Can anyone recommend a slick, professional looking image carousel? -

I am working on a .NET web app. I need to display images from the file system. Can anyone recommend a slick, professional looking image carousel (even if there is a cost) that has allows the user to rotate through the images at the bottom and then displays the larger image when the thumbnail is clicked.

This one's pretty nice, and it's only 12 bucks. Lots of configurability. It's in Flash; I don't know if that's an issue for you or not.

The jQuery plugin Cycle is really nice, it allows a lot of customization.

This one is really nice if you're looking for a Javascript solution...
It has more of the CoverFlow style to it.

Here's a whole collection of them to choose from :)

If anyone is still looking, I can heartily recommend Galleria.


Put a lot of pictures together to make one picture, how to use the picture which you want

Recently i heard about css sprite is a good technology, can reduce the browser downloads, faster web speeds, how does it achieve ?
check this out it will help you alot...
also this for techniques...

Alternative to (Flash) SimpleViewer image gallery?

I am using SimpleViewer to show images on a website. It's a nice and elegant tool. But, as it is using Flash not all devices (e.g. iPad?) will/can show the images. Does anybody know about a non-Flash alternative? Maybe totally CSS cased?
I know this is an old question, but I found something that looks quite a bit like SimplerViewer called Gallerific.
If you check out the example 2 you'll see a layout that looks a lot like SimpleView
Well, I have checked under every rock and I can't find a good non-flash alternative to SimpleViewer (i'm really curious now to if there's one!). There are rumours about it soon being changed to HTML5 (a wise decision), but I don't know if you can wait that long.
I would say the best option is jQuery and CSS, you can personalise and style your gallery as you wish, but you will have to be at least a bit comfortable with html editing. It's not complicated at all, you should give it a try.
You can find lots of jQuery galleries and sliders tutorials here for example:
Do some search engine research to get the best options, there are tons of different galleries.
Good luck!
They have now, see: this comment at the SimpleViewer Forum. It's called Universal Playback.

Flex iframe set priority?

How to set priority(like send to back) for iframe?
I'm suffring this problem recently, it costs me a lot of time and I find no solution about this.
this article lists some disadvantages about iframe in flex
another way to embed rich text, i think, is to use TextFLow, in RichText, you could easily find good examples in API
however, iframe is still useful, when developer actually want it on top. Using it with TitleWindow is a good idea. (correct me if i'm wrong)
If anyone have a better idea, please hit me, I will greatly appreciate

Displaying pictures/photographs in website

I want a really nice way to load in pictures onto a webpage, like a portfolio of my work (let's say it's pottery that I sell on the web) - various fade effects and the like - what can you recommend? Is there something in JQuery?
The most popular are probably:
thickbox jquery plugin
There are plenty of jQuery plugins that will do this for you. One that I like is the Cycle plugin. There is also Cycle Lite if you don't need as many effects. For more you can search the jQuery plugin database for slideshow or carousel -- and perhaps other keywords.
I really love fancy
I'm using the LightBox on my website and have not found anything easier to work with. Best of all it is free. Here is an example of the implementation on my website.
Italy Pictures
You can download the Lightbox code here...
Lightbox 2 may be worth a look. Nice way of loading images from thumbnail links. Very simple to implement too.
Besides what has already been mentioned, I have used slideshowpro and really like it. A very inexpensive download (like $20 or something like that), its free to try, and widely used. It is a flash plugin however, so you need to be OK with that (you don't need to know flash to use it)
Its use xml files to define the gallery/pictures and has a lot of easily configurable options. Also has an add-in for Picasa that will automatically generate the XML for you from a list of files.

Animated Gifs in Flex 3

Believe it or not I need a way of displaying animated gifs in Flex 3. This guy has a component for sale but it's Flex 2 only:
And I’ve implemented this example:, but for larger gifs it’s very CPU intensive and causes the UI to hang.
Does anyone know of any alternative solutions? Failing that, I may have to look at re-factoring the second example to use pseudo-threading. Eugh.
i bought and used the mccune product but have now changed to flex 3. i found your question by searching for the same answer as you and have just come across this
Thanks for the response. The google code project in that link ( is the same as the one on bytearray ( which I implemented.
I knocked up a quick pseudo-threading example using this code and it's far too slow.
Looks like I will need to SWF the GIFs on the fly...
Does this help?
Edit: I've no idea how well that suggestion works on a larger GIF, but if you're still having issues, it might be worth importing the GIF into Flash and turning it into its own SWF.
Flex should be more than able to play that without any issues.
Check out swfmill for going for creating swf's. I believe they support animated gif's
