Specflow error using TestDriven.Net - Couldn't Find Type - testdriven.net

I'm trying out Specflow for the first time, and have created a VS2010 project with a reference to TechTalk.SpecFlow, as well as nunit.framework. I've added a sample Feature file:
Feature: Addition
In order to avoid silly mistakes
As a math idiot
I want to be told the sum of two numbers
Scenario: Add two numbers
Given I have entered 50 into the calculator
And I have entered 70 into the calculator
When I press add
Then the result should be 120 on the screen
When I execuyte the test (using TestDriven.Net), I get the following error:
Test 'T:SpecFlowFeature1' failed: Couldn't find type with name 'SpecFlowFeature1'
System.Exception: Couldn't find type with name 'SpecFlowFeature1'
at MutantDesign.Xml.Documentation.MemberInfoUtilities.FindMemberInfo(Assembly assembly, String cref)
at TestDriven.TestRunner.AdaptorTestRunner.Run(ITestListener testListener, ITraceListener traceListener, String assemblyPath, String testPath)
at TestDriven.TestRunner.ThreadTestRunner.Runner.Run()
Anyone know what I'm missing?

Actually traced this down to how I was running the test. Right clicking the ".feature" file (or anywhere within that file) and selecting "Run Tests" resulted in the error. Right clicking the underlying ".feature.cs" file and selecting "Run Tests" executed correctly. Looks like TestDriven.Net wasn't able to "understand" the "*.feature" file.

I typically start "Couldn't find type..." errors in my references folder and make sure that the library that I'm referencing is being referenced correctly and that the version that's being referenced isn't outdated.
Also, make sure that your SpecFlowFeature1 class isn't mistakenly declared as private. Visual Studio creates new classes (by default) as private and if you don't specify a class as public, it will remain private and not "visible" to outside projects.


How to locate the method using an error message string?

I would like to know where is this error code located in the AOT. Would like to know the path to understand the structure and develop custom code.
Transaction has been selected, for settlement, although settlement type: none was selected
I generally use one of two methods to locate message strings.
Provided the cross reference is updated (it should be in dev) use the "Label editor" to to search for then string, see this answer.
Put a breakpoint in top of info.add method, disable CIL if needed, then rerun to get the error message invoking the debugger, see this answer.

Either 'GDI', 'WPF' or 'SILVERLIGHT' must be defined how to remove this error?

I have been working on a project in Visual Studio, C# language and I found an error described above. How can I remove this error?
"Either 'GDI', 'WPF' or 'SILVERLIGHT' must be defined"
Open the project properties for the project that throws the error (Alt+Enter in VS Solution Explorer), go to the Build tab and enter the symbol you want into the "Conditional compilation symbols" field. Enter one of the three values.
It seems the value got lost. I cannot tell you which value got lost. Check one of the other PDFsharp projects (I hope not all projects lost their symbols).

Attempting to deploy a binary to a location where a different binary is already stored

When I am publishing my page from tridio 2009, I am getting the error below:
Destination with name 'FTP=[Host=servername, Location=\RET, Password=******, Port=21, UserName=retftp]' reported the following failure:
A processing error occurred processing a transport package Attempting to deploy a binary [Binary id=tcm:553-974947-16 variantId= sg= path=/Images/image_thumbnail01.jpg] to a location where a different binary is already stored Existing binary: tcd:pub[553]/binarymeta[974950]
Below is my code snippet
Component bigImageComp = th.GetComponentValue("bigimage", imageMetaFields);
string bigImagefileName = string.Empty;
string bigImagePath = string.Empty;
bigImagefileName = bigImageComp.BinaryContent.Filename;
bigImagePath = m_Engine.AddBinary(bigImageComp.Id, TcmUri.UriNull, null, bigImageComp.BinaryContent.GetByteArray(), Path.GetFileName(bigImagefileName));
imageBigNode.InnerText = bigImagePath;
Please suggest
Chris Summers addressed this on his blog. Have a read of the article - http://www.urbancherry.net/blogengine/post/2010/02/09/Unique-binary-filenames-for-SDL-Tridion-Multimedia-Components.aspx
Generally in Tridion Content Delivery we can only keep one version of a Component. To get multiple "versions" of a MMC we have to publish MMC as variants. By this way we can produce as many variants as we need via templating.
You can refer below article for more detail:
When adding binaries you must ensure that the file and it's metadata is unique. If one of the values e.g. the filename appears to be the same but the rest of the metadata does not match, then deployment will fail.
In the given example (as Nuno points out) the binary 910 is trying to deploy over binary 703. The filename is the same but the binary is identified to be not the same (in the case a different ID from the same publication). For this example you will need to rename one of the binaries (either the file itself or change the path) and everything will be fine.
Other scenarios can be that the same image is used from two different templates and the template id is used as the varient ID. If this is the case it is the same image BUT the varient ID check fails so to avoid overwriting the same image the deployer fails it.
Often unpublishing can help, however, the image is only removed when ALL references to it are removed. So if it is used from more than one place there are more open references.
This is logical protection from the deployer. You would not want the wrong image replacing another and either upsetting the layout or potentially changing the content to another meeting (think advertising banner).
This is actual cause and reason for above problem (Something got from forum)

How can I programmatically add build files to Xcode4?

