Working with CSS to improve website appearance - css

I am looking to develop websites, that have a updated and modern look and feel. A sample site is Manta Media Inc
I am guessing those are stylesheets to some extent.
What should I search for on google, if I want to learn how to create a web interface similar to that? My expertiese is in .Net applicatio development, not quite the User Interface side.
Any reference to websites is also appreciated.

I would start by looking at a site like, the earlier video tutorials are a decent look into beginning to "template" a site. You will also have to look into learning about Photoshop or Illustrator (adobe) in order to get those background images created.
The site you linked to is a simple site with four boxes. Learn to use 1. floats and clears, 2. position and display, 3. padding and margins.

If you‘re looking to design websites to have an updated and modern look and feel, then you have to learn about design. I’ve no idea where to start with that.
If you’re looking to implement existing designs using CSS, there’s a couple of books that are well worth reading:
‘CSS: The Definitive Guide’, by Eric Meyer
‘Bulletproof Web Design’, by Dan Cederholm


What Tool for creating, experiencing new layouts and designs?

I am developing WebApps with Backbone, node, jQuery and so on.
In my beginnings I have used Twitter Bootstrap for designs.
Then I started to use own designs which I have created with the Chrome Addon Stylebit which allows to modify CSS in real time.
Unfortunately this is very time expensive at the end.
So I decided to develope the design by side with some editor and then rewrite this design per hand as CSS. I have read this is a common practice and most use photoshop for this task.
Is photoshop still recommend or are there other tools which should be used?
(I actually do not want a full WYSIWYG. Just something to test designs and layouts in general)
Cheers and happy new year,
For the short answer no. There isn't a tool that I know of that will allow you to build layouts in code easily that isn't a full WSIWIG solution like Dreamweaver, Aptana etc.
For testing out designs you would normally build wire frames such as the ones you see from Balsamiq. There are other tools as well, Axure, Pencil and others. Do a search for wire frame software.
As a Sr. UX Architect I've heard and seen people mockup what they're building in Html and CSS. While this can work. You might as well continue and just build it if you're going to invest the time, effort and money into writing code.
Spin over to my "User Experience" group on Linkedin and ask the question there. Your going to get a ton of answers.
If you're searching to find Wireframing and Mockup tools.Then you can use Balsamiq Mockups
It's having features like
Low-Fi Sketch Wireframes
Click-Through Prototypes
UI Components & Icons
Export to PNG or PDF etc
You can get more details from Balsamiq Mockups Here
I hope this will help you.
You can try out ForeUI (, which allows you to build layouts visually and export your design to HTML5 simulation. You can also manually modify the generated code to fit your needs.
Some interesting examples are available on
I'm working for Pidoco.
It's a german company based in Berlin and we develop a online prototyping tool.
We have nice features like:
Interactive prototypes
Collaboration and invitations
iOS App to simulate mobile prototypes (Android is coming soon)
You can start with a 30 days free trial and then plans are starting at 9$ per month.
Here is the complete list of mockup tools:

Assistance required Designing website using CSS

I have a question about how to layout the webpages and relate each image together so it can flow together.I have multiple many image that some will be layered partially over each other and some are just side-by-side with some space in between them. as well some pictures will be hyperlinks and some will be hyperlinks wih image changes on hover. as well some will be backgrounds to a links of links. I haven't build a real website before. i Just create applications and I am trying to help my friend with this project
They designed it in PhotoShop, as well they have given me each piece as separate images:
This is a bigger question that can be answered here, and you're going to need some more general knowledge on building sites.
First, decide whether you want to hand-code the site or use a WYSIWYG editor. If you want to use a WYSIWYG, Adobe Dreamweaver is easy to use and very good.
Now onto the code part. Regardless of your previous choice, you should have a basic understanding of HTML and CSS just for debugging. These two books helped me immensely when I was starting out:
Designing with Web Standards
Eric Meyer on CSS
Along with StackOverflow, you can also use the following sites as learning tools and a reference:
Finally, make sure to install the Firebug debugging tool for Firefox
Good luck!

What CSS tools (framework,grids system, IDE,..) do I need for starting web design?

