How to disable panel drag in Flex - apache-flex

I have created a component using panel. By Default it is draggable(using the title bar). How Can I disable the panel dragging.

That is weird cause the standard Panel component in flex doesn't move automatically. You probably used some customized version of it or used the popUpManager. If so check this. Some code of your project would be helpful.

Create a Group Component and Place the panel inside with and height as 100%.
Then your panel Wouldnot be a draggable one.


How can you add a TouchGridPanel to a Panel in Sencha 2?

I'm currently using the Sencha Ext.ux.TouchGridPanel, and I need to know how to add it to a Panel dynamically. Currently, I set up a store, then use a function to generate the Panel. I then use
This displays the toolbar and headings of the Panel, but not any of the information within it. Making the TouchGridPanel fullscreen works, but then the animations are sloppy.
If the component is working correctly, perhaps the panel you are inserting it into is not the size you expect it to be?
Or maybe the GridPanel is not stretching to the size of the panel, in which case, you should add a fit or card layout to the panel, so it fits to the size of that panel.
If neither of these two things work, I suggest you open up web inspector and look at the dom of your panel - and see what the size of it is, and if the grid is actually being added to it or not.

Flex 4 - Add component to title bar of Spark Panel or Spark TitleWindow

I'm looking to add a couple of buttons to the title bar of a Spark Panel or Spark TitleWindow. Is this possible to do without making the panel from scratch?
I've done this in the past by creating a custom Panel or TitleWindow skin that adds the additional buttons. You would then extend the Panel/TitleWindow class and add your buttons as skin parts. That way you can attach listeners, set icons, etc via your custom Panel/TitleWindow.
Here's a similar question/answer that adds an icon to a title bar: Adding an image on the right side of the title bar of a panel in flex 4
And an example that uses ActionScript rather than skins: ActionScript example
Hope that helps.

How do I create a "closed" Flex Accordian control?

I'm trying to create a navigation panel based on the Flex Accordion control. The 2 things I'm trying to figure out are how to:
modify the Accordion so that all of the of "panels" are closed by default. (normally one of the panels is open by default)
treat some of the Accordian headers as just simple buttons (ie you click and an event is triggered instead of an accordion panel opening)
Does anyone have any pointers on implementing these 2 items or know of any existing components that could yield this behavior?
Flexlib has CanvasButtonAccordionHeader, which would help implement the button functionality.
This SO question suggests starting with flexlib's WindowShade component instead, which might make the "none-selected" case easier.

Detecting out-of-view flex controls

In my flex app I have custom tooltips on buttons that hide and show based on user context.
The problem that I dealing with is that when I call my showTips() function I only want to show tooltips on the buttons that visible in the view. So buttons that on a un-selected tab (tabNavigator) should not show the tooltips.
For some reason all tooltips are showing.
Is there a way to detect if a button is not in current view, like on a un-selected tab?
If you gave us some code I could check this out, but would this work?
if(button.parent.visible) { showTip(button);}
Instead of custom coding for each button, make use your tabnavigator's creation policy is set to "auto".
Check this link for more details

Flex: Cannot tab between controls on a modal popup

Steps to reproduce:
Create a modal popup to popup with popupmanager (mine is a group with a skinnable container inside of it)
Put field components (textinputs) on the modal popup
Attempt to tab between controls
Tab switches to controls behind the modal-popup and ignores the fact that the modal is there. The tab loop only contains controls behind the modal.
I've tried everything from setting tabChildren, to hasFocusableChildren. I can't implement IFocusManager as it's Halo and my modal is a Spark group, but would that work in some capacity? It really seems like Flex just ignores the modal in its focusmanager.
This is not a bug, I'm assuming it's by design.
Group is supposed to be a lightweight container -- just for grouping things together. Group does not implement the IFocusManagerContainer interface.
SkinnableContainer (or more correctly SkinnableContainerBase) implements that interface, and that's why tabbing works when you use it w/PopupManager.
Solution can be found here (if you want to use a Group):
Can you try using TitleWindow instead of group with a skinnable container? We use TitleWindow all the time and it does tab correctly.