I've been trying to figure out how to programmatically add files to an Xcode4 project and it seemed like AppleScript would be the way to go, however I'm running into "missing value" errors.
Here's the code I've got:
tell application "Xcode"
set theProject to first project
set theTarget to first target of theProject
set theBuildPhase to compile sources phase of theTarget
tell first group of theProject
set theFileRef to make new file reference with properties {full path:"/Users/jeff/Projects/XcodeTest/XcodeTest/MyViewController.h", name:"MyViewController.h", path:"XcodeTest/MyViewController.h", path type:group relative}
add theFileRef to theProject
end tell
--tell theBuildPhase to make new build file with properties {build phase:theBuildPhase, name:"MyViewController.h", file reference:theFileRef, target:theTarget, project:theProject}
end tell
I've tried the commented-out line instead of the add-command as well, but that doesn't work either (I get "missing value").
The 'add' error is:
error "Xcode got an error: file reference id \"251AD3431432472E006E300F\" of Xcode 3 group id \"251AD32C14324645006E300F\" of project \"XcodeTest\" of workspace document \"XcodeTest.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace\" doesn’t understand the add message." number -1708 from file reference id "251AD3431432472E006E300F" of Xcode 3 group id "251AD32C14324645006E300F" of project "XcodeTest" of workspace document "XcodeTest.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace"
The "make new reference" does add the file to the list of files in Xcode, but I also need it to be added to the project target so that I can add actions and outlets to the file from Xcode w/o having to first check the checkbox to add it to the "target membership".
I ended up sending this question to the devs on the xcode developer list and the response I got was effectively "you can't".
This appears to be completely broken in Xcode4, but I've seen a project that does it. I think what they are doing is parsing and modifying the "project.pbxproj" file directly. (this file is hidden inside the xcodeproj bundle)
The file is a GUID soup, but once you look at it for a while it seems possible to safely modify it, especially if you are only adding stuff.
Found this stackoverflow answer that might help.
Tutorial or Guide for Scripting XCode Build Phases
There is a poorly documented user defined build setting that can be added. Files can be both excluded and included from compilation
Go to your target's Build Settings > Tap the + button > Add User-Defined Setting
The value is a space separated list of file paths
See reference:

QAbstractItemModel testing using modeltest

I'm looking for a good tutorial on how to use modeltest to test models based on QAbstractItemModel. I don't know how to interpret debug messages that are displayed.
Also I'm having trouble configuring modeltest project to work with my app in QtCreator. Including the .pri/.pro doesn't work. I get an error saying "No rule to mage target ..". After fixing paths in modeltest/modeltest.pro file it starts to compile. But i get this wierd assertion
ASSERT: "QTest::testLogger" in file c:\ndk_buildrepos\qt-desktop\src\testlib\qtestlog.cpp, line 232
Any ideas why this happens ?
My modeltest folder is located inside my project. I added following line at the end of my *.pro file
The modeltest.pri file contains the following
SOURCES += modeltest/modeltest.cpp modeltest/dynamictreemodel.cpp
HEADERS += modeltest/modeltest.h modeltest/dynamictreemodel.h
I modified my code to use modeltest this way
model = new TasksModel(this);
new ModelTest(model, this);
TasksModel is my implementation of QAbstractItemModel model.
ui->treeView is the widget that displays data.
No other modifications where made while integrating modeltest with my app.
Qt version is 4.7.
This will sound a little overgeeky - but it is, in fact, what the ModelChecker dev intended for you to do ;) When you hit one of the asserts, go to the point in the code where it is hit and read the comments which are written along with it. The entire thing is extremely heavily commented, and describes what is breaking and likely reasons why. This is by far easiest to do if you run your app through a GUI debugger, such as that included in for example KDevelop, Qt Creator or Visual Studio.
The reason you are getting this error is because you aren't actually using the ModelTest inside a proper QTestLib test case. If you take a look at /tests/auto/modeltest (where you presumably got the modeltest class in the first place), you can see how to properly construct a test case using the ModelTest.