I am building a new WebSite based on Grails technology.
Concerning the graphical design of my website, I plan to use services from a professional web designer but meanwhile, I need to do some basics graphical design myself in order to have a "user-friendly" beta-version.
I have read through the site but couldn't make up my mind. Here is what I have found out:
But unfortunately there are many contradictory answers.
First, some say that using CSS framework is backwards authoring and not a good thing. Others advice YUI Grids, BluePrint, 960 gs, YAML...And many say that Compass allows to develop CSS layouts easily and reusable.
So considering that:
I am new to the CSS world and I do not intend to be a web designer
My layout should be user-friendly (but not necessary awesome L&F)
It should be maintanable and easily improvable (by a professionnal web designer)
Easy to implement (in order to have something quickly)
What do you advice me for getting started with the web design of my site?
Thank you for your advices.
First, if you don't intend to be a web designer, I'd suggest outsourcing your CSS. There are several websites where you can supply HTML or a Photoshop design and have it coded up for well under a grand (1k). Or get HTML/CSS designs free.
Then there is one thing you need to know and another two you need to work out:
all HTML should be written in a semantic and valid manner: semantic = properly ordered headings, lists, no excessive divs etc.; valid = will pass WC3 validation tests. None of this is rocket science, but is still a skill that needs to be learned. Andy Clarke's Transcending CSS is a great book on semantic HTML/CSS. For ease of maintenance, the HTML and CSS should be tidy and consistently indented, etc.
you need to determine whether you'll be needing an admin backend and database for managing content, or if you're just building a site consisting of static pages (i.e. html and css files, images and other media etc.). If it's the former, that's a whole other learning curve :-)
what are your best skills? If you're a good designer, get other people to write the HTML/CSS, or use a ready-made template (there are many on the web) and customise it. Here's a good start for multi-column layouts. If you're a programmer, learn to use a framework like Django (Python), Titanium (Perl), something smaller in Ruby (because Ruby on Rails is a bit big to start with) or one in your favourite language.
Good CSS is a craft, and simplicity is the essence, but if you want to learn enough to get started, my advice would be to:
understand inheritance (the 'cascade' in CSS) and the fact that anything can be a 'block', so don't use lots of nested divs just to apply a style. Instead, apply the style to the HTML element itself, or to the element only when it appears in a parent block (like a menu unordered list contained in a sidebar div);
learn about block and inline elements (Web Design from Scratch is a great learning resource and I'd recommend it), and that CSS can change this behaviour;
test in Firefox, then test in Internet Explorer. >= IE7's not so bad (but look out for HasLayout). What you can't tweak to get right in IE, use conditional comments to add CSS that only IE can see - never use CSS hacks - .htc files that add missing IE functionality (e.g. rollover styles on any element) are available;
learn about CSS positioning, and use 'fixed' sparingly;
put all your CSS in one file (for starters), and don't use inline CSS in the HTML;
styling forms and form fields is almost a separate skill :-)
Use background images to add style, but also understand that you can offset and overlap images using positioning. You'll need to use PNGs for nice transparency, though. Oh yes, and opacity looks nice, but requires non-standard CSS for now. although the more flexible rgba (a=alpha) method is widely-supported. As do rounded corners, but both worth using.
I'd avoid CSS frameworks and resets for now - they'll complicate things at this stage by adding yet another DSL to learn (but read the arguments and the pros and cons). To avoid annoying default margins and padding, I always reset everything by doing html *, body * {margin: 0; padding 0;} then build padding and margins back in wherever needed - never been a problem so far :-)
What do you advice me for getting started with the web design of my site?
Get Firebug plugin for Firefox now!
Primary CSS uses:
See which CSS rules apply
Change CSS in real time and see the affect
Inspect other websites to see how they do things
I would not be able to develop CSS (and other web related technologies) without this tool
Take a look at YUI CSS reset/base/font/grid
And Grid 960 also has some nice layouts (search for their site in google)
I don't know what OS you are running, but if you are a Mac user, I suggest a great free tool for CSS: Xyle Scope. It's not an editor but a CSS viewer/scanner, it let you browse easily the CSS code of any web page so you can learn better how css works and you can analyze any well done layout on the web.
CSSEdit (Mac Only) is a good solution for writing Cascade sheets, easy to use, not expensive, and reach of features.
Fireworks: I think is a great software to draft your layouts and make some good graphical works!
Dreamweaver: it's an all in one solution for web developing ... it's a really great tool to easily maintain synched your remote version of the website with your local one.
Coda (Mac Only) is a very good alternative to Dreamweaver, even if it don't let you manage and edit the .htaccess files!
For coding your web site I suggest dreamweaver or Coda, but an other good alternative is BBEdit (Mac Only).
Bootstrap, Its the best css framework i can suggest, there is another one called foundation also but i prefer bootstrap more since it is popular among developers and is extendible. There are few more other frameworks, I wrote a blog about that, Here Read it too if you want :)

