded this way. May not be exactly what you're after, but it works for me.