Free tools to speed up web development [closed]

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As a little side project, I am starting to build a new website for a certain organization I am affiliated to, which current site is simply outdated.
I am regularly a Java developer, and last time I really did some web development was back in the late 90s, when <p> was still more popular than <div> and Javascript was cutting-edge technology (JQuery is for lazy bums these days :) ).
Anyway, I feel really outdated. The website basically is going to be:
Django based
mostly serve static information pages
it will have a dynamic news and updates page (based on Django admin capabilites)
and some basic apps I'll develop myself (polls, small registration app, etc...)
My problem is designing the whole thing. I found some nice web-based CSS layout generators that got me going, but I still feel I'm wasting my time smoothing out the CSS files and aligning <div>s.
Are there any tools - the simpler and faster, the better - that you recommend I can use to speed up the design part of the site so I can concentrate on the real work?
I don't need anything fancy, just a nice looking layout and design that I can tweak a bit so the site will look presentable.
I second Brandon's suggestion to use a CSS framework. It won't give you 100% freedom to design anything you like, but it can speed up your design process greatly and free up your hands to do the coding you really want.
Suggestions Updated July 2013:
Twitter Bootstrap - complete grid, typo, UI widget prototyping framework
ZURB Foundation - responsive grid, type, UI widget prototyping framework (similar in scope to Twitter Bootstrap, but feels 'cleaner' in some ways)
960 - grid layout system
Tripoli - really good typography, but no grid system
YUI Grids - very customizable (to the point of overkill) grid system
Blueprint - grid system and basic typography
BlueTrip - a hybrid system, mixing the best of the Blueprint grid with the best of the Tripoli typography
I won't lie to you. This website isn't the best place to go if you're looking for reliable Web Design advice. Stack Overflow is a programming community and programmers rarely know anything about design. If you want to get some real advice then I would strongly recommend the main Web Design/Development forums on the Internet, especially SitePoint.
That being said, as a former freelance Web Designer/Developer I'll offer my input on the issue. Not that you should value it, of course. After all, this is a programming website.
NEVER EVER SAY CSS LAYOUT GENERATOR EVER AGAIN! If you're going to seriously get into designing web pages then you need to learn semantic XHTML and CSS first. Whilst many people tout W3Schools as the definitive resource I see it as a programmers answer (i.e. not very good) and would prefer that you read up on the subject using...Google. There are countless examples of great websites to pick up the basics of Web Design/Development that Google is probably the best website for the job. Also, with a plethora of new websites offering this information you know it's going to be more improved than W3Schools. You'll seriously want to get clued-up on writing your design because it'll be much harder to fix things later on in the project.
If you're going to be designing web pages it would be a good idea to learn what actually makes a good design. Check out CSS Vault for a fantastic resource of some of the best-designed web pages around, of course with all the source code intact so you can have a play around with their code and see how they've managed some of the wonderful effects they've produced. I've learnt more than a thing or two from websites that have been featured on CSS Vault. On top of that you should read up on Web Design from the big Web Design/Development sites. Two of my favourites are SitePoint and A List Apart, two names that you'll near time and time again when you hear people talk about resources. Browse those websites, check their forums, see what REAL Web Designers/Developers are using, not what programmers are using.
On the subject of CSS Frameworks; they do help! The problem with using them is that you'll often spend so much time looking for a worthwhile framework that you could have finished most of the CSS for your website yourself. You'll either love them or hate them, but many people will say that they're not necessary.
Once you've got your mind set on what a good design looks like and you've got the resources you need to make something of value I suggest that you get to work! In reality when you're designing a web page all you really need is a text editor with a save function, an image manipulation program, a browser window and FireBug. An IDE helps a lot of people, but if you do use one then you'll definitely want to work in its text mode. I use NotePad++ or Emacs exclusively but a lot of people like to use Aptana Studio, so it may be worth a look.
When you're getting to actually building the code behind your website you can't really go much worse than your favourite IDE/Text Editor and a source control tool. As a Java programmer you're better suited to talk about programming so I won't lecture you on a subject you already know.
In the end, Web Design is going to take time and many of the tools that we choose to use that we claim will "save time" save very little in reality. If you're not a design guru then it will take you a substantial amount of time to create a great-looking website. It's a fact of life. Call me old-fashioned (a funny word coming from a 21 year old) but I still think that the quickest way is to sketch a design out on a piece of paper (a image program if really necessary) and to just get out there and make the damn thing! Again, I'll have to take this hunting for the silver bullet mentality as a programmers trait, one that really won't help that much when designing, because designing a web page is vastly different to writing a Java program.
In short, ignore everything you read here, read what REAL designers are doing and just make the damn thing!
There's one piece of advice that saves more time than any other when it comes to rapid development of CSS styled sites and that's KEEP IT SIMPLE
Use an attractive simple layout that doesn't require pixel perfection and that can 'gracefully' degrade in less compliant browsers (IE6). Minimise the amount of CSS and fix the basic bugs mentioned by meouw above. Then get on an concentrate on content and functionality...the real work
In my previous employment I created dozens of templates for websites.
The most useful too I ever discovered is the Firefox Web Developer Toolbar.
It has a wealth of small useful tools. My favorite feature is the ability to edit the CSS and see the results in real-time. This saves on the whole edit - upload - refresh cycle. Watch out for ie CSS inconsistencies though!
Off the top of my head, these are the most important gotchas.
double margin bug [google: double margin bug]
incorrect (but more intuitive) box model [google: box model]
incorrect (but more intuitive) float clearing [google: clearfix]
FireBug is another really usefull Firefox plugin for more in depth analysis.
I've always found Open Source Web Design to be a good resource when looking to get started trying to design something.
- (interesting concept of customizing template)
No idea what the site is going to be, but have you thought of using a pre-build CMS like Drupal, Joomla etc etc.? You can then tweak templates etc, rather than worrying about making it from scratch.
This question is pretty old, but since we're in 2012, it's only proper that I answer my own question with the exact thing I was looking for, back in 2009.
Twitter Bootstrap
Have you looked into any CSS frameworks? If you are competent enough with CSS something like a framework could help speed things up.
Don't forget firebug :) if you're worried about tweaking the design it's really great. With the inspect feature allowing you to real-time edit the CSS of your page.
I second Jens Roland's list of CSS frameworks.
But I would also suggest you have a look at websites such as Smashing Magazine. You might find this article of interest, amongst a lot of others. They tend to do a lot of nice and long mash-ups for the web developers that will at least give you inspiration if not a direct solution.
A colleague of mine has been trying to convince me all week that Dreamweaver, 5 years after I was last forced to use it at gunpoint, is actually now worthwhile for knocking up a design quickly and painlessly, and is also now competent at producing the HTML for that design.
I refuse to invest the 10 minutes it would take to find out based on my previous experiences of it, but you might like to give the demo a quick run around the block :)
I'd recommend finding a CMS package, since you're using Django, look into django-cms. It has TinyMCE and Markdown Support so updating your pages should be easy. Also django-cms integrates well with the Django admin interface.
A piece of paper to sketch your design
A text editor (preferably set up to save directly to a development server local or otherwise) to write up the initial HTML/CSS
FireBug/IEDeveloperToolbar to inspect each element that looks wrong and edit its CSS directly in the browser until it looks fine, followed by commits with the text editor
If you're doing any JavaScript development, use an advanced editor that highlights errors and warnings as you type. This kind of functionality has until recently been the province of static language editors only, but the free NetBeans 6 achieves this amazing feat. Traditionally, you first discovered JavaScript typos and simple bugs when first loading the parent page into a browser. The speed-up you get from being able to short-cut these iterations is profound.
NetBeans 6 also highlights CSS errors and is a more than capable editor for most all languages a web developer is likely to use these days.
You can also use - it will help you speed up a process of compressing and gzipping your CSS and Javascript files

How Would You Recommend a Novice Get Started Using CSS? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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As web based designer who has designed web sites using tables but never with css, how can a novice get started with css?
Related SO posts
SO - Css Book & website for CSS
SO - Css blog
Get started by reading tutorial web site first. This way, he will see how to create simple CSS and see the benefits.
Than, I suggest since he knows how to design website to check other website source and see their CSS files. Zen Garden is a good start.
If he requires more information, he can always get a book (I do not think it's necessary but if he wants a book), he could try Core-Css.
Definitely get the Firebug plugin for Firefox. Go to a site you like and check out the CSS for it. Turn some off and on, change things, just get a feel for how it all comes together. Great learning tool.
Read CSS: The Definitive Guide, Third Edition by Eric A. Meyer. It's one of the best technical books I've read.
To all the other suggestions I would add Smashing Magazine's list of CSS articles.
I recommend Transcending CSS: The Fine Art of Web Design by Andy Clarke. It's less about the technical aspects of CSS and more about the mindset switch that needs to happen when moving from tables based design to separating content from design.
When I started learning CSS, I found myself coding pretty much the same way. Instead of tables and tds, I was using divs and spans. Still working from the outside (design) inward (toward the content) and designing my markup and contents around the look of the page, locking it into the design. Transcending CSS gets into the process of going from the inside (content and markup) out (design) leaving the site's appearance flexible.
Technical info is easy enough to find. I tend to frequent W3Schools.
I'm a big fan of reading tech books, so I learned from Beginning CSS Web Development: From Novice to Professional
I learned a lot from Eric Meyer on CSS and More Eric Meyer on CSS. The books take you through several examples step-by-step, starting with unstyled pages and explain the purpose for each step along the way. They would only be a starting point though, since they're a little bit dated. Sites like A List Apart will give you the most up-to-date information.
Start simple. Read a few sites like A List Apart and Position Is Everything.
Don't try to replace your whole site at once - change one piece at a time.
Keep testing it in different browsers - the earlier you find out it looks different in one (or all!) the better.
The book that got me started was Web Standards Solutions: The Markup and Style Handbook. by Dan Cederholm It is not a reference, but gives you a good start with real-world examples. Dan does a good job of holding your hand, taking it slow and not boring you. I bought it several years ago and still refer to it on occasion.
This is the only CSS book I own. I use the web as my CSS reference.
SitePoint have a large amount of tutorials and reference on this. They even have a book that sound like it would answer your question directly!
HTML Utopia: Designing Without Tables Using CSS, 2nd Edition
with 4 chapters available free
For French there is a good site : there is tutorials on HTML, xHTML and CSS and many examples (how to create "pretty" menus etc...)
I learned a lot of CSS by downloading free site designs from and trying to implement the same effects on my own. It also gave me some insights into ideas for site-wide design patterns in CSS.
I'm a fan of the brute-force approach. Learn a few basics then start trying to recode your HTML using pure CSS. Every time you need a new technique, google it. You may want to subscribe to the CSS-discuss mailing list or read the wiki.
Someone already listed a w3c link. This link goes to the specs which is how I learned what I know about css. Anyway, start with level 1 then move on to the other levels. Well, level 1 should get you most of what you'll use so you may just want to learn level 1 then google the other things you want to do as needed.
I have found that using a DreamWeaver template is a good first place to start when creating a new page. They have made some very simple templates that allow you add any formatting you want, you just need to know things like 2 or 3 columns or elastic or fixed. Before I started doing this, I was constantly trying to figure out how to position stuff, but this has helped a lot, at least giving me a start.
Also consider a reset CSS file. It really helps dealing with browser differences.
Along with this, of course read tutorials and search the net.
Have a look at the Web Design From Scratch website. It has been really useful to me.
One important concept that most references are missing is that the CSS attributes aren't independent or cumulative. The most important properties, 'display' and 'position' react to each other and even change the behavior of other attributes. They interact in such a way that any guide that tries to teach these attributes independently is fail.
Most people doing HTML/CSS don't understand this, and are stuck fiddling without a real clue.
The only book I've found that relates these attributes at all is "Pro CSS and HTML Design Patterns". Eric Meyers book might... Personally I hate the style "Pro CSS and HTML Design Patterns" is written in, but its still the most effective guide to CSS that I have found.
I wrote an overall intro guide including some good CSS links elsewhere (see the comments too)... might be useful.
